106 Ways To Make Money In College | Chase (2024)

Table of Contents
On-campus jobs for college students 1. Become a teaching assistant (TA) 2. Become a research assistant 3. Become a resident assistant (RA) 4. Give campus tours 5. Work at an on-campus recreation or fitness center 6. Work in campus IT 7. Drive for campus transportation 8. Work in the campus post office 9. Work in campus dining 10. Be a campus tutor 11. Work at the writing center 12. Work at a dorm front desk 13. Work for on-campus maintenance 14. Work for custodial services 15. Become an artist model 16. Write for your school newspaper 17. Become an assistant for a professor or administrator 18. Become a campus radio show host 19. Participate in student government 20. Become an orientation leader 21. Become a peer mentor 22. Work in the library 23. Participate in campus clubs 24. Work for your college’s safety team Off-campus jobs for college students 25. Tutor elementary, middle, or high school students 26. Secure a paid internship 27. Become a lifeguard 28. Become a nanny 29. Get a door-to-door sales job 30. Become a translator 31. Work in retail 32. Become a product demonstrator 33. Become a personal trainer 34. Get a part-time job at an event planning company 35. Help senior citizens 36. Get a job at a restaurant or cafe 37. Get a part-time corporate job 38. Get a customer service job 39. Become a receptionist 40. Work as a bank teller 41. Become a warehouse worker 42. Take on construction jobs 43. Work as a massage therapist 44. Become a group class fitness instructor 45. Work as a product placer in grocery stores 46. Work as a prep cook 47. Get a job as a daycare helper 48. Become a summer camp counselor 49. Become a delivery driver for a specific company 50. Become a SAT or ACT tutor 51. Work in IT 52. Tutor in your native language 53. Become a dog walker 54. Start housekeeping Side hustles for college students (that don’t require a time commitment) 55. Drive for a rideshare service 56. Look for TV or movie extra roles 57. Participate in paid experiments 58. Help people move 59. Start pet sitting 60. Sell your old stuff for a profit 61. Rent your car 62. Rent your place when you’re out of town 63. Start house sitting 64. Pick up odd catering jobs 65. Do handyperson work 66. Offer ad hoc computer repair services 67. Take on odd gardening jobs 68. Sell baked goods 69. Review resumes 70. Help people with college and graduate school admissions essays 71. Apply for services to run errands or grocery shop for others 72. Run errands for people in your community 73. Sell your class notes 74. Proofread and edit essays 75. Become a mystery shopper or diner 76. Look for part-time event help (like at summer fairs and carnivals) 77. Work as an election officer 78. Flip flea market finds 79. Take odd babysitter jobs Small businesses you can start in college 80. Start a laundry business 81. Make websites for clients 82. Start a sewing business 83. Offer music lessons 84. Start a lawn care business 85. Teach skills-based classes 86. Start a pool cleaning business 87. Start a nails, makeup, or hair business (or offer all three) 88. Become a car washing or detailing entrepreneur 89. Start a home organizing small business Creative jobs for college students 90. Make money as an entertainer 91. Become a freelance writer 92. Sell customized t-shirts and crafts 93. Become a freelance photographer 94. Work as a content creator 95. Do freelance graphic design work 96. Become a freelance video editor 97. Become a DJ 98. Write an e-book and sell it Remote jobs for college students 99. Become a freelance presentation maker 100. Create an online course 101. Become a virtual assistant 102. Look for freelance coding jobs 103. Become a freelance transcriptionist 104. Get a remote part-time job 105. Get a remote customer service representative job 106. Become an online tutor Final thoughts FAQs

There are countless opportunities to make money while in college — you just need to know where to look. Whether you’re on the hunt for a full-time job, a summer job, a campus job, a part-time job, or a side hustle you can do in your own time (when you’ve got time!), there are many options to explore.

Of course, it’s important to focus on your studies while in college, but there’s likely an opportunity to make money that matches the time you have to spare.

Keep reading for 106 ideas of ways to make money in college in the following categories:

  • On-campus jobs for college students
  • Off-campus jobs for college students
  • Side hustles for college students (that don’t require a time commitment)
  • Small businesses you can start in college
  • Creative jobs for college students
  • Remote jobs for college students

On-campus jobs for college students

There are many on-campus jobs to consider if you’re a college student. It’s important to note that some on-campus opportunities might only be available to students participating in a work-study program, which you might be eligible for if you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). You might also want to check with your school to find out what opportunities exist to make money on campus, too, and what the requirements are for the jobs that are available.

1. Become a teaching assistant (TA)

If you enjoy a particular class or subject, consider applying to be a teaching assistant (TA). TA responsibilities could include assisting the professor during classes and helping students with assignments outside of class. The best way to get a TA position is to contact the professor you want to work with directly. You may also find TA positions posted on official campus job boards. Your school might also have other requirements in place for applicants.

2. Become a research assistant

If you’d rather not work with students but still want to work with a professor, a research assistant position may be a better fit for you. Your responsibilities as a research assistant will depend on the department and professor you’re working for. For example, when doing research in a lab, you may have various duties, including performing and monitoring experiments, collecting samples, and other tasks related to the research.

Professors and school departments sometimes post research assistant openings on campus job boards, but you can also go to professors directly and offer to assist them.

3. Become a resident assistant (RA)

Being a resident assistant (RA) is a great way to build community among students in a dorm hall and be a resource if they have any questions or concerns. This job does come with a lot of responsibilities as the students assigned to you might need help at any given time of day (including late into the night).

Taking this job also means you’ll have to stay in the dorms, but you’ll most likely have a room all to yourself. Keep in mind that compensation for RAs depends on the college you’re attending and might come in the form of free room and board rather than cash.

4. Give campus tours

If you took college tours before choosing which college you wanted to attend, then you know how impactful they can be on students in the midst of deciding which college to go to. Giving campus tours as an enrolled student can be a great way to learn more about your college or university and to get involved on campus. On top of that, let’s not forget about all the steps you’ll get in with all the walking you’ll be doing. For this job, there will likely be training involved and mock tours to finish before you show prospective students and their parents around campus, something to keep in mind if you’re deciding what on-campus job might be the right fit for you.

5. Work at an on-campus recreation or fitness center

Many colleges and universities have recreation or fitness centers where students can work at the front desk or take care of the fitness center facilities in various ways. If you’re passionate about fitness, the campus recreation center might be a place to consider working while in college.

6. Work in campus IT

If you’re tech-savvy and enjoy helping people, you might want to combine the two and find a job in campus IT. You’ll likely be assisting students and faculty with computer problems they have. You’ll also get to learn about new technologies and software. And depending on what careers you’re interested in after college, this might be a good job to add to your resume.

7. Drive for campus transportation

Regardless of your college campus's size, schools sometimes need help transporting items or people. For example, large campuses may offer bus services to students so they can get from one part of campus to another.

Depending on your school, you might be able to apply to be a driver. This job may include required training, but it can be an excellent opportunity to meet new people, help people on campus, and make money doing it.

8. Work in the campus post office

The availability of this job likely depends on your campus’ size, but at some campuses, you can help with sorting mail and delivering mail to offices and people on campus. Some campuses also run several mail rooms that might require staffing.

9. Work in campus dining

If you have culinary aspirations, perhaps you’d enjoy working in campus dining. This job could include various responsibilities, such as helping cook food in the cafeteria, working at cafeteria food stations, and serving students.

10. Be a campus tutor

Even though larger intro-level classes may have TAs to help students outside of class, TAs may have limited time, especially if a class size is large. This is where campus tutors come in. Many college campuses will have dedicated tutors to provide students with help for their classes. These jobs are likely posted on campus job boards and require expertise in a particular subject.

11. Work at the writing center

Do you enjoy writing and helping others? A job in the writing center on your campus may be a good fit for you.

Many colleges have a writing center available for their students. You’ll be responsible for helping students with tasks such as correcting their grammar on essays, proofreading, or helping with essay structure so students can put their best foot forward in their classes. This can be a rewarding job if you like helping people and English and writing are a passion of yours.

12. Work at a dorm front desk

Many large universities have dorms where someone’s available at the dorm’s front desk. This is usually shift work, so you won't be at the front desk all day and will likely have set hours. You'll be responsible for helping students if they have questions, need to get their packages, are locked out of their rooms, or have additional things they may need help with.

13. Work for on-campus maintenance

So much happens on a college campus each day, and because of that, campuses rely heavily on their maintenance crew to make sure everything runs smoothly. You might be able to get a job as a student helping the maintenance team with tasks such as helping replace lights and assisting with minor repairs.

As a student, you likely won't be conducting electrical work or doing other difficult projects. Still, you’ll need to be comfortable with lifting heavy things and working in different kinds of situations, such as heat or frigid weather, in case you’re doing work outside. These jobs are usually posted on campus job boards and often have flexible hours for students.

14. Work for custodial services

There are often job opportunities in campus custodial services assisting with different jobs around campus. This isn't a glamorous job, but it's a way to earn extra cash while in college. Depending on the nature of the job, you may need to go through additional training to learn how to use any of the required equipment.

15. Become an artist model

Being an artist model isn’t a typical job, but it could be a fun way to make some extra money. Basically, you’ll serve as a model for students who will draw, paint, or sculpt your image in one of their art classes. If this interests you, contact your school's art department to see what jobs are available (if any) and what exactly they entail.

16. Write for your school newspaper

If you enjoy writing and staying up to date with campus events and activities, look into signing up to write or edit for your school newspaper. Not all colleges pay students to write for the paper, but some do, so check how your school handles compensation for staff writers and editors before committing.

17. Become an assistant for a professor or administrator

You can work as an assistant in one of the offices on your campus, such as an administration or advisory office, as these offices often need help scheduling appointments and with other day-to-day tasks. These jobs can likely be found on your campus job board, but you can also ask your advisors and professors if they have opportunities available.

18. Become a campus radio show host

If your campus has a radio show, consider applying, and you might be able to work in the media room or even as a host. Not all campuses pay for these positions, so check with your college to see what opportunities are available and if they pay.

19. Participate in student government

Students participate in student government for many reasons – because they have an interest in politics, because they want to better their school in various ways, and so on – but one more reason to consider a position in student government is some schools either pay students to participate or offer them a stipend if they do. Often these are elected positions, which might make it harder to get them.

20. Become an orientation leader

College orientation for college freshmen is a significant event to help them transition into college life. Many college upperclassmen participate in orientation, and some colleges pay those who help. At some schools, orientation is a few days; at others, it’s a week or even more, so for those looking for a quick way to make some cash and give back to their college community, this is something to explore.

21. Become a peer mentor

Many colleges and universities provide peer mentors to students to help them throughout their school experience. Because peer mentors can play an important role on college campuses, some colleges and universities pay their peer mentors. Reach out to the office of student life (or the equivalent) at your college to inquire about these positions.

22. Work in the library

The library is the center of many college campuses. Many colleges employ students to work in the library – to work at the front desk, to check in and out books, and to organize the shelves. For students who are avid readers or like to be in the center of the action on their college campus, a position at the library might be worth applying for.

23. Participate in campus clubs

From clubs that focus on STEM to political clubs to identity-based clubs, most colleges and universities offer students a vast range of options when it comes to campus clubs. Many students might not realize that some colleges and universities pay participants of campus clubs, particularly officers of clubs. If you’re passionate about something, and there is a club devoted to that passion on your campus, inquire if any officers or others are getting paid to be involved.

24. Work for your college’s safety team

Some colleges employ campus safety teams to patrol their campuses, and some staff them with students in paid positions. Often, the hours required for these positions are in the evenings and on the weekends, which might work well for some students depending on their schedule.

Off-campus jobs for college students

Just because you’re enrolled in college doesn’t mean you can’t get a job off-campus. As you consider off-campus jobs, weigh how much time you have to commit to a job (in addition to your studies) so you don’t get overwhelmed with responsibilities.

25. Tutor elementary, middle, or high school students

If you enjoy teaching and working with kids, consider offering tutoring services to students from kindergarten to high school.

Students often need extra help outside of school to assist with homework or test prep, and you can market your services in your local community or through referrals to see if anyone you know is looking for a tutor.

26. Secure a paid internship

Internships are a great way to get your foot in the door at a job you might be interested in after college. Companies often have internship programs throughout the year (including the summer) where students can get a preview of what a job in a particular field might entail.

If you’re interested in working at a particular company after college, look to see what kind of internship opportunities are available, if any. Stay on top of application deadlines, as internship programs can sometimes be competitive.

27. Become a lifeguard

Do you enjoy swimming and working outside? Then consider being a lifeguard. You'll likely need to go through specific training in case you need to rescue someone in the water. Contact the pools, fitness centers, and beaches in your area to see if any lifeguard opportunities are available.

28. Become a nanny

Do you like working with kids? Nannying is a great way to make money while in college, especially if you find a family for which you can be a regular helper. Ask to see if anyone you know is looking for a nanny, or consider applying online through the various agencies that help match nannies to families.

29. Get a door-to-door sales job

Some companies hire people to sell things door to door. This job can pay a salary, pay by the hour, or it can also be commission-based. If you have a knack for convincing people of things and enjoy selling things, this job could be for you. Do thorough research before signing up for these kinds of sales jobs to ensure that you work for a reputable company.

30. Become a translator

Can you speak and write in another language? If so, you could use that to your advantage by getting a translator job. Many companies need help translating, whether with written materials or in real time in meetings or conferences. You can look for these jobs online and be prepared to undergo a test during the application process to prove your fluency.

31. Work in retail

Working in retail allows you to earn extra cash, and many retailers offer additional discounts to employees. If there’s a particular store you enjoy shopping at, consider applying to work there. Another bonus to working in retail during college is that many stores allow students to work flexible hours depending on their class schedules.

32. Become a product demonstrator

Marketing companies often hire people to demonstrate their products at different stores or at specific events to help market them and gain a customer base. These kinds of jobs can often be found on online job boards, but don’t be afraid to ask a product demonstrator when you see one out and about how they got their job, too.

33. Become a personal trainer

If you have a good understanding of how to get in shape and want to help others as well, being a personal trainer can be a great side hustle. Not only will you be helping people, but you’ll get paid to do it. An additional perk includes having a flexible schedule, as you’ll get to schedule training sessions that work best for you.

34. Get a part-time job at an event planning company

Event planning companies help people and companies plan many types of events, such as birthdays, weddings, baby showers, corporate events, and so much more. There’s a lot of moving parts when it comes to putting together events. These companies sometimes need help setting up or with heavy lifting, such as setting up backdrops and décor, tables and chairs, or even arranging floral bouquets.

Check with local event management companies to see what job opportunities they have that could work for you and your schedule.

35. Help senior citizens

Senior citizens in your area might need help with various tasks such as getting groceries, cooking, light cleaning, or managing their appointments. Family members of senior citizens sometimes even hire people to spend time with their loved ones to offer them companionship, especially if they live far away from them. A part-time job helping a senior citizen can be a great way to give back while also picking up a job that likely has flexible hours.

36. Get a job at a restaurant or cafe

Working in a restaurant or café will help you develop skills you might find yourself using for years to come. You'll learn all about customer service, time management, and even how to work under pressure. Check with local restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops to see if they’re hiring for part-time positions.

37. Get a part-time corporate job

Companies often need part-time help for roles including receptionists or assistants. Sometimes a college degree isn’t required for these particular jobs. If you’re interested in working for a particular company, check regularly to see if they have part-time positions available. As the hours might not be flexible, make sure you’ll have enough time if offered one of these jobs.

38. Get a customer service job

A customer service job could include answering customer questions, making sure that the company you’re working for is taking care of their customers’ concerns and needs professionally and appropriately, or even monitoring social media for customer concerns. These jobs can vary widely, but as companies like to have customer service representatives available 24 hours a day, there might be opportunities that won’t conflict with your class schedule.

39. Become a receptionist

Receptionist jobs typically involve answering the phone, taking messages, scheduling and confirming appointments, and greeting customers and other visitors. You can look for opportunities in doctors' offices, clinics, and different office settings.

40. Work as a bank teller

College students can apply to work as bank tellers, as this role typically doesn’t require a college degree. Search online job boards for these positions or check with banks in your area to see if they’re hiring.

41. Become a warehouse worker

A warehouse worker's general role consists of receiving, sorting, and stocking goods for dispatching. As a warehouse worker, you might work for a big company, small company, or a company under contract by multiple companies. You can find these jobs on online job boards or company websites.

42. Take on construction jobs

Construction companies often look for part-time help on projects or temporary full-time workers during the summer that could be a good fit for college students. If you’re interested in working in construction, look at online job boards to see what opportunities are available around you. If you have a large construction site in your area, go in person to see if any opportunities are available.

43. Work as a massage therapist

Working as a massage therapist might require special training or certifications, but it often comes with the ability to set your own hours. Look on online job boards and see if any local massage businesses or spas around you are hiring. Also, do your research to see what the job requirements might be.

44. Become a group class fitness instructor

Do you enjoy doing yoga, Pilates, or other fitness classes? You could consider teaching your own class. Many gyms and fitness studios have opportunities for fitness instructors. You may need to do training or complete a certification to land one of these jobs, so keep that in mind if you decide to pursue this.

45. Work as a product placer in grocery stores

Food brands often pay or negotiate for a specific place in a grocery store. They then sometimes hire people to make sure their company’s items are placed where they’re supposed to be. These jobs sometimes require travel, which could interfere with your schooling, so make sure the job’s schedule will work with your needs.

46. Work as a prep cook

Many restaurants need help prepping food, such as cutting vegetables, fruits, and more. Many prep cook jobs require time in the mornings, so if your classes start later in the day, this could be a good fit for you. Check with local restaurants to see if they have any openings.

47. Get a job as a daycare helper

If you enjoy being around babies and children, consider a job as a daycare helper. Depending on the daycare, you may be required to complete a background check, and there may be training involved. Check with daycares in your area to see what opportunities they may have for college students.

48. Become a summer camp counselor

Summer camps often look for counselors to plan and lead activities for kids. If you like kids, this could be a job to consider. It can also be a good job to consider if you’re only looking for summer jobs.

49. Become a delivery driver for a specific company

Sometimes companies employ delivery drivers, which can be a steady gig for a college student. Check online job boards or with the companies you’d like to work for directly. Additional training may be required for driving the delivery trucks and handling packages. Another thing to consider about these roles is that the hours might not be flexible.

50. Become a SAT or ACT tutor

If you're a good test taker and aced your SATs or ACT during the college application process, consider working as a tutor for high school students. You can also consider hosting classes for a group of students. You can offer your services via word of mouth or apply to be a tutor for a company that provides tutoring services.

51. Work in IT

If you enjoy working with computers and new technology, you could consider roles in IT. Many companies, both big and small, need technology help, and sometimes, armed with the right skills, these jobs don’t require applicants to have a college degree.

52. Tutor in your native language

Many people are looking for native speakers to help them learn another language. If you speak another language besides English, consider tutoring in your native language. If you only speak English, you can also consider tutoring non-English speakers in English to earn extra money.

53. Become a dog walker

If you have a dog of your own, you know how often dogs need to be walked. Becoming a dog walker can be a great income opportunity as some dog owners may not have time to walk their dogs or need help on days they’re traveling or working. That’s where you can come in. You can advertise your services via word of mouth or also apply to small companies offering dog walking services.

54. Start housekeeping

Why not consider helping people maintain a clean space? You can start by offering services to students living in your dorm or apartment building; or working with local cleaning companies. Consider looking online for work opportunities or via specific housekeeping online service platforms to find jobs.

Side hustles for college students (that don’t require a time commitment)

You might find yourself in college just needing to earn some extra money here and there. You also might not have time to get a part-time or full-time job or a job requiring a significant time commitment. Here are some side hustles to consider that don’t require any set time commitment that you might be able to pick up here and there as needed.

55. Drive for a rideshare service

If you own a car and are good with directions, you can sign up to drive for a rideshare service. People use rideshare apps to request rides, and working as a driver for a rideshare service, you’ll earn money for each ride you complete, plus you might receive tips. The biggest perk of this side hustle is that these gigs usually don’t require set hours or even a commitment of hours, so they’re great for college students who might need a lot of flexibility.

56. Look for TV or movie extra roles

Do you want to be in a movie or a TV show? TV shows and movies always need extras. These roles require no experience, no acting talent, and usually, no need for you even to talk. As long as you can follow directions and don't mind staying on set for long hours, you can sign up for these roles by searching online job boards. These jobs can be great if you want to pick up a day or two of work here and there, plus you’ll get bragging rights.

57. Participate in paid experiments

University labs often conduct experiments that require human subjects, and sometimes participating in these experiments pays. These opportunities often come with specific requirements for subjects (for example, being a male between the ages of 20 to 25) and varying time requirements. Check your college job board as a first step to finding these side gigs.

58. Help people move

Put your muscles to the test and help people move into or out of their apartments and homes. You'll need to be comfortable lifting heavy objects and handling furniture without damaging it. People look for ad hoc movers on social media and other online side gig job boards, so start there when looking for work.

59. Start pet sitting

If someone has pets, they might need them to be looked after when they’re traveling or working. You can pet sit for people you know or advertise your services online or by posting flyers. This largely passive income opportunity probably won’t interfere with your studies.

60. Sell your old stuff for a profit

Try clearing out your home or your parents’ home (with their permission) while making extra cash on the side. Find old items you no longer want and post them on online platforms with a description and photos to sell them for money. You can also resort to a good old-fashioned garage sale to sell items you no longer want to make extra cash.

61. Rent your car

Some services allow you to rent your car (if you have one) to others. You'll need to upload pictures of your car and make sure all the car’s maintenance checks are up to date. You can also advertise to friends and classmates that you’re willing to rent your car out for a small fee if they ever want it. This is a way to earn extra cash without doing much, especially if you don't use your car that regularly.

62. Rent your place when you’re out of town

If you travel a lot or know that you'll be out of town for a certain amount of time, you can rent out your house or apartment for the time you'll be away. There are digital platforms to make your space available for rent, and word of mouth is another good way to advertise that your place is available during a specific time. This is a relatively passive way to earn some extra cash, you’ll just need to make sure your home is clean before giving it over to renters.

63. Start house sitting

When traveling, people may need someone to watch over their home for various reasons (say, to water their plants or to supervise a construction project). This is a passive income gig you can pick up here and there when the opportunity becomes available.

64. Pick up odd catering jobs

Catering companies hire staff to help set up and serve food and other responsibilities during large events. While some people have full or part-time positions with catering companies, catering companies also look for folks to fill in on a daily or hourly basis as needed, which can be a great way to earn extra cash without making a time commitment. Check with local catering companies to see if they ever look for ad hoc staff.

65. Do handyperson work

Do you enjoy building or repairing things? Picking up handyperson work here and there could be a good fit for you. You can help people with odd jobs around their house, such as installing a TV or repairing broken appliances. Consider helping people you know to help build your experience and then offering your services online.

66. Offer ad hoc computer repair services

Having computer skills is a great talent to have. You can get paid to fix broken computers or other tech devices or provide more general tech support. If you're tech-savvy and understand tech problems well, this is a possible side gig with a lot of flexibility and the ability to make your schedule.

67. Take on odd gardening jobs

If you have a green thumb, doing odd gardening jobs could be a good fit for you. This can be ad hoc work that you can pick up when you have time, like in the summer months. You can offer your services to people in your neighborhood or even advertise on social media to spread the word that you’re available.

68. Sell baked goods

Selling baked goods can be a great way to make extra money in college, especially if you have some specialties in the kitchen. Consider selling your creations at local farmers markets, via social media, or even in the lobby of your dorm (if you live in a dorm). For example, you could consider selling during midterms and finals, which could be a particularly lucrative period if you have the time.

69. Review resumes

Many people in college need help reviewing their resume, whether it's for an internship, job, or a graduate school application. If this is something you enjoy and are skilled at, you can earn money helping to review and critique resumes for classmates or even selling templates of resumes.

70. Help people with college and graduate school admissions essays

Every year millions of people apply to college and graduate schools in the U.S., and these applications usually mean that students need to write corresponding admissions essays. You can offer your services to high school and college students to be an extra pair of eyes for their admissions essays to help them stand out to the admissions committee, especially if you’re a skilled writer and editor.

71. Apply for services to run errands or grocery shop for others

You can make money by running errands via digital delivery platforms, such as delivering restaurant meals to people or shopping for groceries and dropping them off. There are several apps you can use where people can hire you, and like signing up for a ride-share app, you can usually pick how much and when you work.

72. Run errands for people in your community

If you don’t want to deal with working for an app, you can also offer your services around your neighborhood. For instance, you may have an elderly neighbor who needs help with their errands and would be willing to pay you for your services occasionally, or you may have a busy professor who needs help picking and dropping off their dry cleaning. Advertise your services so people know you’re available to do this kind of work on an ad hoc basis.

73. Sell your class notes

If you're a detailed notetaker, why not profit from it and try selling your class notes? Classmates might need your notes because they missed a class because they were sick, aren’t great notetakers, or just because they want another perspective on a class. Several online sites will pay you for your class notes, or you can advertise to your classmates that you’re selling your notes.

74. Proofread and edit essays

Only some enjoy writing, but if you do, why not help others with proofreading and editing their essays so they can make their content stronger? With essay writing being such a big part of the college academic experience for many students, you’ll have a large potential customer base. This is also the kind of side hustle that you can do only when you have the time for it.

75. Become a mystery shopper or diner

Mystery shoppers and diners pose as ordinary customers and are responsible for determining the quality of products and customer service at various stores and restaurants so these businesses can get an accurate take on what’s happening at their establishment. These ad hoc jobs often include submitting observations or completing a questionnaire for the business that hired you.

76. Look for part-time event help (like at summer fairs and carnivals)

Carnivals and local festivals in your area may need help on an ad hoc basis. Think temporary jobs like providing entertainment to kids, working at food stations, or helping people get onto rides. You may also get free admission into these fairs as a perk. It’s a potentially great way to have fun and get paid.

77. Work as an election officer

Did you know you can get paid to work at election polls? This gig usually lasts a day to a few weeks and consists of helping people understand the voting process and ensuring the voting process is going smoothly. There are more elections than just the presidential election every four years, including many local elections, so there are quite a few opportunities to explore.

78. Flip flea market finds

Do you enjoy thrift shopping? Why not make it a side hustle. You can source specialty or vintage items and resell them for a small markup online. Some people have grown this side gig into a full-blown business, but there’s also the opportunity to do this ad hoc when you need cash.

79. Take odd babysitter jobs

Babysitting when you have time can be a way to make extra cash when you need it while you’re in college. You can do it as much or as little as you want to, and there’s even the chance to find opportunities near campus, including babysitting for professors or other college administrators.

Small businesses you can start in college

Starting a small business isn’t out of the question for college students. In fact, some of the most successful companies today were started out of college dorm rooms. There are a lot of ways to approach starting a small business in college – from a service-based business you can do when you have time, to something much more involved. Here are some ideas.

80. Start a laundry business

Not everyone enjoys doing laundry, especially if they just moved to college and have never done their own laundry. That's why offering laundry services can be a lucrative small business idea, especially if you market it effectively. Keep in mind that this is not only something you can offer to fellow students, but it’s something you can offer in the local community, too.

81. Make websites for clients

Making websites for clients can be a great way to make money while you’re in college. For this job, you’ll need to learn web development skills and build a portfolio to showcase your skills and demonstrate what you can do for your clients. You can advertise your services on social media or freelance websites. You can also reach out to businesses directly to offer your services.

82. Start a sewing business

Not everyone knows how to sew a button or hem a pair of pants. If you enjoy sewing, consider offering your services on your campus or in your community. You can advertise your services via social media or other avenues, too.

83. Offer music lessons

If you play an instrument or sing and feel like you’ve built up enough of a skill to teach someone else, this might be an opportunity worth exploring. Check in your local community or with friends and neighbors to see if anyone you know is looking for music lessons, and from there, start building up a clientele.

84. Start a lawn care business

If you have a lawn mower and yard tools (or the ability to use them), why not put them to work and make money helping people with their lawn maintenance? Of course, you'll have to be comfortable using a lawn mower, yard tools, and working outside.

85. Teach skills-based classes

Maybe you enjoy baking, or pottery, or photography? Why not host classes in your community or neighborhood for others interested in learning your skill? You could even consider hosting a webinar online teaching your skill. There are a lot of options to consider here if this is something you’re interested in, and there’s the potential to turn this into a small business enterprise.

86. Start a pool cleaning business

Having a pool in your home means having to take care of it, and let’s be honest, not everyone wants to. If you’re familiar with pools and how to maintain them (or if you’re willing to learn), offering up pool cleaning services could be a great way to make money, particularly in the summer.

87. Start a nails, makeup, or hair business (or offer all three)

If you’re skilled (and enjoy) doing nails, makeup, or hair (or all of these), there’s likely a market for your services. If your friends or family enjoy getting their nails, hair, and makeup done, you might have a customer base already. You can advertise in your dorm, apartment complex, or around campus. College formal time could be a particularly good time to make extra cash offering these services.

88. Become a car washing or detailing entrepreneur

Who doesn't enjoy having their car cleaned and smelling great? But not everyone has the time to do this themselves. To make extra cash, you can offer car washing and detailing services around campus and in your community. Once word of mouth spreads, this could potentially turn into a small business enterprise.

89. Start a home organizing small business

We all know how busy life gets and how quickly things can get unorganized around a home. If you have a knack (and possibly) a love for organizing things, you might want to consider working as a home organizer and helping people organize and manage their possessions. This could entail helping someone organize their closets, helping them prepare for a move, or helping them organize collectibles. Many have grown this into a small business.

Creative jobs for college students

If you have a creative side and are looking to stretch that muscle, you might want to consider getting a creative job or side hustle during college. There are a variety of options to consider, here is just a sampling.

90. Make money as an entertainer

Remember going to friends’ birthday parties and getting your face painted or seeing magic tricks as a kid? Why not consider being that entertainer! Look for opportunities within your community and on online job boards, along with reaching out to local event companies.

91. Become a freelance writer

If you enjoy writing (and maybe are even considering pursuing it as a career), freelance writing as a side gig could be a great way to get your foot in the door and work on your own schedule. You can set an hourly rate for your work and find opportunities online, in your community, and even on-campus. There are many kinds of opportunities to explore if this interests you – think of options like writing social media posts, copy for websites, writing articles, and more.

92. Sell customized t-shirts and crafts

Enjoy designing and creating new things? Selling t-shirts and crafts is an excellent way to make money in college. You may be able to find a customer base on campus and then expand out to the broader community. It’s also a side gig that you can dip in and out of, depending on your schedule.

93. Become a freelance photographer

As a college student and freelance photographer, there are different avenues to pursue to make money. You can offer your services to fellow students and friends, sell prints of your work, or even work with local media (think newspapers, magazines, and blogs) to take photos of local events. You'll be able to earn money, improve your skills as a photographer, build your portfolio, and be in control of the hours you work.

94. Work as a content creator

College students who are content creators have an opportunity to make money doing what they love. If you’re active on social media platforms, you can monetize your channels by building a following and working with brands to create sponsored content or via collaborations.

95. Do freelance graphic design work

If you have a talent for graphic design, there are several ways to make money in college. Consider offering your services to peers, joining freelance platforms to find graphic design work, or collaborating with local businesses and sports teams. It can be valuable to have a strong portfolio of your previous work to showcase your design skills and attract clients, so prioritize building this up over time so you can get more and more work as your time allows.

96. Become a freelance video editor

If you enjoy editing video footage and have some experience in this area, consider becoming a freelance video editor. Video editors have a significant role in any film or video’s postproduction process, and there are many opportunities, including working on social media video posts. Look for gigs online or even on campus.

97. Become a DJ

If you’re a music lover and enjoy mixing tracks, why not look into working as a DJ? If this interests you, you can look for opportunities around campus or in your local community. Don’t be afraid to offer your DJ services to family and friends who might be interested in hiring a DJ for an event.

98. Write an e-book and sell it

If you’ve always wanted to write a book but didn’t think it would be possible to get it published, consider writing an e-book and selling it. This can be a non-fiction or a fiction book (depending on your interests). It could be educational, a memoir, or a novel. While writing a book can certainly be a big undertaking, it’s increasingly possible to write, market, and sell a book on your own.

Remote jobs for college students

With work increasingly moving remote, there are now many opportunities to take on side gigs that are fully remote. While many of the money-making opportunities we covered above can be remote in some instances, the jobs we’ll cover below are by-in-large remote or virtual.

99. Become a freelance presentation maker

Many companies need a constant stream of presentations to present to their customers or clients, but just as many may not have time to dedicate to the task. If you enjoy creating presentations and can deliver messages in fun and creative ways, seek out remote opportunities to create presentations for companies and non-profits.

100. Create an online course

Is there a subject you enjoy or are good at? You can create an online course around it and sell it — all online. While you might think that there’s no subject you’ve mastered, keep in mind that you can think broadly when figuring out a topic for an online course. Maybe you’re great at creating viral social media posts – that could be an online course. Perhaps you’re a fabulous Italian chef – that could be an online course, too!

101. Become a virtual assistant

Being a virtual assistant can be a great side job for college students. You can be remote and get paid to help people with administrative tasks, such as answering emails, scheduling appointments, and other tasks that might be needed. You can check online and on job boards for virtual assistant jobs. Some services also help to place virtual assistants.

102. Look for freelance coding jobs

If you’re interested in freelance coding, you can advertise your coding services on various platforms and take on projects from clients who need coding for their websites or software. You can also teach coding if you have a high enough skill level.

103. Become a freelance transcriptionist

Many large meetings, seminars, and conferences offer transcripts to their attendees after the sessions, and they often need help transcribing them. This is where you can come in. Many remote opportunities exist to transcribe audio recordings. You’ll have to be very attentive and ensure you catch all that’s being said, but these remote jobs offer a lot of flexibility, which can be beneficial to college students.

104. Get a remote part-time job

With so many job opportunities now fully remote, there’s increasingly the opportunity to get a part-time job during college that’s remote. While it’s likely that these jobs will have set hours, and you’ll need to make sure that these hours don’t interfere with your studies, there are benefits to working remotely in college. For instance, you won’t have to commute to an office, which will save you time, which will give you more time to devote to your studies.

105. Get a remote customer service representative job

While we covered customer service jobs as an option for college students above, it’s worth mentioning again, specifically in the context of remote work. Many companies are hiring customer service reps that are entirely remote, which means this is a gig that you can increasingly do anywhere – including from a dorm room!

106. Become an online tutor

There are many opportunities to become a tutor in college, and those opportunities include becoming an online tutor specifically. You can sign up for services online that can help match you with clients. You can also market that you’re available as an online tutor to friends and family.

Final thoughts

You don't have to stick to the stereotypical narrative of being broke in college — there are many ways to make money in college. If you’re looking for an opportunity to earn money in college, find something you’re comfortable doing that won’t distract you from your college classes.

106 Ways To Make Money In College | Chase (2024)


How can I get enough money for college? ›

7 Options if You Didn't Receive Enough Financial Aid
  1. Apply for scholarships.
  2. Request an aid adjustment.
  3. Explore additional needs-based programs.
  4. Find part-time work.
  5. Ask about tuition payment plans.
  6. Request additional federal student loans.
  7. Research private or alternative loans.

How can a broke college student make money fast? ›

Get a Part-time Job While You're in College
  1. Look for on-campus work. Check with your college or university for work-study or other oncampus positions offered to students. ...
  2. Seek off-campus opportunities. ...
  3. Tutor. ...
  4. Write, edit and proofread. ...
  5. Transcribe. ...
  6. Walk dogs. ...
  7. Babysit. ...
  8. House sit.
Mar 28, 2023

How to make money as a student with no time? ›

28 ways to earn passive income as a college student
  1. House or pet sitting. ...
  2. Rent your car or bicycle. ...
  3. Stream video games online. ...
  4. Sell stock photography. ...
  5. Become an influencer. ...
  6. Advertise with your car. ...
  7. Fill out online surveys. ...
  8. Create an app.

How to make $100 000 a year without college? ›

9 jobs that pay $100K per year without a degree
  1. Information systems manager. ...
  2. Fire chief. ...
  3. Product manager. ...
  4. Senior engagement manager. ...
  5. Radiation therapist. ...
  6. Computer network architect. ...
  7. Senior real estate manager. ...
  8. Technical program manager.
Apr 18, 2024

How to make money in one hour legit? ›

17 ways to make money in one hour or less
  1. Take online surveys.
  2. Sell stuff via online marketplaces.
  3. Sell unwanted gift cards.
  4. Work as a freelance writer.
  5. Walk dogs.
  6. Deliver packages and groceries.
  7. Deliver food.
  8. Seek unclaimed money.
Aug 7, 2024

How to make passive income as a college student? ›

Here are seven passive income ideas:
  1. Open A High Yield Savings Account. ...
  2. Buy Dividend Stocks. ...
  3. Build A Digital Product Teaching Something You Already Know. ...
  4. Write A Book. ...
  5. Generate Sales For Someone Else's Book Or Product. ...
  6. Attract Ad Revenue Or Sponsors For A Site You Create And Manage. ...
  7. Partner On A rental Real Estate Deal.
May 4, 2024

How can I finish college without money? ›

7 Best Ways To Pay for College With No Money
  1. Apply for Scholarships and Grants. ...
  2. Use GI Bill Benefits. ...
  3. Request Tuition Reimbursem*nt. ...
  4. Pursue Work-Study Programs. ...
  5. Work While in School. ...
  6. Ask About Tuition Payment Plans. ...
  7. Use Student Loans for Remaining Expenses.
Jul 24, 2024

How do you survive college financially? ›

Here are some of the most important personal finance tips for students.
  1. Create a Budget. Budgeting is key to saving and growing money in college. ...
  2. Open a Savings Account. ...
  3. Take a Personal Finance Class. ...
  4. Apply for Unemployment Benefits. ...
  5. Get an On-Campus Job. ...
  6. Consider a Side Hustle. ...
  7. On-Campus Resources. ...
  8. Local and State Resources.

What is the fastest way to make money as a student? ›

15 ways to make money as a student
  1. Online tutoring.
  2. Freelance writing.
  3. Graphic design.
  4. Part-time retail.
  5. Selling handmade crafts.
  6. Research studies.
  7. Baby or pet sitting.
  8. College social influencers.

How do beginners start passive income? ›

Passive income ideas:
  • Create a course.
  • Write an e-book.
  • Rental income.
  • Affiliate marketing.
  • Flip retail products.
  • Sell photography online.
  • Buy crowdfunded real estate.
  • Peer-to-peer lending.
May 1, 2024

How to get paid to go to college? ›

Money for college is available from many sources, particularly the federal government's student financial aid programs. You may also be eligible for financial assistance from your employer or as a military veteran. Scholarships and grants represent free money, while loans eventually have to be paid back.

What makes the most money in college? ›

10 Highest Paying College Majors for 2024
  1. Business Administration. A business administration degree prepares you for management, consulting, and leadership roles. ...
  2. Computer Science. ...
  3. Psychology. ...
  4. Accounting. ...
  5. Finance. ...
  6. Nursing. ...
  7. Economics. ...
  8. Healthcare Administration.

What is the main way colleges make money? ›

Colleges and universities can make money from a number of sources, including endowments, gifts, tuition and fees, athletics, and grants.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.