10 Things I ALWAYS Buy in Bulk to Save Money (2024)

Anyone else watch the Big Bang Theory?

I love The Big Bang Theory. (Hang on, we WILL get to the things I buy in bulk to save money.)

They finally made a TV show that can compete with Friendsas far as I’m concerned. (I very much just dated myself didn’t I?) Anyhow, I was watching Big Bang re-runs the other night, the one where Sheldon (who we know has “extra”money saved up, by the way, despite being a poorly paid physicist) goes shopping with Penny and tells her she should be purchasing her tampons in bulk to save money.

Penny is terribly offended for some reason. Perhaps it’s the discussion in general, but as I listened to their conversation I paid attention to my thoughts (for once).

My thoughts said… “Are there really people out there who don’t buy tampons in bulk?! Or who would think the suggestion is abad one?”

And I realized that maybe those people DO exist… After all, stores do selltampons not – in – bulk. So it stands to reason that someone must be buying them.

I was actually a little taken aback.

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Bulk is better – usually

I’ve never considered a blog post on this topic before, because I automatically assume that people know they can save money by making purchases in bulk – usually. (There is an exception to every rule, and it’s always good to do your homework first of course. But usually, you can save money with bulk buys.)

There are some things that I don’t buy in bulk for certainreasons… specifically, things that will go bad before I can use them up. For example, giant bags of broccoli. I’ve tried freezing it and I’ve failed miserably. All the little broccoli end-dots fell off and I was left with a bag of naked broccoli stems and cups of broccoli end-dots. (Anyone with a suggestion as to what I did wrong there?? Should I cookit first?)

I also don’t buy things that I can’t see myself using in the near enough future (in the next couple years) to make it worth storing it (small house here). None of these things come to mind right now, but I know I’ve run into them in the past.

But things that don’t go bad (or can be frozen well) and things that I know we will use, you better believe I buy those things in bulk.

Like tampons. And toilet paper. And wine.

I am going to use these things.

Why would I pay even a few cents more for them? A few cents, over the course of a lifetime, is not just a few cents. THAT is the attitude we need to foster to save money and become a Sheldon, with extra money sitting around our house in cans.

RELATED: 15 easy tricks to save a TON of money at the grocery store

Take the tampon example for instance. 19 – 22 cents each at Walmart, 15 cents at Costco. It’s literally pennies, but Sheldon’s right. 45-50 years of pennies adds up. Do the math. Assuming 5 cents savings per tampon, 5 tampons per day for 5 days, x 12 months… for 45 years. $675.00. Sure, that’sonly $675.00. But let’s assume you can save that $675.00 on every item on this list (which is realistic, often the savings will be even more…especially when you buy the bulk things with coupons or when there’s a sale.) $675.00 x 10 things = $6750.00. Minimum.

Not exactly little money.

So, what do I personally buy in bulk?

♥ Tampons – I buy tampons in bulk. Obviously. And, FYI I just found out you can get Tampax supers for15 cents on Amazon. Why is EVERYONE not talking about this?! THIS is my new goal price. And my math at 5 cents savings just went out the window… because we can assume MORE than 5 cents savings. (UPDATE: I have since discovered the Dollar Maxi Pad Club (but they have tampons too!) This is the DIRT CHEAPEST way I have found to purchase tampons or pads – and no storing bulk tampons LOL.)

♥ Toilet Paper – Not only do I buy this in bulk I also ONLY buy it when it’s on sale. I generally come home from “finding” toilet paper on sale with about 180 rolls. My attic does not mind.

♥ Toothbrushes – It’s nice to save money on toothbrushes, it’s also nice to have spare ones in your house for when you drop yours in the toilet.

♥ Shampoo and Conditioner – my mom has a cosmo proff membership, and I buy the good shampoo (Redken or Paul Mitchell) in 1 gallon jugs. When it’s on sale. I spend less on good shampoo in a year than I would spend on drug store shampoo.

♥ Vitamins – They almost always come available in a large size and a small size. OR, and I am not kidding, I called the company who made my favorite supplements and found out how much I needed to spend to qualify for a wholesale order. I don’t even wanna tell you (it was $1200.00). I found enough people who wanted to buy a year’s worth of supplements with me (they didn’t expire for 2 years), and we SAVED a couple hundred each. I’m not about to suggest that everyone spends $1200, to save a couple hundred but the moral of this story is that you can save heaps by buying in bulk.)

♥ Wine / Beer / Booze – My local liquor store does 10% off wine when you buy the case (6 bottles). I know I’m going to drink them eventually. And by eventually I mean not that long from now. (Why wouldn’t I want to save the 10%?)

♥ Laundry soap / dishwasher tablets – I often see“how to save money on laundry” posts and every. single. time. I think “why are you spending so much on laundry in the first place?!” I buy laundry soap and dishwasher tablets the same as I buy toilet paper. Only on sale and only in bulk. (I also add a tablespoon of this stuff to my dishwasher to make the laundry soap go farther and guarantee cleaner dishes! Coincidentally, I buy that in bulk as well.)

♥ Meat – the savings on meat is INCREDIBLE. I wrap it really well in plastic wrap, write the date on with a sharpie, and freeze it. (When you grocery shop in the evening you can often get the meat that has reached it’s sell by date at a discount as well.) Three years ago my parents, sister, and I went together and bought a cow. We paid for the cow, paid for butcher, and STILL spent, on average (prices fluctuate), at least 2$ per pound less than at the store.

♥ Diapers – this is a new one for me. But YES I already started, even though the baby isn’t here yet. I found a bulk box of new born pampers on sale, for 14 cents per diaper. That was a smokin’ deal. I intend to keep this going. I already found pampersavailable on amazon for 18 cents. If you subscribe to the free trial of Amazon Prime to get free shipping, order a bunch of non-perishable stuff and stockpile it, and then cancel the Amazon subscription… you just saved even more! Although if you are buying things regularly, like diapers, then it pays to keep the subscription and to go with an Amazon Family subscription ‘cus it’s the same price and you get 20% off diapers.)

Related: How to Prepare for BABY on a BUDGET
Related: Get 500$ in FREEBIES for Baby and Mom

♥ Epsom Salts –You can get a 19.5 lb bag of Epsom Salts for less than 30 dollars. Or you can buy a 2 lb bag for 9 bucks. See? (Sure, the 2lb bag smells like lavender. If you want it to smell like lavender, then buy some lavender essential oil and add a few drops to the bath with the epsom salts (this is what I do, with all my favorite oils). It’s still far cheaper in the long run! I also never pay wholesale price for essential oils.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of stuff we can buy in bulk to save money…We didn’t even talk about subscriptions and memberships, which are different ways to essentiallybuy in bulk and save (imagine trying to buy all of the shows on Netflix or all of the celebrity-taught courses on Masterclass individually). Clearly, there’s more than one way to do this well.

What are your biggest bulk buy savings? Or do you disagree with my bulk is (usually) better philosophy?

P.S. If you like this post you might enjoy reading 10 things I quit buying to save money or 30 simple ways to save money.

10 Things I ALWAYS Buy in Bulk to Save Money (1)

10 Things I ALWAYS Buy in Bulk to Save Money (2024)


How does buying in bulk save money? ›

Reduced packaging waste. Saving more on household items that you frequently use. Bulk sizes can have a higher initial cost, but the per-unit cost can be less expensive over time. Fewer shopping trips — which may reduce your chances of impulse buying.

What is an example of buying in bulk? ›

Buying in bulk means buying large quantities of one item at once for a reduced overall cost per item. For example, you buy ten boxes of batteries together for a fraction of their individual sale price. Or you purchase oversized boxes of cereal for a lower cost per ounce than a smaller size box of cereal.

What items should people buy in bulk but hardly do? ›

Things like paper goods, shelf-stable pasta, and dried beans are great to buy in bulk. On the other hand, perishable items like fruit and vegetables can spoil quickly. If you do not plan to eat foods before they go bad, you will want to avoid buying them in bulk.

What food items should you buy in bulk? ›

The 18 Best Healthy Foods to Buy in Bulk (And the Worst)
  • Dried Beans and Lentils. Share on Pinterest. ...
  • Frozen Berries. Though delicious and nutritious, fresh berries can be expensive and highly perishable. ...
  • Frozen Meat and Poultry. ...
  • Frozen Vegetables. ...
  • Honey. ...
  • Oats. ...
  • Dried Fruits. ...
  • Nuts in the Shell.
Oct 15, 2018

What are the benefits of buying in bulk? ›

Amazing Benefits Of Buying Bulk Foods
  • Reduce Waste. By shopping at bulk food shops, you will reduce both your packaging and your food waste. ...
  • Reduce Transport Miles. ...
  • It's Cheaper. ...
  • You Can Buy Exactly How Much You Need. ...
  • Food Stays Fresher. ...
  • Shop Consciously. ...
  • Sustainability. ...
  • Get Back To Basics.

What are 4 disadvantages of buying in bulk? ›

Disadvantages of bulk buying:
  • It can take much of the family income and prevent purchase of other needed commodities.
  • One kind of good purchased in bulk can become monotonous to the family diet.
  • Lack of proper storage and management of food can lead to wastage.
  • Poor quality foodstuffs purchased in bulk spoil in storage.

What are bulk products? ›

Meaning of bulk goods in English

goods such as coal, grains, oil, or chemicals that are not packaged in any type of container and are stored, transported, and sold in large quantities: We sell silos for the storage of bulk goods such as sugar, grain, and fertilizer.

What is an example of a bulk package? ›

Examples of bulk packaging include: Wooden barrels, cases and crates. Metal and plastic drums. Plastic and burlap sacks.

What is considered bulk buying? ›

Bulk buying refers to the purchase of multiple quantities of product in exchange for a lower price per unit. Retailers or consumers based on their need can make this type of purchase. Amazon, Amazon Business, and big-box stores are examples of where you can buy in bulk.

What is the best thing to bulk? ›

  • Eggs. ...
  • Potato. ...
  • Protein pancakes. ...
  • Oats. ...
  • Salmon. ...
  • Pasta. Tasty carbonara. ...
  • Coconut oil. Adding coconut oil to your daily routine is an easy way to pack in extra calories and healthy fats. ...
  • Beans. High in protein, carbs, and fibre, beans are one of the best bulking foods.
Mar 4, 2024

What are easy bulk foods? ›

4. Best Foods for Bulking
  • Dairy products including milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese.
  • Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, mustard greens, bok choy, arugula, Swiss chard.
  • Eggs (whole and egg whites)
  • Healthy fats such as avocado, nut butters, plant-based oils (such as olive oil, sunflower oil, etc)
Feb 11, 2022

What is the best food to stock up on in bulk? ›

Types of Foods to Buy in Bulk

Some of the best foods to store long term are grains like wheat, white rice, flour, oats, and pasta and dried beans. Canned goods, oils, and sweeteners like honey, sugar, and maple syrup can also be stored although for not as long. A high quality salt is also a good thing to have on hand!

What food should I buy to save money? ›

Focus on budget-friendly foods.

Think bananas, apples, cantaloupe, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, peanut butter, popcorn, and oatmeal. Lastly, keep in mind that store-brand items tend to be less expensive than name-brand items. You can check the Nutrition Facts Label if you want to make sure the nutrition is similar.

What cheap foods are good for bulking? ›

10 Low Cost Foods to Help Gain Muscle
  • Eggs. ...
  • Ground Beef (and a tip to make it leaner) ...
  • Whole Milk. ...
  • Peanut Butter. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Oats. ...
  • Whey Protein. ...
  • Bananas.
Jun 29, 2020

What meat to buy to save money? ›

10 Budget-Friendly Cuts of Meat
  • Ribs (pork or beef)
  • Flat steak (flank, hanger or skirt)
  • Ground beef or ground turkey.
  • Beef brisket.
  • Pork shoulder.
  • Chuck eye steak.
  • Whole chicken.
  • Chicken thighs (bone-in, skin-on) or drumsticks.

Is it really cheaper to buy in bulk? ›

Bulk buying has become a go-to strategy for savvy shoppers looking to save money. By purchasing items in larger quantities, consumers are often able to lower the cost per unit, making each item cheaper than its smaller-packaged counterpart.

Why are there discounts for buying in bulk? ›

A volume discount is a price reduction offered to buyers who purchase in bulk quantities. Producers or sellers are able to reduce inventories and take advantage of economies of scale by allowing discounts to bulk buyers.

Can you make money by buying in bulk? ›

A wholesale purchase is almost always made in bulk, and because of that, you pay a discounted price for the purchase. After you buy products from a wholesaler, you can then sell them at your own store at a higher price to make a profit.

How does buying in bulk reduce waste? ›

When you buy in bulk there is no packaging, and no food wasted and no package ends in a landfill, because consumers buy only what they need in their own container and reusable bags.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.