10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (2024)

By: Danielle25 CommentsPosted: 12/19/2018Updated: 09/23/2021

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I picked some of my favorite Trader Joe’s foods (hello orange chicken!) and threw them in the air fryer! Here are 10 Trader Joe’s Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer! Plus I’ve included my recommended temperature and time settings for everything I tried!

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (1)Move over slow cooker, this is the year of the air fryer! We snagged one a few months ago and we’re absolutely loving it. I didn’t think this level of crispness was possible without A LOT of hot oil. But *spoiler alert* – it SO is.

Just because I love to cook meals from scratch does not mean I have the ability to resist mozzarella sticks or hash brown patties.

Did you know that your air fryer is an absolute pro at cooking things like this? Having these normally restaurant foods at home on special occasions is such a treat!

What can you cook in an air fryer?

Our two favorite things to cook in the air fryer are my chimichangas and the hash brown patties from Trader Joe’s. I swear to all the food gods, these guys are crispier and fresher than anything the McDonald’s drive through could ever produce! You’ll just have to try it if you don’t believe me.

You can cook almost anything in the air fryer, but I like it most for these kinds of recipes:

  • Foods that are usually deep fried, which can be air fried with just a small amount of spray oil (usually foods prepared at home like chimichangas, egg rolls, or french fries).
  • Foods that are usually cooked in the oven, but take much less time to cook in the air fryer (usually prepared foods from the store, such as chicken nuggets, hash browns or sometimes raw veggies). The air fryer needs 1-2 minutes to preheat, while the oven usually requires 8-10 minutes.

I think it’s important to try new cooking methods at home, even if you didn’t fully prepare the food from scratch, to help keep food the boredom away. And it’s probably still cheaper than eating out, right?

The food doesn’t have to be from Trader Joe’s – any brand of frozen foods that are similar to the ones I’ve found at my local TJ’s should substitute just fine with the temps and times I’ve noted. But it’s also important to remember that all brands of air fryers are different and you may need to adjust for your specific air fryer.

The air fryer isn’t just for “usually fried” foods – think about trying some air-fried broccoliwith nutritional yeast, or homemade crispy sweet potato fries!

Which kind of air fryer do you have?

I own thePhilips 2.75 qt Viva Air Fryer (affiliate link!), and I absolutely love it! Frozen things that are normally baked or fried come out crispier than I’ve ever tasted. Plus you almost always save time by not having to heat up the oven, so that’s definitely a win.

UPDATE 2020: I upgraded my air fryer to the Cosori XL 5.8 qt Air Fryer (affiliate link!) – it’s bigger and allows me to air fryer more food at one time!

If you’re air frying for more than 2 or 3 people, I would suggest going with the bigger size air fryer. It looks large, but most foods require air frying only a single layer of food at a time.

10 Trader Joe’s Foods That Are
Perfect for Your Air Fryer

Below are 10 Trader Joe’s foods that are perfect for your air fryer! Now, of course you could cook these items in your oven or the microwave, but then they wouldn’t be crispy AF and incredibly impressive.

I’ve tested all of these foods in the air fryer personally, and included my preferences on time and temperature!

All instructions are assuming the air fryer is preheated for about 2 minutes, and none of the frozen foods were thawed. My air fryer is analog, and the temperatures noted are approximate.

You’ll see ‘spray oil’ referenced a lot – I like to use Chosen Foods Avocado Spray Oil(affiliate link!), but any spray oil will work. Avocado oil has a high smoke point which is good for frying (especially air frying!).

1. Hash Brown Patties

LOVE these from the air fryer more than McDonald’s, which is totally why I put them at #1. Most of this list is in no particular order, but these hash brown patties are here for a reason. They’re crispy, golden brown, and NOT dripping oil all over your fingers. An added bonus, they’re quicker to cook in the air fryer than the oven. SOLD.

Temp: 390F
Time: 9-10 minutes
Amount: 2 or 3 at a time max fit into my air fryer in one layer.
Note: Spray one side lightly with spray avocado oil. No need to flip.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (2)

2. Chicken Spring Rolls

Chicken spring rolls are a deep fried favorite of mine. I refuse to cook these in the microwave because it ruins the texture. Oven takes a while, and in that case I would rather just make my own. Making my own requires deep frying… so I usually just avoid. But air fryer spring rolls are somehow (magic, I think) just as crispy from the air fryer, if not, crispier. Just try it. You’ll love it.

Temp: 330F
Time: 12-14 minutes
Amount: The whole package of 5 would fit, but do as many as you want to eat.
Note: Sprayed with a tiny spritz of avocado oil. I jostled the basket once while cooking to turn the spring rolls a bit.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (3)

3. Turkey Meatballs

A slightly odd thing to air fry, but still delicious and easy. If you’re over soggy meatballs with zero texture, try air frying them. They get a crispy, crunchy outside while maintaining that delicious tender and juicy center we like. If only the air fryer could boil us some noodles at the same time.

Temp: 330F
Time: 15-16 minutes
Amount: Max one layer in the basket.
Note: No oil spray or flipping.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (4)

4. Bambino Mini Pizza Formaggio

Did I know what would happen when I put a pizza into my air fryer? Not in the slightest. But it worked, and I was very impressed. Crispy, crunch outside with soft crust on the inside. I mean, it’s pizza, so it’s going to be amazing. Air fryer pizza is quicker than the oven and much less soggy than the microwave. I recommend!

Temp: 360F
Time: 8-10 minutes
Amount: 1 mini pizza at a time
Note: No oil spray or flipping.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (5)

5. Breaded Chicken Nuggets

This is one of those foods than comes out of the air fryer in nearly the same condition as from the oven, but just a few minutes quicker! Plus, if you only want one serving, you don’t need to heat up the whole oven! Did I mention – super crispy?! But still juicy and tender on the inside. Yeah, I may have mentioned that.

Temp: 330F
Time: 14-16 minutes
Amount: Half bag, max one layer in the basket.
Note: No spray oil, but do shake the basket once in the middle of cooking.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (6)

6. Garlic Fries

Fries haven’t been near my oven in a while now. From the store or homemade, I use my air fryer for all fries, sweet potato or regular. They’re crispier and I love not heating up the entire house just for a few fries. And just LOOK at that golden brown!!

Update 11/23/19: My understanding is that Trader Joe’s no longer sells these Garlic Fries, but the instructions would work just as well for their frozen “Handsome Cut Fries”.

Temp: 390F
Time: 18 minutes
Amount: Half bag, max 1-2 layers in the basket.
Note: No oil spray, but shake the basket every 3 minutes or so for even cooking.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (7)10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (8)

7. Mandarin Orange Chicken

The Mandarin Orange Chicken from Trader Joe’s is life-changing and an emergency dinner we always keep on hand. After all, it’s better than ordering take out, and sometimes life happens. But what I’m loving recently is making the chicken extra crunchy in the air fryer. It’s quicker than the oven, and the same or possibly even more delicious on the deliciousness scale. Smother that mandarin orange sauce over the crunch goodness and OMG.

Temp: 330F
Time: 10-11 minutes
Amount: Half bag, one layer in the basket. [UPDATE 6/12/19: A whole bag of TJ’s Orange Chicken will work in this size of air fryer – add 3-4 minutes and shake 2-3 times while cooking.]
Note: No oil spray, butdo shake the basket once in the middle of cooking.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (9)

8. Butternut Squash Fries

Yay, a healthy option! Yes, you can also air fry vegetables. In this case, I’ve chosen the butternut squash zig zags, because A) they’re so cute; and B) they fit perfectly into your air fryer. I’m liberal with the oil spray, but it’s still SO much less oil than if you actually deep fried these things. Season to your tastes for a quick and easy dinner side dish!

Temp: 390F
Time: 13-15 minutes
Amount: 1/2 container, one layer max in the basket.
Note: Toss the zig zags in a bowl with spray oil and seasonings – I like salt and cinnamon, but you can also go with savory – garlic and onion powder work too. Shake the basket every 3 minutes or so while cooking.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (10)

9. Mozzarella Sticks

A classic fried food that I bet you never even thought about air frying. If this is a treat you like to buy on occasion, consider air frying them for maximum crunch! I’m pretty sure the picture of cheese spilling out of the mozzarella sticks after being air fried speaks for itself, so you should definitely keep scrolling and check that out.

Temp: 390F
Time: 8 minutes
Amount: Max one layer in the basket.
Note: No oil spray, but do shake the basket once to rotate the mozzarella sticks.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (11)10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (12)

10. Blueberry Waffles

Another item you never would have thought to throw into your air fryer! If you don’t have a toaster, but you somehow have an air fryer, this one’s for you. These waffles come out of the air fryer super crispy and ready for syrup. No more soggy waffles for you!

Temp: 270F
Time: 4 minutes
Amount: 1 or 2 waffles at a time
Note: No oil spray and no need to shake, but check often until they’re crisp to your liking.

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (13)

Reader recommendations for Trader Joe’s Foods to put into your air fryer:

Cilantro chicken mini wontons are also excellent in the air fryer! – Susan

Vegetable Birds Nests are awesome. 400’ for about 8 mins. Crunchy and delicious! – Deb

The fried cod fish filets are also perfect for the AF. – Brian

If you’re looking for air fryer recipes, here are some of my favorites!

Share your Trader Joe’s air fryer meals with me!! I’m always down to put foods from my favorite store into one of my favorite appliances. I’d love to see what you come up with! Hope you enjoyed 10 Trader Joe’s Foods That are Perfect for Your Air Fryer!

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (14)

10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer (2024)


10 Trader Joe's Foods That Are Perfect for Your Air Fryer? ›

Veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, zucchini, mushrooms & onions, and cauliflower all turn out incredible in the air fryer. You can also make your main dish IN the air fryer. It works magic with proteins like tofu, chicken drumsticks, meatballs, pork chops, fried chicken… even steak.

What foods work best in an air fryer? ›

Veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, zucchini, mushrooms & onions, and cauliflower all turn out incredible in the air fryer. You can also make your main dish IN the air fryer. It works magic with proteins like tofu, chicken drumsticks, meatballs, pork chops, fried chicken… even steak.

What is the first thing I should cook in my air fryer? ›

Crumbed Chicken Tenderloin

This top-rated chicken dish only takes four ingredients and 30 minutes, so it's the perfect beginner air fryer recipe.

Can you air fry Trader Joe's chicken nuggets? ›

These Air Fryer Trader Joe's Chicken Nuggets come out nice crispy and are super delicious! Just pop them into the air fryer and you're good to go.

Why are people getting rid of their air fryers? ›

While air fryers are popular, the most expensive models can start to get a little pricey which could undermine their status as a budget item. Many people came out for halogen ovens as the better option.

Can you put aluminum foil in an air fryer? ›

Foil is safe to use in an air fryer so long as you follow three basic rules: never let foil touch the heating element; make sure the foil is weighted so it doesn't blow around the basket; and avoid contact with acidic ingredients, which can cause the foil to leach onto your food.

Why is Airfryer not healthy? ›

Acrylamide is a chemical that can be created by cooking processes including baking, air frying, and toasting. Acrylamide is considered a probable human carcinogen based on the results of studies in laboratory animals.

What is the downside of air fryers? ›

What are Disadvantages of Using an Air Fryer? Air fryers vary in the amount of foods they can hold, but usually do not have a large capacity. Air fryers may not be convenient when cooking for large groups.

What ruins an air fryer? ›

Putting a damp basket back into the air fryer can cause damage, such as affecting the time it takes for your air fryer to heat up or damaging the internal components. It is no secret that water and electricity do not go hand-in-hand.

What is the most popular thing to make in an air fryer? ›

French fries are arguably the most popular thing to cook in an air fryer. Air fryers use a fraction of the oil as deep-frying, and making French fries in one results in an appreciably crisp exterior and fluffy inside without the greasiness.

What is the general rule for cooking in the air fryer? ›

When taking a recipe from oven to air fryer, the general rule is to reduce the temperature by 20ºC – 30ºC, and cook for 20% less time.

What is the first thing you do when you buy an air fryer? ›

Simple Tip! Some manufacturers recommend running the air fryer empty for 10 minutes before you actually cook with it, to let it off-gas. There might be a slightly chemical smell (one manual referred to it as a “new appliance smell”), so have the vents on or windows open. It should be just a one-time thing.

Can you cook Trader Joe's frozen meals in an air fryer? ›

From Trader Joe's Orange Chicken in the air fryer to Trader Joe's mac and cheese bites, there are tons of quick ways to put a new twist on your favorite frozen foods when you have an air fryer to work with.

Can you air fry Trader Joe's chicken piccata? ›

Quick meal for Two chicken Piccata from Traders Joes This video is not sponsored You can make this chicken in Air fryer but i had to cook mine in hot peanut oil. It came out delicious.

How long to cook Trader Joe's chicken in the air fryer? ›

Place the frozen pieces of chicken in a single layer into an air fryer basket. Careful not to overlap or crowd. Air fry at 400°F for 13 minutes, flipping halfway. Check to ensure the internal temperature of the chicken has reached 165F and the chicken is crispy on the outside.

What is the best thing to cook in the air fryer? ›

It's great at heating frozen foods, but it's also fantastic for from-scratch foods, like chicken wings, potato chips, cinnamon-sugar donuts, and extra-crisp chocolate chip cookies. Here, we've rounded up 82 air fryer recipes to show just how versatile the appliance can be.

Can you put raw meat in an airfryer? ›

It is safe to cook raw meat in the air fryer if it is fully defrosted, seasoned, and monitored. Some fully cooked foods, including chicken tenders or fries, can be placed frozen in the air fryer. However, with raw meat, it's recommended to thoroughly defrost to allow more even cooking and a tasty final product.

What is the best meat to cook in the air fryer? ›

As with all dry-heat cooker methods (grilling, broiling, pan frying and oven roasting), tender beef cuts perform best in the air fryer. Those cuts include Top Sirloin, KC Strip, Ribeye, Tenderloin and Tri Tip. Ground beef also can be easily prepared in an air fryer.

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