11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (2024)

11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (1)Writing blog post introductions is hard. There are 600+ million blogsout there, and plenty of them are competing for youraudiences. How do you stand out?You need to produce a well-written, reader-oriented and compelling introduction. When done right, it can uplift your entire piece and, with that, even generate more traffic.It’s easier than you think. You only need a few ingredients:

  • Grab the reader’s attention
  • Touch on their main pain points
  • Give a clear idea about what to expect from your piece

How does it all come together? This article will answer that through 11 examples of awesome introductions and best practices. You can settle on your favorite or mix different techniques to create your own style.Before diving in, you should know: You can't write a good blog post intro if you don’t know your audience, so make sure to do your research first!

1. Slay Your Opening Sentence

Opening sentences are an art form on their own. They must be interesting and concise while also providing a snapshot of the tone and general appeal of the rest of the article. Users these days only spend about 52 seconds skimmingthrough the entirepost. Grabbing their attention at the start is crucial.If you can nail this, you’ll have no problem hooking your readers and getting them to stick around for the whole ride.Here are a few tricks to an interesting first sentence:

  • Start with a question
  • State a problem (a.k.a the PAS method— Problem Agitate Solution)
  • Use a metaphor or comparison
  • Start with a story
  • Lead with a statistic
  • Make a bold/controversial statement
  • Start with a quote
  • Establish the groundwork for future pacing

In the below example, “What do content marketing and road trips have in common?” works well. The question immediately puts a visual image in the reader’s head.Another reason is relatability. Any hardened marketer reading the above question will start putting two and two together before even moving on to the next sentence. Content marketing is a lot like a lengthy road trip!11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (2)

Your readers read your blog because they want to learn something or find a solution.Introduce your post by showing them that you understand their pain and can offer a remedy. The best way to do this is by stating the problem, then validating the reader’s concerns with cold, hard statistics. Statistics are an objective way to present proof to your statements.By establishing common ground early, you'll make it easier for the reader to trust you and stay engaged throughout the post.You can make your stats interesting in a few different ways:

  • Add an impressive growth stat (“Instagram has reached XX million users”)
  • Research a dollar-based stat (“Most bloggers make $X,XXX per month blogging”)
  • Find a stat that shows how many others are dealing with the same problem (“XX% of marketers also struggle with budgeting”)
  • Use two stats against each other as a comparison (“XX% of writers swear by using marketing personas, while XX% of customers want more personalization”)

Here’s an example introduction by Expadi.io and a breakdown of their copy. They use an impressive growth stat, emphasize with the reader and show concern about their problem (that LinkedIn outreach is changing).11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (3)

3. Know Your Reader’s Psychology

Word on the street is that empathy is the new datain digital marketing. If you can successfully generate emotions from the start, then your blog post will be memorable.Empathy, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), excitement, and even frustration are powerful elements to use here.Wield a statistic (FOMO). Show them a stat about a percentage of your customers who are already successfully doingthis trick. Or already making money doingthis tactic.Serialize the blog post (FOMO). Add a disclaimer in the introduction to show where they are in the series (for example, “This blog post is part 4 of our 9-part series”). Wherever they are, they will not want to miss out on any previous or upcoming pieces.Mention your community (FOMO). Including a note about your community and how they usually consume your content (“Due to popular demand in our Facebook group…”) will induce FOMO and strengthen your image as an authority on the topic.Start by cheering them on (Excitement). Whichever niche you’re in, it’s not all stress and gloom out there. People do get excited about projects. Add a bit of excitement to the intro (“Are you SO ready to travel again?”).Empathize with the audience (Empathy). It’s a great way to say that the reader is not alone. Others are in the same boat, too, dealing with the same struggles. See an example below from an article on shopping cart abandonment.11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (4)Pro-tip: Don’t know the most common concerns for your audience? Build a survey formon your website to find out! You can use the answers not only for blog post introductions but also throughout your marketing strategy.

4. Show Them the Value of Your Post

A blog post’s first impression matters. You only have a few seconds to capture the readers’ attention when they load a post. If the value of your content is not immediately clear, you’ll lose them.Show them that sticking with your blog is worth their time by promising something that the reader wants. This means providing a clear list of exactly what is covered in your piece, the possible results, and what they can learn from them.Here’s a simple formula you can use to set up a similar introduction:“In this article, you’ll learn about [content topic] and how to [secondary content topic] in order to achieve [results].”This formula is best used in combination with other introduction styles (for example, a statistic + empathy + value-add technique).Uxpressia uses this value-listing technique and then cleverly throws in a call-to-action in the end.11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (5)

5. Cover the 5 Ws in an Interesting, Non-Info-Dumping Way

The 5 Ws of marketing will never go out of style. They consist of the following questions:

  • Who?
  • What?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Why?

You can work these into the introduction of your blog post by thinking about how they apply to the topic at hand.For example, if you’re writing a blog post about budgeting, your 5 Ws might be:1. Who is this post for?2. What are some of the main challenges people face when budgeting?3. When is the best time to start budgeting?4. Where can people find helpful resources when it comes to budgeting?5. Why is budgeting important?By answering these questions in an interesting way, you’ll set the tone for the rest of the post and make sure your readers are engaged from the very start.Pro-tip: Keep it short! No more than 2-3 sentences should represent each “W.” Otherwise, you risk running your introduction too long.

6. Ask a Compelling Question

Starting a blog post intro with a question is a great way to engage the reader. A well-formed, creative query captures interest and provokes more questions.A question is also a great way to humanize your brand. For the reader, it will feel like they’re joining you on a journey to discover the answer. It’s a great trick to use if you want your article’s tone to come off as friendly.In short, the reader will want to keep reading to find the answer.Here are a few ways you can form your question:

  • Open-ended question (best to ask the reader about their currentsituation — see example below)
  • Rhetorical question (“Would there still be content if all marketers just quit one day?”)
  • Yes/no question (“Have you ever encountered an analytics anomaly?”)

In a previous CoSchedule guide, I used several questions to keep up the reader’s interest.11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (6)Pro-tip: If relevant, answer the question in the blog post’s body and summarize it in the conclusion, too.

7. Use Engaging Quotes

You can start your blog post with a quote to kick things off. Whether it’s a well-known quote, or a more unknown one, readers will be intrigued.Why?Because with a quote, it’s not just a single author tooting their horn. It’s a neat device to lend a more convincing tone to your introduction.However, be careful:

  • If you use a quote from an obscure or irrelevant source, it can be a turn-off for your readers
  • If you use a super popular quote from a well-known figure, it will run the risk of sounding cliché (think: “content is king”)

The sweet spot?A somewhat-commonly known quote from a relevant or authoritative source. Bonus points if it’s a brand-new quote.For example, in a previous CoSchedule post, I used the following quote.11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (7)

8. Use Storytelling Techniques

A personal story is a great way to lead the reader into the journey they're about to take.A well-crafted story can:

  • Show that you understand their point of view
  • Make it easier for readers to learn what they need to know
  • Help build a relationship with your readers
  • Help readers visualize what you’re saying

Ways to make your story great:

  • Write about a real-life event that happened to you
  • Tell them about a great anecdote that happened to a friend of yours
  • Make up a hypothetical scenario
  • Ensure that your story has a takeaway that’s relevant to your blog post

Ross Simmonds, from Foundation, is excellent at starting his posts with stories. He’s proof that there’s a way to connect what’s happening in the world right now with a business case study—and make it entertaining. See the example below.11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (8)

9. Perfect the Length of Your Introductions

A good introduction doesn’t need a gazillion words. Make sure your intro is short and sweet to keep your readers hooked.Just remember “KISS”: Keep It Short and Sweet. Your intro should also fall between 100 to 200 words in total.Here’s a general formula you can use when looking to write short and succinct blog introductions:

  • Statement or question about the topic (one sentence)
  • Statistic or story (2-5 sentences)
  • Emphasis on why this topic is important (1-2 sentences)
  • Promise value to the reader (1-2 sentences)
  • Optional: encourage the reader to get started (“Let’s jump in!”)

Short sentences (5-6 words) are the best way to go because it is easy to read and process them fast.

10. Add a Surprise Factor or Controversial Element

Using a formula like the above examples is always a safe bet. But what if you want to go against the grain?It’s absolutely possible.Opening with a controversial statement fuels the reader’s curiosity and drives them to want to read more.What are some controversial elements or surprise factors you can apply here?

  • An unpopular, almost incorrect statement (see an example below from Marketo)
  • An unexpected request (“Do NOT read this article.”)
  • A very surprising statistic
  • A statement with strong emotional or power words(“There’s a grave mistake that content marketers make daily.”)
  • IF your brand allows: even some swearing!

Pro-tip: while this technique turns heads easily, you also run the risk of wandering into clickbait territory. Refrain from sensationalizing your statements and you should be good.11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (9)

11. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Bold

Want to go even further than using controversial elements? Go outside the norm and start your article with a meme, GIF or an image.At the very least, your blog post intro will be different from others.Using visual content can provide a ton of value to your reader without you having to write anything at all. So try experimenting with different visual mediums and get creative! Pop culture references are a great way to add a sense of fun to your intro without trying to come up with some witty text.Pro-tip: if you have audiences on multiple platforms, you can use these visuals when repurposing or promoting content.Below is an example of an introduction that features a meme. Take note of the strategic font formatting, as well (bold letters help make a point).11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (10)

Which Blog Post Introduction Will You Try Next?

Your blog post’s introduction plays an important role in whether or not your readers will stick around, so make sure you spend time perfecting it.In this article, you have discovered 11 ways to write a great blog post introduction. You can either use just one type or mix and match different approaches.Remember to keep it short and sweet, stimulate your reader’s curiosity, and demonstrate what they’ll gain from reading your article.Now, get out there, and write your next captivating introduction. Good luck!

11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction (2024)


11 Tips & Best Practices for Writing a Blog Post Introduction? ›

Break up content into multiple entries if needed. Don't: Use profanity or unprofessional language. Don't: Use other people's stuff without permission and credit. Don't: Combine too many style effects like bold, italic, or underline.

What are the 11 steps in creating a blog? ›

How to Start a Blog in 11 Easy Steps
  1. 11 Easy Steps of How to Start a Blog. ...
  2. Determine Your Focus. ...
  3. Choose a Niche or Topic for Your Blog. ...
  4. Choose a Blog Name. ...
  5. Identify Your Target Audience. ...
  6. Consider Your Long-term Goals for Your Blog. ...
  7. Choose a Blogging Platform. ...
  8. Set Up Your Blog Site.

How to start a blog in 10 easy steps? ›

Start your blog today by following these steps:
  1. Pick a blog niche. ...
  2. Choose a blogging platform. ...
  3. Choose a name. ...
  4. Choose a blog theme. ...
  5. Customize your blog. ...
  6. Write your first blog post. ...
  7. Optimize your site. ...
  8. Promote your blog.
Oct 28, 2022

What are the 4 main parts of a blog? ›

4 Essential Elements to Writing a Great Blog Post
  • An attention-grabbing headline. A good blog post is about one topic, one story, one idea. ...
  • A captivating lead paragraph. You know how much first impressions matter, right? ...
  • Interesting supporting points. This is the body of the article. ...
  • A compelling call-to-action.

How to write a blog post for beginners? ›

How to write a blog post in 13 steps
  1. Brainstorm blog topics.
  2. Refine your topic with keyword research.
  3. Define your audience.
  4. Create an organized outline.
  5. Write engaging content.
  6. Craft an irresistible headline.
  7. Choose a blog template.
  8. Select a blog domain name.

What are the dos and don'ts in blogging? ›

Break up content into multiple entries if needed. Don't: Use profanity or unprofessional language. Don't: Use other people's stuff without permission and credit. Don't: Combine too many style effects like bold, italic, or underline.

What are the basics of a blog? ›

How to get blogging fast: getting started
  • Choose a blog maker, including your unique domain name.
  • Select the right blog template.
  • Customize your templates — includes colors, fonts and layout of your blog and its posts.
  • Build a content schedule with ideas and timings, including posting frequency.
  • Get writing.
  • Publish.

What are the six steps to creating a blog? ›

Sign up with Wix today.
  1. Choose a blogging platform. ...
  2. Pick a hosting platform. ...
  3. Find the right profitable blog niche. ...
  4. Select a blog name and domain. ...
  5. Set up and design your blog. ...
  6. Brainstorm blog topics.

How to structure a blog post? ›

A basic blog post structure typically includes a headline, an introduction, a main body content divided into subheadings and paragraphs, and a conclusion. Bullet points, lists, and images are also often a part of a basic blog post structure.

What are some effective blog writing tips? ›

Here's a list of tips that can help improve your blog posts.
  • Address a compelling topic. ...
  • Come up with a great post title. ...
  • Outline your post. ...
  • Explain your connection to the topic. ...
  • Use a clear layout. ...
  • Write from the heart. ...
  • Propose solutions. ...
  • Consider search engine optimization.
Dec 15, 2021

What is the best advice for blogging? ›

Blogging tips for beginners
  • Establish a niche for your blog.
  • Choose a blogging platform.
  • Know your audience.
  • Cover popular search topics.
  • Create compelling headlines.
  • Craft an intro with a strong hook.
  • Focus on readability.
  • Create a detailed outline.
Sep 27, 2023

How to create a blog account step by step? ›

How to start a blog in 7 steps
  1. Name your blog.
  2. Choose a blog builder. Choose a blog builder. ...
  3. Pick a web host. Pick a web host. ...
  4. Link your domain name to your blog.
  5. Design your blog. Design your blog. ...
  6. Publish your first post. Publish your first post. ...
  7. Promote your posts, write more, rinse and repeat.

What is the order of a blog? ›

A blog (a truncation of "weblog") is an informational website consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.