10 Types of Management Styles For Effective Leadership [2024] (2024)

This article will help your organization improve communication between managers and employees, enhance the hiring process for managers, and establish training paths for managers to develop the management styles best suited for your organization.


  • What is a management style?
  • Types of management styles
  • Autocratic management styles
  1. 1. Authoritative management style
  2. 2. Persuasive management style
  3. 3. Paternalistic management style
  • Democratic management styles
    1. 4. Consultative management style
    2. 5. Participative management style
    3. 6. Collaborative management style
    4. 7. Transformational management style
    5. 8. Coaching management style
  • Laissez-faire management styles
    1. 9. Delegative management style
    2. 10. Visionary management style

    By better understanding management styles, your organization can create and implement guidelines for the type of managers best suited for you, which will lead to more engaged employees, lower turnover and better business outcomes.

    What is a management style?

    A management style refers to the specific methods and approaches a manager uses to achieve their objectives. This includes how a manager plans, organizes, makes decisions, delegates tasks, and oversees their team.

    The style can differ greatly based on factors such as the type of company, the manager’s level within the organization, the industry, the country, and cultural influences, as well as individual traits of the manager.

    An effective manager is capable of adapting their management style to suit varying circ*mstances while maintaining a clear focus on reaching goals.

    Both internal and external factors influence management styles.

    Internal factors include:

    • The overall organizational and corporate culture of the company,
    • policies,
    • priorities,
    • employee engagement,
    • employee skill levels.

    In general, the higher-skilled employee does not need as much supervision, while less skilled employee will require more monitoring to consistently achieve their objectives.

    External factors include:

    • employment laws,
    • the economy,
    • competitors,
    • suppliers,
    • consumers.

    These are factors that are outside of the control of the organization, but will have an effect on both managers and employees.

    Types of management styles

    There are three broad categories of management styles: Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire.

    Within these categories, there are specific subtypes of management styles, each with its own pros and cons.

    Autocratic management styles

    This type of management follows a top-down approach, with one-way communication from bosses to employees.

    This is the most controlling of the different management styles, with the management making all workplace decisions and holding all of the power.

    Employees are treated as drones, to be monitored closely as they perform within clearly defined perimeters.

    Employees are not encouraged to ask questions, submit ideas, or share their thoughts on improving processes, and are in some cases actively discouraged from doing so.

    The subtypes of autocratic management style are authoritative, persuasive, and paternalistic.

    1. Authoritative management style

    In this style, managers dictate exactly what they require their subordinates to do and punish those who do not comply.

    Employees are expected to follow orders, not question the authority of management, and perform their tasks the same way each time.

    Managers monitor the employees closely, micromanaging their performance without placing trust or confidence that their employees can achieve their goals without direct and constant supervision. These types of managers believe that without this supervision, employees will not operate successfully.


    • This management style allows quick decision making, and creates clearly defined roles and expectations.
    • With unskilled workers or large teams, setting clear and solid expectations can allow workers to operate without uncertainty.
    • Productivity will increase, but only when the manager is present.


    • An increase in the dissatisfaction of employees
    • A higher turnover, resentment
    • A lack of professional development and employee engagement
    • The formation of an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ mentality between employees and management.
    • Innovation is stifled and inefficient processes will remain in place.

    When to use this style: If decisions need to be made and executed quickly, for example, in a time of organizational crisis, this management style can be used successfully. It should otherwise be avoided.

    2. Persuasive management style

    In this style, managers use their persuasive skills to convince employees that the unilateral decisions that the manager implements are for the good of the team, department, or organization.

    Rather than simply ordering employees to perform tasks, managers employing this style would invite questions and would explain the decision-making process and rationale behind policies. This can help employees feel as though they are a more trusted and valued part of the team and are involved in key business decisions, leading to lower levels of resentment or tension between management and employees.


    • Management can establish a higher level of trust between themselves and employees, and employees will accept top-down decisions more easily.
    • Employees respond more positively to reason and logic than they do the threat of punishment, and may feel less constricted than those managed with an authoritative style.


    • Employees will still chafe under the restrictions they are placed under, and become frustrated that they cannot give feedback, create solutions, or upskill in a meaningful way.

    When to use this style: This style can be used when you have more experience on the subject than the team you are leading. In those cases, you are the expert. While it is helpful to explain your thought process, ultimately, you know best. It can also be helpful when managing upwards.

    3. Paternalistic management style

    In this style, the manager acts with the best interests of their subordinates at heart.

    Usually, the organization will refer to employees as ‘family’ and ask for loyalty and trust from employees.

    Management using this style will use unilateral decision making but will explain to employees that the decision-makers are working from a place of expertise, and thus, legitimacy.

    Decisions are explained to employees, but there is no room for collaboration or questioning.


    • A paternalistic manager is focused on the welfare of their employees, and will base their decisions on what is best for their employees.
    • Upskilling and employee education are valued, leading to happier, more skilled, more productive employees.


    • Employees can become too dependent on management, leading to a lack of innovation and problem-solving.
    • There is a high chance of this style breeding resentment among employees who do not believe in the ‘organization as family’ concept.
    • Employees might find this style condescending and infantilizing.

    When to use this style: The use of this style is heavily culture-dependent. In Western countries, there is less reliance on hierarchical structures, and employees will be less accepting of the idea of a benevolent leader. Smaller companies may find success in this type of leadership, but it should be avoided by larger organizations.

    Democratic management styles

    In this style, managers encourage employees to give input during the decision-making process, but are ultimately responsible for the final decision.

    Communication goes both ways, top-down and bottom-up, and team cohesiveness is increased.

    This process allows for diverse opinions, skills and ideas to inform decisions.

    4. Consultative management style

    In this style, managers ask for the opinions and thoughts of their team, consulting the viewpoints of every member of their team.

    The manager will make the final decision, but they will consider all of the information given by team members before they do so.

    This style is often used in specialized fields, where employees are experts and their input is needed for the management to make informed decisions.


    • This style promotes a deeper bond between employees and management, and builds trust within teams.
    • Management grows with the team, as they learn from the ideas, opinions and experience of the employees that they lead.
    • Innovation and voicing opinions are encouraged, leading to better problem-solving.


    • The process of consulting employees can be labor and time-intensive.
    • If a manager is not skilled in the time management aspect of this process, they can easily get bogged down.
    • If there is an appearance of favoritism or bosses not listening to opinions, employees may become resentful and distrustful of the manager.
    • Excessive reliance on this style can lead to employees losing trust in their boss, as they will start to wonder why they are always called on to help solve problems instead of management handling it as part of their job.

    When to use this style: This style should be used when managing teams with specialized skills or when the manager does not have as much experience with the subject as the team does. For example, a manager assigned to run a team of developers creating a new SaaS product would want to consult with the team often to benefit from their experience.

    5. Participative management style

    In this style, managers and employees are all active members of the decision process.

    Employees are given access to more information about the company and its goals, and are encouraged to innovate solutions.

    Management seeks the thoughts, ideas and opinions of employees, works together with employees to make decisions and then the company acts on them.


    • Employees feel as though they are valued by their management team and the organization as a whole, and will respond with increased motivation and productivity.
    • The more they understand and connect with the organization’s goals, the higher their engagement will be. Innovation is increased.


    • This process can be a slow one, and there is a risk of employees with bigger personalities steamrolling less assertive staff members, leading to conflicts and resentment.
    • In industries with trade secrets, letting employees have access to sensitive information can be risky.
    • If employees do not want to be involved in this type of decision making, they can grow to resent managers who employ this style.

    When to use this style: When implementing large changes in an organization, especially one where employees are resistant to new concepts or strategies, encouraging participation from employees will result in a more positive outcome and less resistance to new policies. Organizations that want to drive innovation, such as tech companies, will find this style useful.

    6. Collaborative management style

    In this style, management creates an open forum for ideas to be discussed extensively before making decisions based on majority rule.

    The employee is empowered to take ownership of outcomes, which can lead to increased engagement, innovation and creativity.


    • Employees feels trusted, valued and heard by all levels of their management team.
    • They are inspired to put forth their best work, find collaborative solutions to problems, and engage completely with the process.
    • Open communication means that workplace conflicts are often solved before real issues arise.
    • Turnover is decreased when employees are engaged, and diverse voices often lead to better solutions and outcomes.


    • As with other democratic management styles, this process can be time-consuming.
    • Majority rule can also not always be the best choice for an organization, and if there is a decision that is not in the best interests of the business, management will need to step in and change it, which can breed resentment and mistrust.

    When to use this style: When a business wants to foster innovation, drive collaboration, and engage employees, this style should be used. Any organization that wants to increase engagement and trust, especially in the face of large changes within the organization or industry, should consider this style.

    7. Transformational management style

    This style of management is agile and growth-focused.

    Managers focus their efforts on pushing their employees to ever greater accomplishments through encouragement, pushing them past their comfort zones regularly, and consistently motivating their teams to raise their bar for achievements.

    Managers work alongside with their employees, inspiring their team to ever greater efforts by demonstrating their own work ethic.


    • Innovation is increased, and employees will more easily adapt to change, disruptions, or challenging projects.
    • Creative thinking is encouraged, and problem-solving and product development will benefit from the increased flexibility of the employees.


    • If not used carefully, this style will cause employees to burn out.
    • Employees may end up spread too thin, worn out from constantly pushing themselves, and unable to keep up with the pace.

    When to use this style: This style is best used in companies that are in fast-paced industries, or are anticipating a period of changes within the industry, organization, or department. This style will help teams become more agile, flexible, and innovative while responding to the outside or inside forces.

    8. Coaching management style

    In this style, managers see themselves as the coach and their employees as the valued members of their team.

    The manager’s job is to develop and guide their team, putting their team’s professional development at the forefront of their priorities. Long-term development is valued above short-term failures in this style, and the manager wants to promote learning, upskilling and growing in the workplace.


    • Employees feel valued, they know that they will learn and develop within their roles, and are more likely to be engaged.
    • Managers build a strong bond with their employees, who will in turn be more likely to put forth their best work for their ‘coach’.


    • This style can lead to toxic environments, as employees jockey for favored roles and development tasks.
    • Too much focus on long-term development can leave short-term projects without proper support.

    When to use this style: This style is useful when organizations want to promote and develop talent from within. Industries with competitive job markets would benefit from this style, as it can cost time and money to recruit the right candidates.

    Laissez-faire management styles

    In this style, management takes a hands-off approach to leadership.

    The employee is trusted to do their work without supervision, and they are left to control their decision making and problem-solving.

    Management is present at the delegation and delivery stages of work, but otherwise steps back and gives employees the freedom to control their workflow and outcomes.

    Management is only involved during the process if the employee requests their assistance.

    9. Delegative management style

    In this style, the manager is only present to assign tasks, although they still are responsible for tasks being completed successfully. Once the task is assigned, then the employees are empowered to do their work as they see fit.

    After the task is complete, the manager steps back in to review the work and give advice about how to improve future projects.


    • Innovation and creativity are fostered by this system, especially in organizations with highly skilled workers.
    • Problem solving and teamwork are strengthened, as employees are given space to handle their own issues and will work together to solve them.
    • Job satisfaction may be increased in those who crave autonomy in their workplace.


    • Without leadership, productivity may suffer.
    • Teams can experience a lack of direction, focus, or uniformity.
    • Poorly managed conflicts may flare up and breed resentment.
    • Some employees may feel that the management is not contributing anything towards the team’s success and become resentful.

    When to use this style: This style is best used in organizations with more decentralized leadership and where the team is much more skilled than the manager in the tasks.
    If the manager has no real experience in producing new cloud management software, for example, they can step back, allow their team the freedom to innovate, and offer support if needed.

    10. Visionary management style

    In this style, managers lead through inspiring their employees.

    Leaders explain their goals and the reasons behind them, convincing their team to work towards executing their vision.

    Team members are motivated by their manager, then allowed the freedom to achieve their tasks with minimal interference. Managers will check in from time to time, but they trust that their shared vision will keep employees on track and produce good results.

    Managers offer a lot of constructive feedback during and after the process to assist their employees, and make sure to give praise liberally.


    • Engagement is heightened because employee believes in what they are creating and are driven to complete tasks to the best of their ability.
    • Employees are more satisfied, motivation is higher and turnover will be lowered.
    • Innovation is higher, and problem-solving can happen quickly within teams.


    • Not all managers can be legitimately inspiring. It depends on the job, the industry, the product, and the person.
    • This is not a style that can be faked, employees must actually be inspired, or they will not perform as well.

    When to use this style: This can be a great style in tech companies who are looking to disrupt industries, nonprofits trying to innovate creative solutions to problems, or companies who have a very strong sense of purpose. An organization that wants to drive innovation can turn to this style to galvanize their employees into action.

    Conflict management styles

    Conflict management is an important aspect to consider when hiring a manager, and it is different from the general management style.

    There is no correlation between management styles and conflict management styles – although a skilled manager should be able to switch conflict management styles depending on the situation, just as they should be able to adjust their general management style.

    Learn more about the five conflict management styles. Each of them has pros and cons, and times where they will be more or less appropriate.


    1. ‘Management style’ 2021, Wikipedia, viewed 13 April 2021, wikipedia.org.

    2. Beck and Harter, 2014, Why Great Managers Are So Rare, viewed 13 April 2021, www.gallup.com.

    3. Schwantes, 2018, 5 Rare Habits of Managers Everyone Would Die to Work For, viewed 13 April 2021, www.inc.com.

    10 Types of Management Styles For Effective Leadership [2024] (2024)


    What are the top 8 leadership styles indeed? ›

    So there you have it. As a recap, the eight most common leadership styles are coach, visionary, servant, autocratic, laissez-faire, democratic, pacesetter, and bureaucratic.

    Which management style is the most effective? ›

    So, we recommend using a visionary leadership style or transformational leadership style in most situations (more on these later). Managers who take these approaches help employees feel engaged, valued, and challenged in all the right ways without losing sight of the company's short- and long-term goals.

    What are the new leadership styles? ›

    Servant leadership, transformational leadership, authentic leadership, and spiritual leadership are emerging 21st-century leadership styles and theories gaining increased attention. Servant Leadership is a choice to serve first, placing the good of the follower ahead of self-interests.

    What are the 7 management and leadership styles? ›

    • Democratic. The democratic style of leadership is just like the democratic style of government, with a manager's direct reports having an active role in decision-making. ...
    • Visionary. The visionary leader looks at the big picture – almost exclusively. ...
    • Autocratic. ...
    • Coaching. ...
    • Laissez-Faire. ...
    • Pacesetting. ...
    • Servant. ...
    • Their Team.
    Dec 17, 2019

    What are the 13 leadership styles? ›

    The most common leadership styles are transformational, coercive, authoritative, participative, delegative, transactional, autocratic, bureaucratic, Laissez-faire, charismatic, coaching, task-orientated and servant.

    What are the 8 dimensions of successful leadership? ›

    These dimensions include: Pioneering, Energizing, Affirming, Inclusive, Humble, Deliberate, Resolute, or Commanding. To be our best as leaders we need to empower ourselves with a variety of ways of thinking, acting and behaving as leaders.

    What is the least effective management style? ›

    How many of these ineffective managers do you recognize?
    1. The micromanager. Ah, the infamous micromanager. ...
    2. The authoritarian. ...
    3. The hands-off manager. ...
    4. The neglectful manager. ...
    5. The critic. ...
    6. The transactional manager. ...
    7. The know-it-all. ...
    8. The inflexible manager.

    Which management style do employees prefer? ›

    Democratic management style is especially effective when it comes to making long-term decisions that impact the whole company. Advantages: This style typically leaves employees feeling valued and empowered to contribute in meaningful ways. It also encourages them to tap into their full potential at work.

    What does leadership look like in 2024? ›

    Succeeding in this era requires leaders capable of adeptly adapting to change, guiding their teams with empathy, instilling a sense of purpose, navigating the nuances of remote work, and leveraging technology and data for strategic decision-making.

    What are the six most effective leadership styles? ›

    They are Visionary, Coaching, Affiliative, Democratic, Pacesetting, and Commanding. Four of these approaches greatly foster the resonance needed for positive workplace performance, and two of them interfere with resonance when used ineffectively. However, all six should be part of your leadership toolbox.

    What are the big 5 leadership styles? ›

    Through the factor analysis of personality assessments, researchers found that personality traits can be grouped into five factors: Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness.

    What are three 3 most common leadership styles? ›

    Leadership style is a leader's approach to providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. In 1939, psychologist Kurt Lewin and a team of researchers determined that there were three basic leadership styles: Authoritarian (Autocratic), Participative (Democratic) and Delegative (Laissez-Faire).

    What is the 4 basic management style? ›

    Effective management and leadership center around influencing, motivating, and directing people to work together to achieve common goals. The four leadership styles managers use are autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and paternalistic, and each will be most effective depending on particular situations.

    What are the 7 styles of leadership PDF? ›

    The leadership styles examined include: transforma-tional, transactional, autocratic, laissez-faire, charismatic, servant, democratic and pace-setting leadership.

    What are the main leadership styles? ›

    There are many leadership styles. Some of the most widely discussed include: authoritarian (autocratic), participative (democratic), delegative (laissez-faire), transformational, transactional, and situational. Great leaders can inspire political movements and social change.

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    Name: Greg O'Connell

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