100+ Test Cases For Search Functionality You Should Know (2024)

100+ Test Cases For Search Functionality You Should Know (1)

Search functionality is an interesting but complex area when it comes to testing. A search functionality is by definition a search engine, which deals with vast amounts of data and an underlying search algorithm built on complex statistical models. That’s not to mention the ever-increasing user expectations for the search feature to understand nuances in human language, capable of handling misspellings, synonyms, and natural language queries.

Understanding that challenge, in this article, we will list out the most common and essential test cases for search functionality and categorize them in groups. We also include asample test case document for this page so that you can get started more quickly.

Read More:100 Test Cases For Ecommerce Websites

Free Test Case Template To Download

To best write your test cases, you should always have atest case template, which we have prepared in PDF, Doc, and Excel sheet formats for you to download. Simply hit the button below and start noting down your test cases right away.

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Why Test The Search Functionality?

  • The search functionality must handle diverse data types, each with unique testing needs.
  • Managing system performance with large data sets.
  • Ensuring that the website/software returns accurate and expected search results.
  • Adapting to unpredictable user search queries.
  • Ensuring thatsmart search features performs as expected
  • Ensure that the search feature supports multiple languages if the website has an international presence.

Read More:How To Find Bugs on Websites?

Important Test Cases For Search Functionality

1. Test Cases For Search Functionality in Ecommerce Website

100+ Test Cases For Search Functionality You Should Know (2)

Ecommerce websites pose unique challenges when it comes to testing the search functionality due to the large volume of customers having high expectations for the search results. Many Ecommerce websites even employ predictive analytics to tailor the search results to the customer behavior. Here are some important test cases for the search functionality on Ecommerce websites:

  1. Verify that the search bar is prominently displayed on the homepage.
  2. Enter a valid product name and ensure relevant results are displayed.
  3. Enter a query with multiple keywords and confirm accurate results.
  4. Check if search results show product images, names, prices, and descriptions.
  5. Verify that filters (e.g., sorting, category, price range) work correctly with search results.
  6. Test the "Search As You Type" feature for real-time suggestions.
  7. Ensure the search functionality supports auto-correction for misspelled words.
  8. Test the pagination of search results when there are multiple pages of results.
  9. Verify that the search results can be shared via social media or email.
  10. Check if the search history is displayed and functional.
  11. Test the responsiveness of the search feature on different devices (desktop, mobile, tablet).
  12. Verify that the search functionality supports voice search.
  13. Check if the "Did you mean?" feature provides relevant suggestions for ambiguous queries.
  14. Test the speed of search results retrieval for a high-traffic scenario.
  15. Verify that the search functionality integrates with the site's recommendation engine.

2. Negative Test Cases For Search Functionality

100+ Test Cases For Search Functionality You Should Know (4)

Users don’t always behave in the way we expect them to be. That’s why we also need negative test cases, which are test cases for invalid and unexpected conditions/scenarios. For example:

  1. Enter an empty search query and ensure it provides an appropriate error message or doesn't initiate a search.
  2. Search for a product or term that doesn't exist in the database and verify that it returns no results.
  3. Use special characters (e.g., @, $, %) in the search query and validate how they are handled.
  4. Enter a search query that exceeds the character limit allowed and verify how it's managed.
  5. Attempt to search using data types other than text, such as numbers or symbols.
  6. Search for a product or term using incorrect capitalization and verify if the search is case-sensitive or not.
  7. Enter search queries that consist of common stop words (e.g., "and," "the") and ensure they are handled correctly.
  8. Add unnecessary spaces at the beginning or end of the search query and confirm how it's treated.
  9. Enter queries with unsupported characters or symbols that should be filtered or replaced.
  10. Attempt to search while the website is undergoing maintenance or updates and assess how it's handled.
  11. Conduct searches with a deliberately slow or unreliable network connection to test the system's response time.
  12. Enter data in an incorrect format for the search query, such as entering a date in a text search.
  13. Test if the sorting options (e.g., price low to high) work as expected and that they don't produce incorrect results.
  14. Interrupt a search operation by navigating to a different page or clicking away and assess how it handles the interruption.
  15. Attempt to search when the search feature is intentionally disabled or hidden and verify its behavior.
  16. Enter mixed-language queries with text in different languages and check how it interprets and processes them.

3. Query Input Test For Search Feature

100+ Test Cases For Search Functionality You Should Know (5)

Before conducting this type of testing, note that there are several types of search methods used to retrieve information from databases, including:

  • Keyword Search: the most basic type of search where users enter one or more keywords to find information matching those terms.
  • Boolean Search: users can combine keywords using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine search results. This is usually considered as an Advanced search feature.
  • Natural Language Search: Natural language search allows users to enter queries in plain, everyday language. This is a growing type of search withGoogle's upcoming SGE.
  • Faceted Search: this method lets users filter search results based on predefined categories or attributes (facets). It's often used in e-commerce websites to refine product searches.
  • Geospatial Search: this focuses on finding information based on geographic location or coordinates. It is commonly used in mapping and location-based services.
  • Voice Search: while relatively new, voice search allows users to perform searches using voice commands or speech recognition technology.

Here are some common test cases for the query input:

  1. Test single-word queries.
  2. Test multi-word queries with spaces.
  3. Enter queries with synonyms and ensure they yield consistent results.
  4. Test queries with hyphens and special characters.
  5. Use Boolean operators (AND, OR) in search queries and confirm correct behavior.
  6. Verify the handling of upper and lower case characters in queries.
  7. Test search queries withdiacritics andaccented characters
  8. Enter queries with numeric values and check for relevant results.
  9. Use wildcard characters (* or ?) in queries and validate their impact on results.
  10. Test queries with stop words (common words like "and," "the") and verify they are handled correctly.
  11. Enter queries with common misspellings and assess auto-correction.
  12. Test voice search with both clear and accented pronunciation.
  13. Verify the behavior when entering queries in different languages.
  14. Test queries with geographic or location-based keywords.
  15. Enter ambiguous queries and assess the accuracy of suggested alternatives.

4. Test Cases For Search Results Evaluation

The quality of search results is the main indicator of search functionality quality. The most important factor isrelevance: a good search result should closely match the user's query and provide information that is directly related to their search intent. Other aspects include:

  • Completeness: does the search result include a comprehensive set of answers related to the original search input?
  • Clarity:is the search result presented in an easy-to-understand manner?
  • Consistency:can users predict where to find specific types of information within the results?
  • Ranking by Relevance:are most relevant results ranked at the top and less relevant results ranked at lower positions?
  • Rich snippets:are related product information (rating, product description, product title, etc.) included in the search results?

Here are some test cases to help you evaluate the search result quality:

  1. Verify that the most relevant results appear at the top of the list.
  2. Test sorting options (e.g., price low to high) and validate correct order.
  3. Check if the number of results matches the displayed count.
  4. Test the display of product images for all search results.
  5. Verify that product names and descriptions match the query.
  6. Test the accuracy of displayed product prices.
  7. Check if product ratings and reviews are correctly associated with search results.
  8. Enter a query for a specific brand and verify that only relevant products are displayed.
  9. Test the "Quick View" feature to ensure it opens the correct product details.
  10. Verify that product availability (in stock/out of stock) matches the search results.
  11. Test the display of related products or suggestions alongside search results.
  12. Check if sponsored or promoted products are clearly labeled.
  13. Test the behavior when a user clicks on a search result link.
  14. Verify that search results can be easily added to a shopping cart or wish list.
  15. Test the performance of search results loading under heavy user traffic.

5. Performance Test Cases For Search Functionality

These test cases allow you to evaluate if the search functionality can handle large volumes of users using it at the same time:

  1. Conduct load testing with multiple simultaneous search queries.
  2. Assess the response time of the search feature under typical load conditions.
  3. Test the search functionality's response to sudden spikes in traffic.
  4. Verify that the search system maintains performance during peak shopping hours.
  5. Test the impact of high volumes of concurrent user searches on server resources.
  6. Assess the scalability of the search system with increasing numbers of products.
  7. Verify that search results load efficiently on mobile devices with varying network speeds.
  8. Test the caching mechanisms for frequently searched queries.
  9. Assess the system's response to a gradual increase in catalog size.
  10. Measure the time it takes to update search index data when new products are added.

6. User Experience Testing For Search Feature

Here we try to evaluate and assess how real users interact with and experience the search functionality.

  1. Evaluate the placement and visibility of the search bar on the website.
  2. Test the responsiveness and compatibility of the search feature on different devices and browsers.
  3. Verify that the search bar accepts user inputs without delays.
  4. Check if search suggestions and auto-corrections are helpful and user-friendly.
  5. Assess the clarity of error messages and guidance provided to users.
  6. Test the usability of filters and sorting options in refining search results.
  7. Verify that search results are presented in a visually appealing and organized manner.
  8. Test the effectiveness of the "Search As You Type" feature in providing relevant suggestions.
  9. Assess the accessibility of the search feature for users with disabilities.
  10. Evaluate the user experience of voice search, including accuracy and ease of use.
  11. Check if the search feature maintains user search history and provides easy access.
  12. Verify that the search feature offers clear navigation to refine or expand search queries.
  13. Test the effectiveness of product recommendations integrated with search results.
  14. Assess the performance of the search feature during high-traffic periods.
  15. Solicit user feedback and preferences through usability testing and surveys.

How To Test Better With Katalon Platform

100+ Test Cases For Search Functionality You Should Know (6)

Katalon Platform is a comprehensive AI-augmented software quality management platform, helping you to orchestrate the entire API testing lifecycle from test creation, execution, maintenance, to reporting.

Katalon is best when teams don’t want to go through the trouble of building their own testing framework. To enable testing professionals to test UI and API in one place, Katalon is the complete solution for web, mobile and desktop software quality management.

Without having to go from tool to tool for different testing types and purposes, you get a full-fledged testing workspace to automate testing for digital products, including the following amazing features:

  • 3 Test authoring modes: For teams that want to get started quickly, Katalon offers Record-and-playback and Built-in Keywords for you to create your tests quickly without having to write a single line of code. For users who want more customization, there is a Java/Groovy scripting mode.
  • Test Organization: all test objects captured during Record-and-Playback sessions are organized in the Object Repository, which can be accessed easily to during test authoring modes, enabling even faster test creation.
  • Compatibility testing: local and cloud browsers, devices, and operating systems are available to run cross-platform API, end-to-end and regression test suites in parallel.
  • Easy maintenance: An object repository is built-in to store and access all of your UI elements, objects and locators. Easily update tests when the application's UI changes.
  • Requirements traceability: Native integrations with Jira, qTest and Xray.
  • Test Reporting and Analytics: after test runs, Katalon generates detailed reports in popular formats that you can quickly share to your team and stakeholders to help everyone gain insights on functional testing operations and make informed decisions. Katalon integrates seamlessly with many communication technologies to further enhance collaboration.

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Read More On Our Lists Of Test Cases

1. Test Cases For API Testing

2. Test Cases For Login Page

3. Test Cases For Registration Page

100+ Test Cases For Search Functionality You Should Know (2024)


How would you write test cases for a search API? ›

Identify test scenarios
  1. Data Retrieval: Test scenarios where data is fetched from the API using GET requests.
  2. Data Submission: Test scenarios where new data is sent to the API using POST requests.
  3. Error Handling: Ensure the API correctly handles errors, such as invalid inputs, unauthorized access, or server errors.

How do I test my search bar functionality? ›

Key Aspects to Test
  1. Verify that the search returns correct and relevant results based on the query.
  2. Assess the speed and efficiency of the search function, especially with large datasets.
  3. Check the responsiveness and intuitiveness of the search interface.
Dec 28, 2023

How to write a test case for a search field? ›

Verify that the search functionality works correctly when special characters are used in the search query. Verify that the search functionality works correctly when the search query is empty. Test the search functionality by entering a valid search term and verifying that the correct results are displayed.

How to write API test cases examples? ›

Standard API Test Case Format
  1. HTTP Method: The HTTP method to be used (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  2. Endpoint: The API endpoint to be tested (e.g., /users).
  3. Headers: Any necessary headers (e.g., Content-Type: application/json).
  4. Request Body: The request payload, if applicable (for POST/PUT requests).
Sep 5, 2024

What are the four methods API testing? ›

API stands for Application Programming Interface. API is a defined set of rules, which contains clearly defined methods of communication. API helps different software components to interact with each other.

How to write API test cases in Jira? ›

Option 1: Using Jira Issues for Test Cases

You start by adding a new issue type, e.g. Test case, and add a couple of relevant custom fields. For example, you could add a custom text field called Test steps and another field called Expected results. You then add a new issue for each test case.

What is the test case for auto suggestion search box? ›

Test Cases for Search Suggestions

Testing auto-suggestions or predictive search functionalities are equally important: - Verify that suggestions drop down as soon as the user starts typing in the search bar. - Check the relevance and accuracy of the suggestions provided. - Test the speed of the suggestions appear.

How do I troubleshoot my search bar? ›

Select System and Security under Troubleshooting. Next, choose Common computer issues and click it. A new window needs to load. Then, choose Search and Indexing and click the box labeled "Run the Troubleshooter."

What are the negative scenarios for search functionality? ›

Negative Test Cases for Search Functionality
  • Submitting an empty search term and checking that an appropriate error message is displayed. ...
  • Entering an invalid search term and verifying that the search function handles it properly. ...
  • Entering a search term that does not exist in the system.
Jun 12, 2024

How to write a good test case? ›

To write test cases in manual testing:
  1. Clearly define the objective and scope of the test case.
  2. Identify the necessary steps to execute the test.
  3. Specify the expected outcome or result.
  4. Include any necessary test data or prerequisites.
  5. Ensure the test case is concise, clear, and easy to understand and execute.
Sep 5, 2024

How to organize test cases? ›

You can use a test management tool or a spreadsheet to store and categorize your test cases, and assign them attributes such as priority, severity, status, owner, etc. You can also group your test cases into test suites or test scenarios, based on the functionality, feature, or requirement that they test.

What type of test is performed to test the new functionality? ›

Functional testing is a type of testing that seeks to establish whether each application feature works as per the software requirements. Each function is compared to the corresponding requirement to ascertain whether its output is consistent with the end user's expectations.

What is the search based testing process? ›

Search-Based Software Testing is the use of a meta-heuristic optimizing search technique, such as a Genetic Algorithm, to automate or partially automate a testing task, for example the automatic generation of test data. Key to the optimization process is a problem-specific fitness function.

What is a test scenario for functional testing? ›

The test scenario is a set of consecutive test cases that are used to ensure that the application is tested from end to end through a selected path with defined test data.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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