1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (2024)

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1099 Vs W2

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The majority of American taxpayers fall into one of two categories. Self-employed individuals are paid by a company for work or services performed and receive a 1099 tax form. People who are employees on a company's payroll and receive a regular paycheck receive a W-2 tax form. Some people receive both. In any of these cases, questions like "What are W2s" and "What's a W2 vs W9," as well as information on how to file w2 and 1099 taxes together, become really important, especially as tax deadlines near. Understanding the 1099 vs W2 vs W9 (and many more) is crucial when filing an accurate tax return. Knowing the differences between the 1099 and W2, especially, is important so you can know your tax obligations throughout the year.

Table of contents

Key takeaways...Read more

What is a 1099 form?...Read more

What is a W-2 form?...Read more

Taxes in 1099 vs W2...Read more

1099 and W2 in same year...Read more

When do W2 have to be sent out?...Read more

1099 vs W2 tax form concerns...Read more

Key takeaways

  • A W-2 form reports employee income, a 1099 reports freelance income
  • Both W-2s and 1099s are needed for a taxpayer to file an accurate 1040 form
  • W-2 taxpayers have taxes withheld from their paychecks, 1099 taxpayers do not

1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (1)

1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (2)1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (3)

What is a 1099 form?

One of the easy distinctions between an employee of a company and a self-employed person is the tax forms that apply to them, the W2 and 1099, respectively. When you work as a self-employed person or freelancer for a client, and that client pays you, the client is required to report the payment to the Internal Revenue Service and to you on a 1099 form. Whether it's Doordash paying you for making deliveries, a company paying you for freelance design work or a property management company throwing you a few maintenance jobs every month, they all need to tell the IRS what they paid you on a 1099 form. This is so that the IRS can check it against the tax you pay to see if the amounts match up. These companies are also required to send you a copy of every 1099 they send to the IRS so that you can be aware of what they are reporting to the government. You wouldn't want that property management company telling the IRS that they paid you $35,000 during the tax year, when they actually paid you $30,000. The IRS would think you owe more in tax than you actually do. With 1099 tax forms, comes 1099 taxes. This is where a 1099 tax calculator is the right tool to help with figuring out how much you'll owe.

Quick tip

If you don't receive a 1099 from a company you did work for, reach out to them before you file your tax return. If you don't see the 1099 form that company sent to the IRS, you won't know the income tax the IRS expects you to pay.

What is a W-2 form?

W-2 forms are only for employees of a company. There is no such thing as a self employed W2. Like the 1099 form, the W-2 is also sent to the IRS and each employee of a company. So, what are W2s? They are tax forms, perhaps best explained by noting the differences between 1099 vs W2 forms. Most notably, they report different kinds of income. The salary or wages an employee of a company earns are reported on a W-2. Unlike the 1099, which only reports a payment amount, the W-2 also reports the taxes that a company automatically withheld from an employee's wages or salary.

Taxes in 1099 vs W2

The main differences between a 1099 vs W2 situation are how payment is made for work and how income tax gets paid to the IRS. Employees who work for a corporation receive a regular paycheck, and the income and Social Security tax they owe are automatically taken out, or "withheld," as the IRS says.

Each time an employee is paid, their company deducts a specific amount from their check as income tax and sends it directly to the IRS. The amount deducted is shown on the employee’s pay stub with each paycheck. Employers annually provide W-2 forms to employees so they can submit their yearly income tax returns. Often, the amount withheld is more than the tax actually owed, which is why many W-2 employees receive a tax refund from the IRS each year.But because companies that hire self-employed individuals and freelancers don't withhold anything from the payments they make, the self-employed individuals are responsible for paying their own estimated taxes.

1099 and W2 in same year

Some people have a W-2 job and a side gig or small business where they're the sole proprietor. If you're on the schedule each week at Home Depot, and you get a paycheck from the company every two weeks, but you also do carpentry work for clients on the side, you will receive a W2 and 1099 from these different employer entities. The 1099 will come from clients, and the W-2 will come from Home Depot at the end of the tax year. It might happen that one of your clients is a construction company that really likes the work you did as a freelancer and offers you a full-time W-2 job. In that case, you'll receive both a 1099 and a W-2 from that company, and you'll be reporting both types of income when you file your 1040 form at the end of the year.

When do W2 have to be sent out?

There is no difference in the sending deadlines for 1099 vs W2 forms. The IRS requires companies with W-2 employees to send W-2 forms no later than January 31 each year so those employees can file their tax returns accurately and on time. Companies who pay self-employed people have the same deadline to send 1099s to the IRS and to people they have paid. But anyone self-employed needs to pay self-employment taxes on the income.The difference between 1099 and W2 forms is that W-2 employees have already paid tax in the form of withholdings from their earnings, and 1099 workers have yet to pay income tax to the IRS.

1099 vs W2 tax form concerns

How to file forms W2 and 1099 together

If you are one of the many Americans working a second (or third) job, there's a good chance one of them is a freelance gig. Maybe you've got two part-time jobs, and it's not enough, so you started driving for a rideshare service. Or maybe you've been working to get your freelance career off the ground and have a part-time job on the side for now. Whatever the case, if you're doing work as both an employee and a self-employed individual, you might have questions about taxes. Questions like, "Can I file my W2 and 1099 separately? The answer is that you'll need to report both 1099 and W2 income on your 1040, which is the tax form that every American who receives an income uses to file their taxes. The difference between 1099 and W2 income is that reporting W2 income is pretty straightforward, but 1099 income can get complicated, with a lot of other forms that might need to be included, as well.

What happens if you don't file a W2?

If you don't include your W-2 form in your tax return, you might get your tax refund late or not at all. That's because the IRS matches the 1040 tax return you file with the W-2 the company you work for sent to the IRS. If there's a discrepancy between them, your tax return will be singled out for further review, and you'll probably receive a letter asking you to amend your tax return.

1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (7)

1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (8)

In this situation, the difference between a W2 and 1099 is that you don't need to include the 1099s you receive from companies that pay you in your tax return. But you do need to pay tax on the income you received, and there can be penalties if you don't pay enough or miss the deadline.

W2 Vs W9

The IRS W-2 tax form is not to be confused with the W-9. The form reporting an employee's income tax is the W2 vs W9 forms, which relates to self-employed individuals. When a company hires a freelancer for a job, they need to know certain information, like their Tax ID number to correctly file other forms, like the 1099. The W-9 form asks a freelancer to confirm this information legally.

Adjusted Gross Income

A lot of terms get thrown around when it comes to the tax season and your adjusted gross income (AGI) is one of them.


Modified Adjusted Gross Income

Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) can be found by adding back certain deductions to AGI. Use MAGI to check your eligibility for tax credits.


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1099 and W2 in same year

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Opening a Business Account for Professional Use | FlyFin A.I.


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A Guide to Understanding 1099 Jobs | FlyFin A.I.


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When is Form 1099 Due? | FlyFin A.I.


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The Definition of Freelancer Taxes - Important Date and Forms | FlyFin A.I.


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Tax Preparation Checklist

We've compiled a list of things you need to know when you file taxes for your 2023 tax year or need information on the 2024 quarterly tax payments.


Adjusted Gross Income

A lot of terms get thrown around when it comes to the tax season and your adjusted gross income (AGI) is one of them.


Modified Adjusted Gross Income

Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) can be found by adding back certain deductions to AGI. Use MAGI to check your eligibility for tax credits.


About Self Employment

Self-employment Simplified – For Freelancers, Independent Contractors & Gig Workers


Freelance Vs Self Employed

Self-employed Vs. Freelancers – What’s Common & What’s Not


What’s FlyFin?

FlyFin is a game-changer for freelancers, gig workers, independent contractors and sole proprietors, significantly lowering tax bills and saving self-employed people a ton of time by finding every possible deduction automatically. W-2 employees can file taxes through FlyFin, too! Our CPA team files a guaranteed 100% accurate tax return for you.

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Expert tax CPAs ensure 100%-accurate tax filing

1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (11)1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (12)

A.I. finds every tax deduction, eliminating 95% of your work

1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (13)1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (14)

On average users save $3,700

1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (15)

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1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (18)1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (19)


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More about FlyFin

FlyFin is the world’s #1 A.I. and CPA tax filing service for freelancers, self-employed, business owners, 1099 & W-2 workers. A.I. finds every tax deduction and starts to build your tax returns, saving you hours of tedious work. A dedicated CPA prepares your federal & state tax returns from start to finish and ensures your taxes return with precision. A.I. and CPAs work together to make your tax filing 20x faster and 5x cheaper. Act now and file your IRS tax returns with FlyFin before the last day to file taxes in 2024.

With FlyFin:

A.I. eliminates 95% of your work: A.I. analyzes your expenses, identifying every tax write-off automatically. This helps freelancers and self-employed individuals filing Schedule C with their 1040 forms save $7,800 on average, more than in previous years.

Dedicated CPA file taxes from start to finish : You're assigned an expert CPA to prepare your federal and state tax returns for your review and e-sign. When everything is ready and reviewed, the CPA will efile the income tax federal return, and your taxes are complete for the year.

Pay quarterly taxes: A.I. & CPAs help you accurately calculate your quarterly tax and ensure timely payments to avoid any IRS penalties.

Maximum tax refund guaranteed: 75% of tax filers miss out on taking all deductions. A.I. doesn’t forget anything and keeps track of every deduction 24/7. A dedicated CPA reviews every deduction, calculates your taxes precisely and suggests tax-saving strategies.

Federal & state taxes covered - No hidden costs: Our tax team members are experts in all aspects of US & international taxes. We file federal and state tax returns for all types of entities - Sole proprietors, LLCs, S-Corps, K-1s, W-2s, etc.

Tax preparer near me: Discover the convenience of virtual assistance with FlyFin, eliminating the need to search for a tax preparer. Our A.I. and expert CPAs are just a click away, ready to guide you through your IRS income tax return.

Full audit insurance at no cost: In case of an audit, your CPA handles the IRS. They evaluate your tax situation, prepare responses and communicate with the IRS on your behalf.

100% Money back guarantee: We offer a 100% refund if you are dissatisfied with the service & don't want our CPAs to prepare your federal tax returns.

FlyFin is a more affordable alternative than traditional tax services like TurboTax and H&R Block. FlyFin powers its bank-level security using Mastercard and Plaid, making FlyFin trusted by over 25,000 financial institutions. We protect your name, email address, phone number and more through compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act, the highest data privacy standard in the US.

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1099 vs W-2 Taxes | Can You File Them Together? | FlyFin (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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