11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (2024)

Table of Contents
Why 1000 Visitors Per Day is anExciting Milestone Strategy #1: Write Long, ThoroughBlog Posts 1. Quality Over Quantity 2. Lengthy Content is King 3. Create Pillar Content Tips for Creating an IncredibleBlog Post Focus on Interaction, Not PurelyTraffic Strategy #2: Long Tail KeywordDomination What Is a Long Tail Keyword? How to Find Long-Tail Keywords? Creating Pillar Content withLong-Tail Keywords Strategy #3: Use LSI Keywords toBoost SEO Traffic How to Find LSI keywords How to Incorporate LSI KeywordsInto Your Content Strategy #4: Pay Attention toOn-Page SEO 1. Create SEO Friendly URLs 2. Include Your Target Keyword InYour Title 3. Use Subheadings WithLong-Tail/LSI Keywords 4. Use an SEO Plugin 5. Add Internal Links 6. Improve Your Site Speed Strategy #5: Earn Links FromQuality Sources and Authority Sites What is Link Juice? Link Building Best Practices andStrategies Strategy #6: Start Guest Bloggingfor Traffic, Backlinks, and Authority How to Find Blogs That AcceptGuest Posts Digging Into Blog QualityIndicators How to Pitch These Blogs and Landthe Post Strategy #7: Start Building anEmail List for Traffic and Money 1. Strategic Opt-in Forms 2. Use Lead Boxes 3. Create Landing Pages for GuestPosts Strategy #8: Self-Publish KindleBooks 1. Include a Link to Your Website 2. Offer a Free Guide Bonus: Make Your Book Permafree Strategy #9: Update and PromoteYour Old Content How to Update and Restructure OldContent 3. Use a Social media ManagementTool Strategy #11: Create a YouTubeChannel How to Turn Viewers intoVisitors? How Long Until You Get 1000Visitors Per Day? Conclusion Related

Do you want to get 1,000+ visitors per day to your website? I know you do! Below you’ll learn 11 different strategies you can use to take your blog to over 1,000 website visitors every single day. So, let’s get started.

There’s nothing worse than blogging to zeroaudience.

You pour your heart out into everything youwrite. But, there’s nothing but crickets.

When you started blogging, you probably haddreams for what your life would look like.

You wake up when you want. No schedule. Noalarm.

I’ve been using Cloudways since January 2016 for this blog. I happily recommend Cloudways to my readers because I am a proud customer.

You fire up your blog and see that while youslept hundreds, even thousands, of people visited your site. They joined youremail list, bought products, and signed up for your courses.

We all start blogging for different reasons. Maybe it’s freedom. Or, you want to get a book deal or create a super-profitable online business. Or maybe you just want your voice to be heard.

However, there’s only one thing stopping youfrom reaching your blogging dreams. No one knows who you are, and it can betough trying to get more visibility when the competition online seems to growmore intense by the day.

It can be challenging to know what to writewhen there are a million and one other tasks on your plate.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

All you need is a roadmap and a few insiderstrategies that’ll help you skyrocket your blog’s traffic, and make yourblogging dreams a reality.

And that’s what this post is all about.

Below you’ll learn 11 different strategies youcan use to take your blog to over 1000 website visitors every single day. Bythe end of this post, you’ll be equipped with the exact information you need toincrease traffic to your blog and have it climb, month after month.

Table of Contents

Why 1000 Visitors Per Day is anExciting Milestone

Before we get to the how it’s important totouch on the why.

See, most bloggers quit, not due to lack ofpassion or time. But, lack of traffic.

It’s almost impossible to keep going when allyou’re doing is wallowing in obscurity.

By hitting the 1000+ visitors a day milestone,you’re virtually guaranteeing your success.

One thousand visitors per day is a magic number. When you hit this number, you’re on your way towards a seriously successful online business. Traffic is money, and you’ll be getting a whole lot of traffic.

Nearly 95% of blogs will never hit thesetraffic figures. It’s not from lack of effort, but from focusing on the wrongthings.

Since you’re here right now, you’re about toget looped in on a handful of strategies that are proven to work.

However, implementing the proven strategies below will take a lot of work. First of all, any strategy won’t work if your website isn’t built perfectly. If you don’t know how to build a website and which website builder to choose, I would recommend reading free guides on this topic. For example, the most popular website builders arereviewed by Website Advisorin their blog, check it out. Once you have a fast & UX friendly website, you are ready to get more traffic.

This isn’t a post on how to get traffic to your blog fast, but instead a roadmap to continued long-term success. The time it takes to reach your traffic goals depends on your application of the strategies below.

Without further ado, here are 11 differentstrategies you can use to build a high traffic blog that gets 1000+ visitorsper day.

Strategy #1: Write Long, ThoroughBlog Posts

If you’re serious about growing your trafficlevels, your number one core focus should be on your content.

Good content won’t do.

You need GREAT content.

When you’re blogging your content is yourproduct. You’re not selling an app or a physical product. The reason peoplewill come to your website is because of the words on the page.

Your goal should be to make this the best,most helpful, most engaging content on the web.

Here are some tips to help you do just that:

1. Quality Over Quantity

Whenever you’re creating a new piece ofcontent your goal should be to make it the best possible piece of content onthe topic.

Once you have a keyword or topic in mind,spend some time poking around the search results to see what’s currentlyranking.

Ask yourself what you can do to writesomething even better.

Maybe it’s creating longer content, addingunique images and graphics, covering the topic more in-depth, or something elseentirely.

2. Lengthy Content is King

Small content has no future.

According to SWEOR the average length for content ranking in the top 10 of Google is at least 2,000 words.

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Google prefers to rank content that’s moredetailed and in-depth. So, “lengthy content is king” no just “content.”

If it’s impossible to get 2,000+ words out ofa given topic try to combine it with related topics to hit your word countgoals.

3. Create Pillar Content

Pillar content is the best possible contentfor any given content.

A pillar article will be something that hasthe following:

  • It’s well researched
  • It’s longer form (over 2,000words)
  • It creates an actionable outcomefor your readers
  • It gets a high volume of backlinksand social shares

This style of post will form the foundationfor a successful blog, because they can drive massive amounts of traffic. Theycan help to elevate the authority of your site across the board.

These are the kinds of posts that readers can’t help but share. A pillar post will solve your readers problems, inspire action, and make them happily share your post with friends.

Tips for Creating an IncredibleBlog Post

Writing for the web is different than anyother medium. Here are a few tips that’ll help to make your blog posts shine:

1. Start With a Powerful Headline

Without a solid headline your readers willnever take a chance on your post. The goal of your headline is to capture yourreader’s attention, invoke curiosity, and make a promise that you’ll satisfy inthe rest of your post.

2. Research Trending Topics

No one wants to read the rehashing of the sametopic again and again. You need to bring a fresh angle, new information, or aunique voice to everything you’re writing about.

One great way to do this is to research what’strending across your niche. One great tool that can help with this is Buzzsumo.

Just type in your topic and you’ll be able tosee what’s the most popular content in your space.

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3. Hook Readers With YourIntroduction

The goal of your headline is to get people toopen your post. The goal of your first sentence is to hook your readers. Thegoal of your first paragraph is to get readers excited to read the rest of yourcontent.

Feeling stuck, try these on for size:

  • Make an outrageous statement
  • Ask readers a difficult question
  • Speak deeply to the problemthey’re facing using examples
  • Tell them about the resultsthey’ll get from reading your post

4. Write Like You Talk

Your writing needs to be short, punchy, andsimple.

Your goal isn’t to show your readers how smartyou are, but instead to convey information in the simplest manner possible.

Use short sentences and short paragraphs.Break up your text with subheadings and bullets.

Your content should be easy to scan, easy todigest, and easy to implement.

And most of all–be a person. Share stories,be vulnerable and connect with your readers. Remember, there’s a livingbreathing human being on the other side of the screen.

5. Close With Action

Whenever you finish a post you should giveyour reader a single action to take.

Maybe you want them to leave a comment, signup for your email list, share the post on social media.

Whatever it is tell them exactly what you’dlike them to do.

Focus on Interaction, Not PurelyTraffic

There’s one more thing that needs to be saidbefore moving onto the next strategy.

When your big goal is to get thousands ofvisitors per day it can be easy to get lost in the numbers game. Endlesslyrefreshing your Google Analytics stats every few minutes.

But, this is a dangerous game. Especiallybecause traffic generation can take a while in the early stages.

Instead, you should focus on reader interaction and engagement. Adam Connell has an interesting approach to the topic.

This will be things like:

  • Leaving comments on your blogposts
  • Sharing your content to socialmedia
  • Subscribing to your email list
  • Linking to your content from theirsites
  • Getting asked to be on podcasts

Strategy #2: Long Tail KeywordDomination

Once you start doing keyword research, youmight be blown away by the massive traffic that shorter keywords receive.

Look at the search volume for the keyword“fitness”:

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If only you could rank for that keyword, you’dbe set for life!

However, the reality of ranking for keywordsis much different. In time, you might rank for super short high traffickeywords. But, this shouldn’t be your sole focus, even when you’re starting toget hundreds of thousands of visitors per month.

Instead, you should focus on the long tail.

What Is a Long Tail Keyword?

Long-tail keywords are keywords that contain more than three words. This type of keyword is more specific, targeted, and will have much lower levels of competition. Long-tail keywords make up around 70% of all search traffic.

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Plus, since they’re more targeted, you’ll begetting higher quality traffic. Visitors from long-tail keywords are much morelikely to stick around your site, sign up for your email list, and eventuallybecome a customer.

By focusing on long-tail keywords, you’re notonly improving your chances of success, but you’re making your life much easiertoo. It’s easier to sustain momentum when you start to pick up long-tailtraffic, rather than trying to rank for hyper-competitive keywords and findyour site buried on page 30 of the search results.

Long-tail keywords will help to reveal searcher intent. For example, the long-tail keyword “best men’s golf bags” tells you a lot more than “men’s golf.” You can create a much more useful and higher converting piece of content for the long-tail keyword, as opposed to the general “men’s golf” keyword.

This means higher quality traffic and moremoney in your pocket.

But, how do you identify these long-tailkeywords that have minimal to low competition?

Don’t fret, just keep on reading.

How to Find Long-Tail Keywords?

Finding long-tail keywords isn’t rocketscience, but it will take some time and some digging.

There are tons of paid tools out there like Long Tail Pro and SEMrush which can significantly accelerate the process.

But, to keep things simple, we’re going to usea free tool called Ubersuggest.

First, fire up Ubersuggest and search for a keyword. Here are the results for “men’s golf”.

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You’ll notice that a lot of these keywords arestill pretty hard to rank for, but that’s because it’s a competitive niche.But, even in a niche like this we can dig even deeper.

Just take one of the keywords from the listand plug it back into the tool.

Here are the results we get for “mens golfjacket”:

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We can keep on digging and adding lowcompetition long-tail keywords to our list.

Learn SEO: The Ultimate Guide for SEO Beginners.

Creating Pillar Content withLong-Tail Keywords

Like we covered in Strategy #1 above, yourcontent is only as valuable as the problems it solves.

Think about it from Google’s perspective.Their goal is to create the best user experience possible for theirusers–people who are using Google to search for things.

This means that Google doesn’t care about youand your site unless you’re providing immense value to their users. How do youdo that? By creating the best possible content for a given keyword thatactually solves their problem, or satisfies the intent of the keyword.

Luckily, targeting long-tail keywords helpswith this. With long-tail keywords, you’ll know precisely what searchers arelooking for when you create a piece of content.

Here are two strategies for incorporating long-tail keywords into your content:

1. Group Multiple Long-TailKeywords Together

The first approach is grouping multiplelong-tail keywords together into a single post. This can be helpful if you’vefound a group of long-tail keywords that are all related to one another.

So, instead of creating a post that targets a single long-tail keyword, you’ll create one massive post that targets multiple long-tail keywords. This will rank for a ton of different terms and help to generate much more traffic.

2. Create a High Volume ofLong-Tail Content

The second approach is creating a highervolume of content by only focusing on a single long-tail keyword per post.

Instead of creating a massive post, you’ll aim for a single post that covers everything related to that single keyword. This doesn’t mean you’re going to create thin content, but you won’t be creating massive 5,000+ word guides for each post you write.

Long tails keywords plays major role in improving SEO rankings. Therefore make sure to do it in a proper way.

Strategy #3: Use LSI Keywords toBoost SEO Traffic

Another great way to get more traffic from thecontent you’re writing is by incorporating LSI keywords.

But, what is an LSI keyword?

LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. AnLSI keyword is a keyword that is related conceptually to the main keyword. It’sa way that search engines can deeply understand the content of a page.

Back in the day, search engines would determine what a page was about solely by looking at keywords. So, if they found the keyword “email marketing” all over the page, then they’d realize your content was about email marketing. Hence, keyword stuffing and other SEO practices that no longer work today.

Fast forward to today, the search engines aremuch smarter. Their goal is to determine what the overall topic of a page is about.So, let’s say you have a page about “how to run.” They’ll look forthis keyword throughout the content, but also LSI keywords.

These keywords aren’t just variations of yourprimary keyword or synonyms, but they are words related to your primary keyword.So, things like cardio, shoes, 10k, and marathon.

By using these keywords throughout yourcontent, you can improve your rankings for related keywords, while givingGoogle all the data necessary to rank your site for the keywords you’retargeting.

How to Find LSI keywords

Now that you understand the value of LSIkeywords you’re probably wondering how you can find these keywords, right?


Here are two simple methods for uncovering aton of LSI keywords:

1. Google Search for LSI

A simple Google search will give you a ton ofdifferent LSI keywords.

Just type your main keyword into Google andit’ll automatically suggest related keywords:

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Take note of the keywords “checklist,” “bestpractices,” “template,” and more, there are all LSI keywords you should includein your post.

2. Use LSI Keyword Tools

There are also a few tools you can use that’llgenerate a ton of different LSI keywords for you.

A great one is called LSIgraph, just input your main keyword and you’ll receive a huge list of LSI keywords.

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If you’re using WordPress you can use the SEOpressor plugin, which is powered by LSIgraph. With this plugin you can easily generate LSI keywords from within your WordPress dashboard.

How to Incorporate LSI KeywordsInto Your Content

Now that you’re equipped with a ton ofrelevant LSI keywords it’s time to sprinkle them into your content. You can addthese keywords anywhere you’d like, but here are a few places you’ll 100% wantto include these keywords.

1. Title Tag

The title tag will tell the search engines thetopic of your page. If you’re using a CMS like WordPress, then your H1 tag willbe the same as your blog post or page title.

Your primary keyword should be your number onefocus here, but if you can add any relevant LSI keywords, then do so.

2. Meta Description

Your meta description, like your title tagabove, should include your primary keyword. But, you can also include bothlong-tail and LSI keywords to strengthen your meta description and make it moreenticing, and keyword-rich.

3. Subheading Tags

Your subheading tags are your H2, H3, H4, etc.These help break up your content and give your readers more guidance, whileletting the search engines know what additional keywords and topics your pageis about.

Use both long-tail and LSI keywords withinyour subheadings whenever possible.

4. URL

With your URL you 100% need to include yourprimary keyword, but if it makes sense to include and LSI terms too, theninclude them here. Just make sure your URL doesn’t get too lengthy or complex.

5. Anchor Text

Internal links help the search engines learnmore about your content and make it easier to crawl your site. Anchor text isthe actual text you’re linking with, so make sure to include your LSI keywordshere, if possible.

6. First and Last Paragraph

LSI keywords can help to capture yourvisitor’s attention, since they’re keywords related to the topic they’reinterested in. Use these towards the beginning and end of your post for areader and search engine benefit.

7. Alt Tags and Image Names

When you’re adding images to your post youshould always spend time coming up with image names that include long-tail andLSI keywords. Add these to both your image name and the image alt text when youupload it to your site.

Strategy #4: Pay Attention toOn-Page SEO

Google’s algorithms are always evolving. There are a lot of off site SEO strategies you can employ (as highlighted in the next strategy). But, you never have complete control over this.

The one aspect of your SEO that you do havecomplete control over is your on-page SEO. With proper on-page optimization,you’re helping Google figure out what your page is all about.

By doing onsite optimization the right way,you increase your chances of ranking for the keywords you’re targeting.

Luckily, properly optimizing your site isn’ttricky, but there are a few technical elements you need to get right.

Here’s a quick checklist of how you canachieve perfect on-page SEO for every piece of content you create:

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Going through the infographic above andimplementing each tip will help you optimize your site better than 99% of yourcompetition.

If everything above seems like a lot, thenstart with the six tips below, and work your way through the tips above intime.

1. Create SEO Friendly URLs

A lot of bloggers have complex and funky URLs,like “woblogger.com/2018/01/22/category/p=123.” This isn’t doing youany favors in terms of rankings. If you’re looking for a quick SEO boost, thenupgrade your URLs to an SEO-friendly version.

Your URLs should be short, informative, andinclude your target keyword. For example, if we were trying to rank for thekeyword “beginner SEO tips,” a great URL would be“woblogger.com/beginner-seo-tips.”

2. Include Your Target Keyword InYour Title

One of the most important on-page SEO factorsis the title of your blog post. So, make sure you include your target keywordin the title of your post or page, ideally as close to the front as possible.

Now, this alone won’t automatically make your site rank, but it’s a great indicator to Google about the content of the page. You can even include long-tail modifiers like “best,” “2020,” “step by step,” and more to help rank for long-tail variations of the keyword as well.

The only other thing to keep in mind is your title must be wrapped in an H1 tag. If you’re using WordPress or another website builder, this should automatically happen, but it’s worth double-checking.

3. Use Subheadings WithLong-Tail/LSI Keywords

If you have a long and detailed blog post,then you’ll probably have multiple different sections broken up by subheadings.In fact, there’s a subheading right above that last sentence.

Your subheadings should be wrapped in H2 andH3 tags.

For an additional SEO boost, you can eveninclude any long-tail and LSI keywords within your subheadings as well.

4. Use an SEO Plugin

To make onsite SEO optimization even easier, you can use an SEO plugin. If you’re using WordPress, then you can install a plugin like Yoast. Basically, you install this plugin on your site, write your content, and choose a target keyword.

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The tool will then analyze your content andgive you SEO recommendations. Just implement the fixes and tips, and youronsite SEO will be on point.

5. Add Internal Links

Both outbound and inbound links will help toimprove your on-page SEO. The focus of this section is how to internally linkthe right way.

Internal linking is the process of linking toother posts on your site, plus linking out to other relevant and authoritativeresources.

Internal links help to give Google context ofkeywords and the general topic that your blog post is about. Plus, by includinginternal links to your posts, you’ll improve the crawlability of your site.

If you’re looking for an example of how internal linking should be done, check out basically any Wikipedia entry. You’ll find keyword-rich internal links across every single entry.

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As a good rule of thumb, try to link out to atleast 2-5 older blog posts for every new piece of content you publish.

Also, make sure to link out to authoritativeand relevant sources regularly. You can do this when you’re quoting statistics,or want to reinforce a point. However, the sites you link out to need to behigh-quality.

6. Improve Your Site Speed

This final tip doesn’t relate directly tooptimizing your content but instead will help improve your site across theboard.

For your site to rank high in the search engines, you need to optimize your website for several Google ranking factors. These are essentially quality indicators that suggest to Google that your site and it’s content are high-quality and worthy of ranking.

One key ranking factor is how fast your site loads. When your site loads slowly, you’re going to have a poor user experience, which means you’ll have a high bounce rate and give off other negative ranking factors.

By boosting your site’s speed, you’ll delightyour visitors and ensure you’re always offering a great user experience. Thismeans your visitors are much more likely to stick around your site, read yourcontent, and read multiple posts — all positive things in the eyes of Google.

There are a lot of things you can do toimprove site speed, but here are a few easy fixes you can implement today:

  1. Use a CDN. Your host might be equipped with CDN you can enable, or you can even use a free CDN like Cloudflare to get started.
  2. Compress and optimize your site images. You can optimize your images online via a tool like Kraken.io. Or, if you’re using WordPress, then install a plugin like Smush Image Compression.
  3. If you’re a WordPress user delete any plugins you have installed, but aren’t using. You can also pare down the total number of plugins that you’re using across your site.
  4. Upgrade your hosting. Sometimes, no matter how much optimization you’re going, your host is going to slow you down. This site runs on the blazing fast Cloudways managed WordPress hosting.

Are you looking for a fast and reliable web host?
Cloudways managed cloud hosting is our overall top choice for the fastest web hosting. We host Woblogger.com with them and our server speed performs excellent with an average of only 143 ms, much lower than Google’s recommended value. Read our full review on Cloudways managed cloud hosting.

Strategy #5: Earn Links FromQuality Sources and Authority Sites

If you’re having trouble seeing your site movein the search engines (and you’ve done almost everything else on this list),then you could have a backlink problem.

Backlinks remain one of the top ranking factors.

In the old days of SEO link building was onlyfocused on quantity. The more links you could blast at your site, the higheryou would rank. But, those days are long gone.

More than anything, the search engines valuerelevant, high-quality links pointing back towards your site.

Now, obtaining high-quality links isn’t easy,but it is possible.

But, don’t start building backlinks untilyou’ve satisfied the conditions below:

  • Your content is high-quality,useful, and engaging.
  • Your content has been writtenusing long-tail and LSI keywords.
  • You’ve properly optimized eachpost with the onsite SEO recommendations above.

With those taken care of, you’re just aboutready to start building some links.

Before we jump into the how of link building,it’s essential to understand how link juice flows across the web.

What is Link Juice?

Link juice is a term that refers to how muchranking power a site will pass onto another website.

This process starts with Domain Authority(DA). Each site has a general DA as defined by Google, the higher this numberthe more power your domain has, and the easier it’ll be to rank new posts andpages in the search engines.

Each page is also given a Page Authoritynumber (PA). This measures the strength of an individual page. Usually, thehigher the PA, the higher it will rank in the search engines. There are a lotof factors that influence the page authority, but it’s mostly determined by thenumber of quality backlinks pointed at the domain, the level of socialengagement, and the DA of the original domain.

To break this down, let’s look at an example:

Say you have Site A and Site B. Every ranking factor is the same across both sites. However, Site A has one link pointing towards it, while Site B has zero links. In this scenario Site A will rank higher in the search engines because link juice is flowing towards the site from an external link.

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Now, link juice does flow in both directions.So, sites that link to Site A will also link to other sites too. The more sitesit’s linking out to from a given page, then more this link juice will getdiluted.

You also have to watch out for links that havethe rel=”nofollow” attribute. When this is in place the link won’t pass on anylink juice to the site it’s linking too. This is broken down in the diagrambelow:

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Now, that your site is ready to rank and you havea better understanding of how link juice flows from site to site, it’s time tostart building links!

Link Building Best Practices andStrategies

We could probably write dozens of posts dedicated to link building alone, so we won’t go into extreme depth here, but instead show you what to look for and offer a few resources to get you moving in the right direction.

Here are some SEO tips to keep in mind:

  • Backlinks from pages with feweroutgoing links will pass more link juice to your site.
  • Backlinks are more valuable whenthey have a relevant, keyword-optimized anchor text.
  • Always diversify your anchor text.
  • Do-follow links will pass morelink juice than no-follow and are more beneficial to your rankings.
  • About 25% of your anchor textshould be the URL of your website.
  • About 25% of your anchor textshould be the name of your website.
  • Proper on-page optimization willhelp you get the most from your backlinks.
  • The process of building backlinksshould be done at a slow and steady pace, blasting hundreds of links to yoursite overnight can lead to a penalty.

If you’re serious about building backlinks,then check out these resources:

  • 10 Backlink Building Rules That You Absolutely Must Follow
  • 20 Ways to get Quality Backlinks to Your Blog

Strategy #6: Start Guest Bloggingfor Traffic, Backlinks, and Authority

Guest blogging can be a powerful way to drive traffic to your blog, all while improving your authority and search engine rankings.

If you’re not familiar, guest blogging is theprocess of writing a post for another popular site in your niche. You have anauthor byline and typically a link or two back to your website in exchange forquality content.

Depending on the sites your guest blogging forthis can send a massive volume of traffic back to your website–all from asingle post.

For example, Gregory Ciotti was able to generate 36,733 email subscribers just from guest blogging alone.

A lot of times your guest post will rank veryhigh in the search engines as well. This means the post will get steady traffic,which means a steady flow of visitors clicking through to your website.

Now, like most things in the online marketingspace, once something works, it starts to get abused by low-quality sitebuilders. So, if you’re serious about guest blogging, then get ready to stepyour game up to create epic content for every site you’d like to write for.

With that being said, here’s a basic strategyfor finding high-quality blogs that accept guest posts and landing the gig.

How to Find Blogs That AcceptGuest Posts

When looking for guest post opportunities,your goal is to find blogs that are both relevant to your niche andauthoritative.

Here are a few quick factors to look for whensearching for blogs:

  • The blog is in your niche or arelated niche.
  • The blog has an engaged readership(sizeable social following and active online community).
  • The blog has solid DA and doesn’tuse no-follow links.

Use these as general guidelines whenimplementing the strategies below:

1. Use Google Search Strings

The standard approach to finding blogs in yourniche is using trusty old Google. What we’re going to do is type in specificsearch strings that’ll give us a list of blogs in our niche that accept guestposts.

Fire up Google and test out some of thefollowing search strings:

  • Your niche “guest post”
  • Your niche “write forus”
  • Your niche “contributingwriter”
  • Your niche “guest postby”
  • Your niche “submit anarticle”
  • Your niche “guestblogger”
  • Your niche “become acontributor”
  • Your niche “guestauthor”
  • Your niche “guest post guidelines”
  • Your niche “guest postopportunities”

By running through all of the search stringsabove, you should have a considerable list of blogs in your niche who are alsoopen to you writing for them.

2. Browse Through the Site Alltop

Alltop is a giant list of popular blogs across every niche.

Head over to the site, find your niche, andyou’ll have a massive list of all of the top blogs in your space.

Here’s a list of some of the best blogs in thepersonal finance niche:

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Now, not all of these blogs will be open toreceiving guest posts, but some of them will. Open up the blogs and see if theyfeature guest writers, or are open to receiving guest post contributions.

3. Look For Guest Post Listicles

This is a nifty little hack because someoneelse will already have done most of the work for you.

You’ll find websites across most niches thathave already compiled huge lists sites that accept guest posts.

For example, look at this one:

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You can find these by searching through Googlewith variations of this search string “your niche + sites that acceptguest posts.”

To give you a head start here are a fewresources I was able to find in a few minutes of Googling:

Using the above techniques, you should nowhave a substantial list of sites in your niche that will be happy to hear yourguest post pitches.

Digging Into Blog QualityIndicators

If you’re just getting started guest posting,then you might need to start on smaller sites and work your way up to largeauthority sites.

However, you also want to make sure the sitesyou’re writing for are worth your time. Guest posting does take a lot of work,so you don’t want to invest all that time only to get a post on a site withvery little authority, that won’t move the traffic or SEO needle at all.

That being said, use these requirements tofilter out the massive list of blogs you compiled above:

  1. Has an authoritative link profile
  2. Only posts high-quality content
  3. The blog is in your niche or a niche with overlap
  4. They allow you to place in-content links to your site
  5. They have a decent social media following

How to Pitch These Blogs and Landthe Post

Now, the time has come to start landing guestposts.

Most large sites that accept guest blogs willreceive dozens of pitches every single day–so you’ll need yours to stand out.

Here’s how you can come up with an incredibletopic that has a higher chance of being accepted:

1. Check Out The Most PopularPosts

Your first step is to find the most popularposts on their site. Usually, these will be listed in the sidebar. See if youcan find any similarities across these posts, and keep these in mind as youformulate a topic.

Since these topics are proven to work, you canvirtually guarantee the site owner will be ecstatic to publish a similar post.

2. Find a Trending Niche Topic

We don’t just want to write a post that’ssimilar to what they’ve already published. Instead, we want to combine it withsomething with a topic that’s currently trending or very popular.

To do this, we can head over to Buzzsumo and type in our niche or topic.

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (22)

This will give us a list of posts that arecurrently very hot and performing well.

3. Combine the Two

With the above information in hand, we can nowstart thinking about a topic that’s going to do very well on their blogs. Whatwe’re trying to do is combine something that’s been proven to be popular withtheir readers with a popular topic.

It’s a match made in heaven.

With a few topics in hand, it’s time to sendout your guest post pitch.

Here’s a script that you can use, just fill inthe blanks:

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (23)

If you haven’t heard back from the initialpitch within a week, then follow-up to see if they’re still interested inpublishing your post.

Here’s a quick follow up template you can use:

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (24)

With your post accepted all that’s left is towrite the post and reap the rewards!

If you’re interested in taking your guestposting efforts even further, then check out these posts:

  • How to Start Guest Blogging – Beginner’s Guide
  • Guest Blogging 101: What You’re Doing Wrong?

Strategy #7: Start Building anEmail List for Traffic and Money

One of the best things you can do to ensure your blog becomes a success is to start building an email list.

Chances are you’ve heard this before, butstill, aren’t collecting emails from your blog.

Building an email list will help to drawtraffic to your blog, plus you’ll be building a deep relationship with your audience.This can help to skyrocket your business later on.

You can sell courses, products, eBooks, offercoaching, and a lot more. Your email list can become an incredible long-termasset for your site.

In fact, email marketing can give you an incredible 4400% ROI, that’s $44 back for every $1 you spend.

Luckily, collecting emails from your blogdoesn’t have to be complicated.

Here are a few of the most effective ways toturn your blog into an email generating machine:

1. Strategic Opt-in Forms

No doubt you’ve come across an opt-in formduring your time online.

Adding an opt-in form to your site is anincredibly easy way to start building your list. If you’re running a WordPresssite, then this will be very easy.

One of the best tools available is a plugin called Thrive Leads. This plugin gives you multiple different opt-in forms you can add to your site.

Here are a few examples of high-convertingopt-in forms:

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (25)

This is the opt-in you land on before you can access Noah Kagan’s site OkDork.

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (26)

Here’s an above the fold opt-in that’s on the homepage of RankXL.

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (27)

Or, check out the sidebar opt-in right here at Woblogger.

Here are a few common locations to include anopt-in form:

  • Your sidebar
  • Within your article, using a leadbox (more on this below)
  • At the end of every blog post
  • On your about page
  • Above the fold on your homepage

Thrive Leads – Best List Building Plugin
If you want to build your business faster and enjoy the amazing benefits that come from having a large mailing list, this is the plugin that will make it happen for you. Check it out for yourself.

2. Use Lead Boxes

Most website visitors hate pop-ups. They’redistracting, annoying, and sometimes you can’t figure out how to close them.

Now, pop-ups have been shown to convert at a pretty high rate. But, it’s up to you whether or not you want to deliver a poor user experience just to capture more email addresses.

One way to incorporate pop-ups without theannoyance factor is by using LeadBoxes.

Here’s what a LeadBox looks like:

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (28)

When you click on the LeadBox within thearticle body it will trigger a pop-up where you can enter your email to get thefree resource.

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (29)

By using LeadBoxes the right way you can easily triple the size of your email list. Plus, by using the Thrive Leads WordPress plugin adding lead boxes to your site couldn’t be easier.

Here’s what they look like in real time:

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (30)

Pretty awesome, right?

3. Create Landing Pages for GuestPosts

This ties in with the guest blogging strategyabove. If you’re going to start guest blogging to generate traffic andbacklinks for your site, then you might as well make the most out of anytraffic that’s sent your way.

The best way to do this is to create a landingpage that’s specifically for readers who clicked over to your site from yourguest post.

First, you’ll create a high converting landing page that offers your visitors a nice bonus for joining your list. Even better if this bonus relates to the topic of your guest post.

To create a landing page, you can use a landing page builder like Thrive Architect, or even just create a simple landing page using your current WordPress theme.

Even a simple landing page like thosehighlighted above would work great.

Strategy #8: Self-Publish KindleBooks

If you’re looking for a unique strategy that alot of other bloggers look past, then it’s time to get into self-publishing.

Publishing has gotten a whole lot cheaper. Youdon’t need to spend thousands of dollars to get your book published. You don’tneed the backing of a Big 5 publishing house. All you need today is a solididea, and the drive to see your book through to completion!

But, can publishing a book help drive trafficto your blog?

The short answer is yes. Think about it thisway. When people are searching for non-fiction books on Amazon they’re lookingto solve a problem they’re experiencing. So, they type keywords or topics yourbook is targeting into Amazon, they find your book, they read a sample, andeither buy the book or click the link you’ve strategically placed and navigateto your site (more on this below).

Here are a few great resources on Amazonself-publishing:

When you publish a book via Amazon, you’llhave the opportunity to enroll your book in the Amazon KDP Select program. Withthis program, your book will be exclusive to the Amazon store for 90 days, andit’ll become part of the Kindle Lending Library. This means that Kindle ownerscan read your book for free, thus reducing any buyer friction.

Now, here are two ways you can send those newreaders, or even people who are curious about your book over to your website:

1. Include a Link to Your Website

If you’re familiar with the Kindle store atall, then you’ve probably used the ‘Preview Book’ feature. Before you purchaseor download a book, you can click on the book and read the first 10% entirelyfor free.

Instead of jumping right into the contents ofthe book, we’re going to use this real estate to our advantage by including alink back to your website.

For example, here’s how S.J. Scott adds a URL back to his website the moment you open the book:

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It doesn’t have to be fancy, just make sureit’s one of the first things your potential readers see.

2. Offer a Free Guide

This second step can be used in accordancewith the first step to ensure you’re sending the most traffic possible back toyour website.

Instead of just including a link, you’re goingto entice your readers with a free goodie. This is the same thing that we dowhen putting opt-ins on our blogs too.

Here’s a great example from Martin Meadows:

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (32)

When you click the link, you’ll be taken tohis website where you can enter your email to receive the free guide.

Bonus: Make Your Book Permafree

This final traffic-driving strategy is thanks to Nick Stephenson of Your First 10K Readers. In his book Reader Magnets he shows you how to drive targeted traffic back to your website via permafree books.

You follow the same steps above, but insteadof charging for your book, you make it free forever. The overarching goal is tobuild your author platform, but it can be used to get more blog traffic too.

With a free book, there’s no resistance todownloading your book. Then, you can include links back to your website in thefirst 10% of your book. Plus, have a CTA at the back of your book that alsodirects readers to your site.

Here’s the link and CTA that Nick uses to sendreaders back to his website:

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Since it’s a free book, it doesn’t have to beas long and in-depth as a book you’re charging for. Instead, choose a singlepressing problem your readers are experiencing and solve it in-depth.

Strategy #9: Update and PromoteYour Old Content

If you’ve been blogging for a while, then youcould be sitting on a goldmine of content.

Even if you’re consistently publishing newcontent, your older content should still be driving traffic to your blog.

A lot of bloggers try and uncover new keywordsand put all their attention on writing and promoting original content. Allwhile neglecting their older content, which could be a reliable source oftraffic.

How do you bring your older content back fromthe dead?

You recycle old blog posts.

Ninja Outreach was able to increase their organic traffic by over 40%, just by updating old content.

But, there’s one condition you must satisfybefore you consider updating, improving, or sharing old content.

It must be evergreen.

If you’re not familiar with the term,evergreen content is content that will always stay relevant. It’s timeless.Evergreen content is no news, breaking stories, or anything that’s tied to amoment in time.

Instead, it’s content like how-tos, tutorials,tips, and more.

Sure you might have to update it on occasion,but the core principles will remain the same.

How to Update and Restructure OldContent

Updating and republishing your old content iseasy, but there are a few steps you’ll need to complete first.

Here are a few tips for bringing your oldcontent back to life:

1. Improve and Update With NewInformation

If you want your old content to remainrelevant, then you’re going to need to update it with the latest information.This includes adding new sources, quotes, facts and data.

2. Update Any Images and Media

If your screenshots are outdated, then yourreaders will assume the rest of the content is as well. Make sure that anyscreenshots and images you’re using are as close to recent as possible.

3. Improve theStructure/Readability

The structure of your content will help keepyour readers glued to the screen.

Read through your older content and make sureit’s still engaging and interesting. You also might need to add newsubheadings, bullets, links, and maybe even create new sections.

4. Add New Data/ Statistics

Data and information changes a lot. If you’requoting an article from 2013, then it’s probably time to update your sources.

Make sure all of the information on your postis still accurate.

5. Update the Publish Date

With all of that done it’s finally time tochange the publish date. Now you have a “new” post ready to share with theworld!

Here are a few ways you can breathe life intoyour old blog posts while improving your traffic:

1. Email the Refreshed Article toYour List

If you have an email list it’s time to shareyour newly updated piece of content. You can remind them that it’s an olderpiece, but you updated it with some fascinating new data or case studies.

It’s time to start sharing your post acrosssocial media as if it was brand new. As long as it’s an evergreen topic, youshould be able to drum up more interest for the post and give it a second life.

3. Add Internal Links to OlderPosts

If you have any new posts on your blog see ifyou can add some links to some of the older content you just updated. This willhelp readers of your newer content find the updated posts you just republished.

The moment you publish a post, you shouldstart sharing it across social media. With effective social media promotion,you’ll not only send more traffic back to your site, but you’ll improve yourposts’ quality indicators. Effective social media promotion can be the fastestway to get traffic to your website.

If you already have a decent following onsocial media, then sharing your content will automatically generate a decentvolume of traffic. It might even surpass the traffic you’re currently gettingfrom Google!

Building up a following on social media willtake time and effort. We won’t go in-depth into that here, but instead, showyou how to get the most traction out of your existing social media channels.

If you’re interested in growing your reach onsocial media, then check out these posts:

Here are five tips and tricks to help growyour social media traffic:

By adding social media sharing buttons acrossyour site, you’ll encourage your readers to share and promote your content foryou. If you’re using WordPress, this couldn’t be easier.

There are several plugins you can install on your site that’ll automatically add social sharing buttons to your content like Monarch.

Whenever you publish a post, you should startsharing it across your social networks.

If you’re like me, and want to save time, then check out the Revive Social WordPress plugin. This plugin will automatically share your posts across any social media networks you’re active on.

3. Use a Social media ManagementTool

Managing your social media accounts can be a lot of work. But, with a scheduling tool, you can save a few hours every single week. Even the free Hootsuite account will allow you to schedule up to 300 messages for up to 3 different social media accounts. If you require more, you can always upgrade to a paid plan.

If all you’re doing is sharing your contentonce, you’re missing out on potential traffic. Chances are, every one of yourfans and followers didn’t see your post the first time you shared it. You mighteven strike a chord with your followers and have a post go viral the next timeyou share it.

One of the easiest ways to do this is using by using a social media management tool like Hootsuite. You can change the settings so you can share older content without being spammy.

If you’ve mentioned any influencers, websites,or sources in your post, then make sure you reach out them once your post goeslive.

All you need to do is send a quick emailmessage letting them know you gave them a shoutout. You can even give a littlenudge and ask if they could share it across social media, but it’s not entirelynecessary.

A lot of times, people will share your contentsimply because they’ve been featured as an expert or source.

Strategy #11: Create a YouTubeChannel

YouTube is the second-largest search engine inthe world. If you’re like most bloggers, YouTube is an afterthought. After all,you got into blogging to write, not produce videos.

But, YouTube can be a very powerful way tosend traffic to your site. Plus, since Google owns it, you’ll see YouTubevideos ranking all over the search engine results.

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With YouTube, you can not only rank yourvideos in the search results but also build an audience and rank your videoswithin YouTube itself.

Now, growing your YouTube channel is a lot ofadditional work. But, if you’re already creating quality content, you can usethese as a script for your YouTube videos. So, you don’t have to reinvent thewheel.

If you’re interested in learning more aboutgrowing your very own YouTube channel, then check out the resources below:

How to Turn Viewers intoVisitors?

Turning viewers into website visitors allstarts with quality content. If your viewers love your videos, the chances aregood they’re going to be interested in your website too.

Assuming you’re creating quality videocontent, here’s how you can send these viewers to your blog:

1. Insert a Compelling CTA

Throughout your videos you’ll have the abilityto insert call-to-action boxes.

These will overlay on top of the video andcompel your viewers to action.

Check out how Amy Porterfield does it in thevideo below:

11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (35)

When creating your YouTube CTA make sure itspells out exactly what you want your visitors to do. Like these examples:

  • “Visit my website” – tellsvisitors what to do
  • “Click the link below” – tellsvisitors how to do it
  • “Get my free report and doubleyour traffic in 30 days” – tells visitors why to do it

2. Optimize Your VideoDescription Box

The other section you’ll want to fullyoptimize is your video description box. Here you have a great opportunity tonot only optimize your videos for the YouTube algorithm, but also to directviewers to your website.

To turn your video description box into atraffic generating machine, add a 5-6 word call to action at the very beginningthat links to the blog post you’re trying to promote.

Then, you can add a few paragraphs that diveinto the content of the video. You can even sprinkle more links throughout yourdescription if they relate to sections of the blog you’re promoting.

Here’s a great example:

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How Long Until You Get 1000Visitors Per Day?

It’s nearly impossible to predict exactly whenyour site will surpass the 1000 visitors per day mark.

Mostly it depends on the niche you’re in, thelevel of competition you’re facing, and how diligent you are with applying theall the tips for increasing blog traffic mentioned in this post.

Remember, that to increase blog readership andincrease blog traffic you need to view this journey as a marathon, and not asprint. The daily tasks you do every single day will add up to a very popularblog in the coming months and years.

For some website owners you’ll reach the 1000visitors per day milestone in as little as 6 months. While others, it may takebetween 12 to 24 months.


All of the different ways to increase blogtraffic mentioned in this post have been proven to work. But, I’m not going topromise you overnight results.

As you work through the strategies above keepan eye out for which ones are the most effective. You don’t have to implementevery strategy at once, but instead pick a few and execute.

Soon, you’ll have real-world experience withhow to get 100 visitors a day to your website, then scale that up to 1000, andbeyond.

Once you see your efforts start to pay off,building traffic to your blog becomes very fun.

By now you should have a deep familiarity withthe different approaches for generating traffic to your blog. Whether youdecide to publish kindle books, go on a guest posting spree, create a YouTubechannel, or double down on content creation is up to you.

Hopefully in time you’ll be able to apply all11 strategies from this post, and hit the 1000+ milestone and build aprofitable online business.

Now overto you, what are your favorite traffic generation strategies? Share yourfavorite tips and tricks in the comments below!


11 Proven Strategies to Get 1000+ Visitors per Day for Free (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.