11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (2024)

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The thought of talking about money to my kids is a little overwhelming. Now that I have twin babies, I need to start thinking about how I’m going to raise them to be smarter than I was when it comes to finances.

Frankly, I was never very good with money, so I shouldn’t be teaching my children about it, right?


The important thing isn’t to be perfect with your money; it’s to be open about it. At least that’s one of the lessons I learned from Holly Peterson, founder and president at Elite Retirement Strategies in Inkom, Idaho. She’s also a mother who is passionate about teaching kids how to handle money.

Peterson says far too many families keep their kids out of the money conversation entirely. “You don’t have to show your children your bank statements or paycheck, but families should be more open about budgeting, saving and spending.”

You don’t have to turn it into a college course. Just take everyday occurrences and use them as teachable moments.

1. While You Shop for Groceries

11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (1)

The grocery store can be a nightmare for parents. Kids want everything they can reach, but they don’t understand that it’s not all for the taking. This makes it a great place to talk about trade-offs and moderation.

You can use coupons as a way to get kids excited about saving money so they’ll learn how to stretch their money further.

“Put a positive spin on discount shopping,” says Peterson. “If you coupon, explain to your children that you save money on these things so you can have more fun money for activities together.”

Not a big fan of clipping coupons? Ibotta will pay you cash for taking pictures of your grocery store receipts.

Before heading to the store, search for items on your shopping list within the Ibotta app. When you get home, snap a photo of your receipt, and scan the items’ barcodes to earn cash back.

Ibotta is free to download. Plus, you’ll get a $5 sign-up bonus after uploading your first receipt.

2. When It’s Time to Make a Wish List

11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (2)

My twins are only nine months old, but even now, they have a lot of toys and books. If your kids are a little older, think outside the toy box. Instead of giving them toys or gift cards on birthdays and holidays, use the opportunity to help them save toward big goals.

Through a site called Goalsetter, parents, relatives and friends can give kids digital “GoalCards” (with cute, animated e-cards) that put money toward their goals. Save for the big stuff, like college; or smaller stuff, like an iPad.

You can also help with ongoing saving. Weekly or monthly, you can automatically transfer a little cash out of your checking account to your kid’s Goalsetter account.

It’s free to set up an account that you can share with family and friends, and it only takes about five minutes. It costs $1 per kid per month for parents to start auto-saving, and gift-givers pay a fee per gift (based on the amount of the gift).

This is a great way to discuss delayed gratification and saving up for high-ticket items you really want. Credit card debt? Not for your kids.

3. When You Stop for Gas

11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (3)

Peterson believes budgeting is a great topic.

“You can demonstrate your monthly budget with small amounts of money, as well,” she says. “Break a dollar into various different coins. Split the coins into each section of your budget: bills, groceries, mortgage, entertainment. After everything is divided, you can show them how much money you have left over for savings.”

Discuss why it’s important for your budget to account for recurring expenses, such as mortgage or rent payments, insurance, groceries and — of course — gas.

Personally, I commute 35 miles each way for my job, so I spend plenty of time at the pump. Filling your tank is pretty universal, so it makes a great example for teaching kids to plan for regular expenses — and how to trim those costs when possible.

One way to save is to sign up for the Pay With GasBuddy card. The discount card connects to your checking account and grants you 5 cents off per gallon. Plus, it works at 95% of gas stations across the country.

It might not seem like a lot, but you can show your kids how those savings add up.

4. When the Toilet Overflows

Ugh. The worst. And if you have kids, it’s gonna happen. My kids are still in diapers, but I know my day is coming.

The upside? You can use these types of setbacks to teach your kids about the importance of emergency funds.

Explain that, even though your family has a budget, unexpected expenses are a part of life. So you need to prepare for them.

And if you don’t have an emergency fund, use it as an opportunity to start one.

Digit automates saving for you. Simply link it to your checking account, and its algorithms will determine small (and safe!) amounts of money to withdraw into a separate, FDIC-insured savings account.

Bonus: Penny Hoarders will get an extra $5 just for signing up! Additionally, savers will receive a 1% bonus every three months.

Together, you can watch the funds pile up!

Now, teach the kids that toilet paper isn’t free — and that too much of it causes the clogged toilet.

5. On the Road With the Family

11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (4)

I can’t wait for the first big road trip with my wife and kids. However, kids do get bored. When the license plate game inevitably gets old, road trips are a good opportunity to talk about the costs associated with travel.

When you stop at the ATM on your way out of town, for example, explain to your little ones that you’re taking out the money you worked for all month. Make sure it’s clear the ATM isn’t a magical money machine that dispenses “free money.”

For (an adult version of) that, we found an app called Empower. It’s like having a personal financial assistant in your smartphone, and it has this cool “find free money” feature.

Once you link your bank account, Empower will help set up a budget and find opportunities for you to save money.

Phone bill too high? Empower will negotiate a better rate. It will also look for better insurance rates and returns for your savings accounts. It’s tech that’s trying to find you more moolah.

Let your kids see how this works and how saving in one part of the budget can help out the big picture.

6. When It’s Time to Unplug

11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (5)

Just imagine. It’s you and your family all together in the living room. The shades are open as the early evening sun casts a gentle light through your home.

What are you doing? You’re playing board games. Or reading together. Or, dare we say it, talking.

Taking a little time each day to unplug your house is a great way to spend some actual quality time together while saving money on your utility bills. According to Peterson, this can be a valuable lesson.

“I like to put an emphasis on quality time together, which can be done very inexpensively,” she says. “Quality time and experiences are better than monetary items.”

7. When They Ask for a Cell Phone

11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (6)

Oh, the cell phone conversation. It’s getting earlier and earlier, isn’t it? Pretty soon, kindergarteners are going to be begging for iPhones. So far, my babies haven’t gone there, but they sure do want to grab ours.

When your kid inevitably asks for one, give your due groan — then use the situation to teach them a simple lesson.

That lesson: Many purchases have two costs: the initial one, and the ongoing ones. So, if they want a cell phone, it means paying for both the device and the monthly service plan. Whether you’ll help them pay for it is up to you.

If you want to avoid paying your cell phone carrier hundreds of dollars each month when you add lines for the kids, look beyond the so-called Big Four and into the discount carrier Twigby.

That’s what Zak Wilson did. He’d been paying Verizon Wireless about $180 a month for two lines. So he tried Twigby. For both phones, he’s now paying $60 a month.

Plus, new customers get 25% off the first 6 months of service.

But don’t expect it to stop at a cell phone. That’s just the beginning.

“The conversation should absolutely grow as they grow,” says Peterson. “Once kids start doing more activities out of the house, like shopping or going to the movies, they will need more money from you. As they get older and possibly even get their own jobs, you can show them more of how budgeting and saving works.”

8. While You Plan for the Weekend

“It’s important for your child to be a great saver, which will carry them through life, but it’s also important that they know how to have fun and enjoy life,” says Peterson.

When your kids realllyyy want to go to the water park with their friends, instead of immediately saying it’s too expensive — or resisting for a while and then eventually giving in — spend a few minutes breaking down the costs.

Make a big list of activities they enjoy, then separate it into three sections: free, low-cost and expensive.

Explain they can do the free activities as often as your schedule allows, but the others must be reserved to once-a-month or only on special occasions for the expensive ones. By doing this, they’ll learn to view the costlier activities as treats — and appreciate them even more.

Also, put on a shamelessly bright swimsuit and go along. Water parks are fun and embarrassing your kids is free.

9. When Making a Big Purchase

11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (7)

Did you enjoy your nice, compact car? You have a family now. I couldn’t talk my wife into a minivan, but we did have to get a bigger family vehicle. When the kids get older, we may have to go bigger yet.

Making a bigger purchase that requires a loan, such as getting a new car or a new home, requires a good credit score. It’s kind of like needing good grades to get into the college you want.

When you’re ready to make a big purchase, it’s a perfect chance to teach your kids about the importance of maintaining good credit.

Show them how credit scores work and what makes a good and a bad credit score. Tell them their credit score is kind of like a financial report card; they’re sure to understand that!

You can even share your own “credit report card” from Credit Sesame.

Do you remember getting your report card in grade school? It was either a thrill
 or not so much, depending on your grades. But, if your grades weren’t what you’d hoped for, you found out what you needed to work on, right?

That’s also how this report card works.

Do you have credit card debt? Is your name attached to any unpaid loans? Are you behind on medical or utility bills you didn’t know about?

You can see all the things affecting your credit — both good and bad — on Credit Sesame. It breaks down exactly what’s on your credit report in layman’s terms, how it affects your score and how you might address it.

10. When You Visit Grandma and Grandpa

11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (8)

“Your attitude is important,” says Peterson. “If your family is having money issues, your kids will be able to tell. To keep things positive, show them how your retirement accounts are (hopefully) growing each month through interest.

“Explain how compounding interest works and that by the time you retire, you’ll have a lot more money because you were patient and left the account to grow.”

When you visit Grandma and Grandpa, your kids get to see what life is like after retirement. That could be good or not-so-good, depending on the situation, but either one makes for a great opportunity to learn about retirement investing.

Chances are, you and/or your spouse have a 401(k) account.

But when’s the last time you truly checked in on your account, adjusted your allocations, addressed any fees and all that other fun stuff?

It just takes a few minutes to get a free 401(k) analysis through Blooom that will show you whether your investments are allocated properly and whether you’re losing money paying hidden investment fees. It’ll even tell you just how much more money your account could earn by the time you want to retire.

After that, if you sign up, it’s just $10 per month to have Blooom monitor and maximize your 401(k). Bonus: Penny Hoarders get the first month free with the code PNNYHRD.

Just remember, when you’re teaching your kids about money and retirement, keep it hopeful.

11. When You Meet Other Cultures

When teaching your kids about the importance of money, it’s crucial that you also keep things in perspective. Even if they are struggling to save up for a new Xbox, there are kids out there making do with a lot less.

“Even young kids can learn giving by donating toys or clothes around the holidays,” says Peterson. “I think this is one of the most important things you can teach your children.”

In fact, she says she’s seen the results in her own children..

“My 16-year-old son went to Paraguay last summer to help build classrooms,” she says. “While there, he had so much compassion for the people that he ended up giving away his brand new pair of shoes, plus the majority of the clothes that he took for the trip, knowing that he would have to replace those items with his own money on his return.”

It’s Never Too Soon

OK, so my kids may not be ready to start talking dollars and cents just yet, but how long do I need to wait?

Peterson says you don’t have to wait until they have a checking account to start the money conversation.

“It’s never too early to start,” she says. “You can teach saving money by giving young children piggy banks and slowly start to work up in complexity.”

By instilling great saving (and giving) habits early on in life, you can be confident you’ll raise children with a healthy understanding of money. Don’t wait for them to learn it in school, because they probably won’t.

Take advantage of the everyday lessons that life offers, and teach your kids how to be smart, charitable Penny Hoarders that will make good decisions for life.

Tyler Omoth is a staff writer at The Penny Hoarder who loves soaking up the sun and finding creative ways to help others. Catch him on Twitter at @Tyomoth.

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11 Perfect, Everyday Opportunities to Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (2024)


How to teach your kids about money? â€ș

When they're little
  1. Introduce the value of money.
  2. Emphasize saving.
  3. Introduce them to investing.
  4. Encourage a summer job.
  5. Introduce them to credit.
  6. Consider a Roth IRA.
  7. Help them set a budget.
  8. Encourage them to stay invested.

What age should you start teaching kids about money? â€ș

Teaching children about money management is essential in order to help them understand the value of money and equip them with the skills needed to manage it responsibly. Starting at 5 to 7 years old is a great way to begin developing their understanding of money management.

What parents should teach their kids about money? â€ș

Here are some easy and fun ways to teach your kids about money.
  • Introduce the Concept of Money: Introduce young kids to coins first. ...
  • Take them to set up a bank account: Take your kid to a local bank to open a savings account. ...
  • Let them earn money: Working for mom and dad will help kids learn about earnings.
Mar 24, 2024

What rich parents teach their kids about money? â€ș

Aside from teaching their children the value of hard work, wealthy parents frequently teach them the concept of delayed gratification when it comes to financial decisions. They encourage their children to save for long-term goals rather than spending money impulsively on short-term desires.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? â€ș

The 50/30/20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should be split between savings and debt repayment (20%) and everything else that you might want (30%).

What does the Bible say about money for kids? â€ș

Many places in the Bible, including Ecclesiastes 5:10, say that there's never a perfect dollar amount that feels like enough. These verses encourage you to ask God for fulfillment, and put money in its place. Money is always limited. God is unlimited.

How to explain currency to a child? â€ș

Currency is the official money of a country. It consists of paper money and coins. Each country has its own form of currency, which is overseen by the central bank of that country.

What grade do kids learn about money? â€ș

Throughout pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and grade 1, your child will learn how to count coins and typically know how to count money before they enter third grade.

How to save money fast as a kid? â€ș

Buy used: Buying used items, such as textbooks or sports equipment, can save a lot of money compared to buying new items. Encourage your child to look for used items online or at garage sales and thrift stores. Avoid eating out: Going out to eat can quickly add up, especially if your family does it frequently.

What does Rich Dad, Poor Dad teach us? â€ș

The most important lesson from Rich Dad, Poor Dad is that financial literacy is crucial to financial success. He argues that school education fails in this regard and needs to effectively teach financial literacy, including the basics of financial management and wealth building.

Why Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a good book.? â€ș

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book that can benefit anyone who wants to improve their financial situation. It's a great read for: đŸ”č Young adults just starting out in their careers: The book can provide guidance on how to make smart financial decisions and build a solid foundation for the future.

Does money motivate kids? â€ș

Let's crush a common misconception: using money to motivate your kids is not a prudent idea. Nothing can be further from the truth. Money can be a fantastic motivator for kids, and there is nothing wrong with using it to encourage kids to excel at home, school or other things.

What age should a child know how to count money? â€ș

It's always important to remember that kids develop at different rates, and you'll know best when to teach your child to count money. However, as a rough guideline, children can start learning to count money shortly after they start learning to count in general. This could be around age 4.

How do I teach my 7 year old to count money? â€ș

Using single coins, create pairs of cards. On one card, put a photo of a coin (or tape a coin to a card). Then, write different coin values on separate cards. Shuffle the cards and have your child practice matching coin cards with its matching written value card.

What is money lesson for kids? â€ș

for school-age children

Understand how much money is needed to purchase an item and how to count change. Understand that money lost will not be replaced. Understand that things cost money. Understand that working or getting an allowance are ways to earn money.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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