10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (2024)

10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (1)


By Saakshi Priyadarshini

Jul 23, 2024 6 Min Read 92434 Views

(Last Updated)

If you are a beginner who wishes to start learning to code, it’s natural to look for the easiest programming language to start your programming journey. There are close to five hundred programming languages that modern coders use.

While most languages are pretty easy, some of them are the hardest programming languages to learn. It’s important to understand that the difficulty of a programming language is subject to vary by individuals, their skills, and experience.

With this article, we have tried to rank some of the common programming languages from easiest to hardest. You can check out their use cases and their pros/cons below to get the best out of your coding journey.

Table of contents

  1. Programming Languages: Easiest to Hardest Ranked in Order
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • JAVA
  • C++
  • Assembly Language
  • Prolog
  • Haskell
  • Malbolge
  • Which Programming Language Should You Learn?
    • Intention
    • Use Case
    • Difficulty Level
    • Learning Resources and Community
  • Final Words
  • Easiest Programming Language to Learn FAQs
    • Which is the easiest programming language to learn?
    • Which is the easiest programming language to start coding?
    • What is the hardest coding language to learn?
    • Which coding language should I learn first?
    • How much time does it take to learn coding?

    Programming Languages: Easiest to Hardest Ranked in Order

    HTML, JavaScript, Python, PHP, and Ruby are considered the easiest programming languages to learn. They have relatively simple syntax and have readymade functions or libraries. This makes it pretty beginner-friendly and one of the most popular programming languages.

    Whereas, languages like C++, Assembly Language, and Esoteric Languages (Cow, Malbolge, Whitespace, etc.) are considered among the hardest programming languages to learn. Some of them are hard enough to put their makers in distress. Others are complex in their syntax but offer high-efficiency results for specific requirements.

    Check out the top programming languages ranked in order from easiest to hardest:

    Before diving into the next section, ensure you’re solid on full-stack development essentials like front-end frameworks, back-end technologies, and database management. If you are looking for a detailed Full Stack Development career program, you can join GUVI’s Full Stack Development Career Program with Placement Assistance. You will be able to master the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and build real-life projects.

    Additionally, if you want to explore JavaScript through a self-paced course, try GUVI’s JavaScript self-paced certification course.

    1. HTML

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (2)

    HTML or Hypertext Markup Language, is a markup language, rather than a programming language. Still, it is one of the first steps taken in the journey of learning coding. It gives a good idea of the basics of programming, hence it can be referred to as the easiest programming language to learn. It is used to define the text, color, and appearance of other dynamic elements/buttons on the webpage.

    Applications of HTML

    • Create web pages
    • Define web element structures
    • Defines the appearance of web elements
    • Modified versions of HTML are used to define pages and entire web applications. Eg: FBML in the case of Facebook.

    Why HTML is Easy

    • Easy to understand, learn, and remember the syntax
    • Simple open and close tags to implement core actions
    • Easy debugging

    Check out a Hello World program in HTML

    2. JavaScript

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (3)

    JavaScript is a web programming language that allows you to develop interactive client-side web elements or web pages. It’s one of the easiest programming languages for beginners.

    Combined with HTML and CSS along with frameworks like Node, Angular, and React, one can build both client-side and server-side web applications and websites. Hence, it’s considered among the best programming languages for web development.

    Applications of JavaScript

    • Build client-side of the website
    • Build served side through in combination with Node.JS
    • Build browser-based games
    • Develop interactive, engaging mobile and web applications

    Why JavaScript is Easy

    • It can be compiled with most browsers to get real-time results
    • Highly popular. Thus, many resources for effective learning
    • Greater results in fewer efforts
    • Great building block to learning other languages

    Here’s a basic Hello World program in JavaScript

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (4)

    3. Python

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (5)

    Python is a fairly easy, all-purpose programming language to learn because of its easy-to-understand syntax and variety of libraries, and readymade functions. This makes Python a good language for beginners to learn as well. Python has a wide variety of applications. It is a programming language that doesn’t have a steep learning curve yet allows learners to enter high-paying careers.

    Applications of Python

    • Extensively used for machine learning
    • Used for data science and data analytics
    • Create programs for IoT and electronics
    • Web development through Django or Flask

    Why Python is Easy

    • It uses English words in its syntax making Python programs highly readable and understandable
    • The syntax uses a lot of white space which makes it appear less overwhelming
    • It’s easy to debug
    • A great number of readymade libraries and functions

    Find a basic Hello World program in Python.

    4. Ruby

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (6)

    Ruby was born after combining several programming languages. It’s an open-source natural programming language and focuses on simplicity and productive use for back-end programming.

    Applications of Ruby

    • Building servers
    • Helps in web scraping and crawling
    • Used in software development. Eg: HULU, Shopify, etc.
    • Web development through Ruby on Rails

    Why Ruby is Easy

    • Syntax language uses a lot of English words.
    • Minimum and crisp code commands required to implement the heaviest of tasks
    • A free and open-source language that provides great flexibility and enables easy modification
    • Great community to support new learners

    Check out a basic Hello World program in Ruby

    5. JAVA

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (7)

    JAVA is one of the most popular programming languages for software and application development. It extensively uses object-oriented programming and is among the easiest programming languages to learn. It works on the Write Once, Run Everywhere concept.

    Applications of JAVA

    • Build desktop software
    • Build mobile applications with elaborate backend support
    • Game development
    • Big Data applications

    Why JAVA is Easy

    • Easy for people with prior experience in object-oriented programming
    • The syntax uses words from the English language
    • Concise nature of codes

    Check out a basic Hello World program in JAVA.

    6. C++

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (8)

    C++ is an extensive programming language that helps build programs where the hardware and software are intricately involved. Interacting with memory is a little difficult in C++ and the advanced syntax could put off beginners.

    Applications of C++

    • Build operating systems. Eg: Linux Kernel, Google Chrome OS, etc.
    • Build elaborate software like Photoshop.
    • Build GUI-based applications like Microsoft Office.
    • Build database management software

    Why C++ is Tough

    • It has a very typical, specific, and complex syntax
    • It’s difficult to learn without learning C
    • It’s tricky to manage memory
    • Although highly efficient, C++ is a very dynamic language and it’s a little difficult to keep track.

    Here’s how to write a C++ Hello World program.

    7. Assembly Language

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (9)

    Assembly language is among the hardest programming languages to learn as they’re run and used differently than the above high-level languages. It’s a low-level language used to directly communicate with hardware, only the code is readable by humans.

    Reading and understanding Assembly Languages isn’t easy because the codes are assembled. You must also be familiar with the internal functioning of a computer/hardware/CPU to really work with assembly languages, thus making it one of the toughest programming languages to learn.

    Applications of Assembly Languages

    • Develop hardware
    • Develop electronic microprocessors
    • High-performance device development
    • Build high-frequency trading platforms

    Why Assembly Languages Are Tough

    • Need a great understanding and interaction of computers with hardware
    • It can’t be understood or interpreted without understanding the entire context of the code
    • Hard to debug
    • As a low-level language, one needs to fulfill a large knowledge gap before learning
    • Very complex syntax

    Here’s a Hello World program in Assembly language.

    8. Prolog

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (10)

    Prolog, meaning Logical Programming lays utmost emphasis on building accurate logic from the start. It is one of the best programming languages for at language for AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) programs.

    Applications of Prolog

    • Artificial intelligence software, systems, and applications
    • Build chatbots
    • Build cost-effective and low-maintenance programs

    Why Prolog is Tough

    • Can’t get away with logical inconsistencies
    • Input and outputs can be inconsistent
    • Difficult to build logic as functions defined through goals, rules, and facts can restrict beginners with less logical proficiency
    • Uncommon data structures from common programming languages
    • Online resources can’t be applied directly for guidance

    Check out some of the Prolog Programs.

    9. Haskell

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (11)

    Haskell is a programming language built on Lambda Calculus. It works in a functional paradigm unlike most modern programming languages, which take a more intuitive outlook. This makes it a hard programming language to learn for modern developers.

    Applications of Haskell

    • Extensively used to write powerful C codes for application development
    • Academic and research purposes
    • Industrial development
    • Data processing and software testing

    Why Haskell is Tough

    • The syntax uses abrupt words
    • Very difficult to identify errors and correct them
    • More about focused, clear, and mapped thinking than actual coding
    • Huge jargon making it difficult to figure out

    Check out an example of the Hello World Program in Haskell

    10. Malbolge

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (12)

    Malbolge is one of the esoteric programming languages. Hence, it’s intended to be impossibly challenging to learn. The first Malbolge program wasn’t completed until two years after its creation. It was done by a compiler based on Lisp.

    Malbolge is a self-evolving language whose syntax is almost impossible to comprehend because of the lack of white spaces or coherent words at all.

    Applications of Malbolge

    • Although a few programs were written with Malbolge, it’s simply impractical to use if you can’t understand the syntax or the logic. This makes it the hardest programming language for anyone to work with.

    Why Malbolge is Tough

    • Syntax almost can’t be understood
    • Language self-alteration leads to undefined or unexpected behavior
    • Scanty learning resources available

    Here’s a Hello World Program in Malbolge.

    Which Programming Language Should You Learn?

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (13)

    Choosing the best programming language to learn could be a task for a newbie. Although there are numerous coding boot camps, online tech courses, videos, books, and websites to learn coding, you can keep the following factors in mind before choosing a language to learn:

    1. Intention

    You must know your aim of learning a programming language before beginning your learning journey. Some languages are more memory-focused, while some may focus on ease of access or running efficiency.

    If you just wish to learn a language to gain a skill or for personal use, you can opt for a fairly easy language and work your way up. The best programming languages for the job could be one with widespread acceptance or requiring high expertise.

    2. Use Case

    Each programming language has its own use. Different languages are used to train AI models, write programs for low-level devices, web development, application development, data science, analytics, game development, and software development.

    Before selecting a programming language, you must know what you’re looking to build, and then decide accordingly based on your skills and understanding.

    3. Difficulty Level

    With the above list of the easiest and hardest programming languages to learn, you must have understood that each language takes some time to wrap your head around.

    So, you must choose an easy language, to begin with, and then improve your skill proficiency to gain mastery of better, more complex programming languages.

    4. Learning Resources and Community

    In the tech world, the learning community plays a very important role in ensuring your growth. You can see which coding languages have the best or biggest community if you’re a beginner.

    Similarly, you must have access to good learning resources if you are going to learn a new coding language. So, it’s wiser to choose a coding language that has easily accessible, good-quality learning resources available from the start.

    Final Words

    Learning new programming languages has many benefits. You gain more skills, become a better programmer, and widen your horizons in the tech world. Although, you must understand that it’s a continuous process.

    One must give higher priority to learning a relevant and useful programming language rather than the simplest or toughest programming language. This would help you give meaning to your coding journey. We hope you find the easiest and hardest programming languages to learn with this article.

    Kickstart your Full Stack Development journey by enrolling in GUVI’s certified Full Stack Development Career Program with Placement Assistance where you will master the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and build interesting real-life projects. This program is crafted by our team of experts to help you upskill and assist you in placements.

    Alternatively, if you want to explore JavaScript through a self-paced course, try GUVI’s JavaScript self-paced course.

    Easiest Programming Language to Learn FAQs

    1. Which is the easiest programming language to learn?

    HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, GoLang, R, Ruby, Python, and C are considered to be the easiest programming languages to learn for beginners.
    They have simple syntax with words closer to the English language and are fairly popular, thus enabling good availability of learning opportunities.

    2. Which is the easiest programming language to start coding?

    HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are fairly among the easiest programming languages to start coding. Afterward, you can take up coding Bootcamps or certificate courses to learn more deeply.

    3. What is the hardest coding language to learn?

    Most esoteric programming languages like Malbolge, Cow, Whitespace, etc. are considered the hardest coding languages to learn with close to no applications or advantages.

    4. Which coding language should I learn first?

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and C are among the coding languages you should learn first before moving to more extensive programming languages.

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (14)

    5. How much time does it take to learn coding?

    It could take anywhere around a month to a couple of years to learn to code and gain proficiency in a programming language, based on its difficulty and skills required to learn the same.

    The key is to keep practicing and challenging yourself to get better.

    Career transition

    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs (15)

    About the Author
    Saakshi Priyadarshini

    I love writing valuable content for the web audience and helping them find what they are looking for. I have donned the content writer hat for 2.5 years now. I have extensively written in the field of IT, edtech, and lifestyle genres for various businesses.

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    Victor Etta

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    Very helpful insights. I wish to maintain connection with you as I start a new career in coding. Thanks a great deal.

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    Placid ganza irakoze

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    Hinata Agawa

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    Florenzo Cribbs

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    10 Hardest and Easiest Programming Languages in 2024 - GUVI Blogs? ›

    Additionally, DevJobsScanner, which analyzed over 12 million job requirements, identified that JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Java, C++, and Ruby are the most in demand. Therefore, these 12 languages are likely to be the ones to learn in 2024.

    Which programming language is demand in 2024? ›

    Additionally, DevJobsScanner, which analyzed over 12 million job requirements, identified that JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Java, C++, and Ruby are the most in demand. Therefore, these 12 languages are likely to be the ones to learn in 2024.

    Which language is best to learn 2024? ›

    Best languages to learn in 2024
    • English. English is still one of the best languages to learn as it is the official dialect of significant countries such as New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. ...
    • Korean. ...
    • Mandarin Chinese. ...
    • 4. Japanese. ...
    • Portuguese. ...
    • French. ...
    • Indonesian. ...
    • Spanish.
    Feb 1, 2024

    Which programming language will be in demand in 2025? ›

    Python: The Versatile Vanguard

    As we peer into the future of programming, Python stands as a dominant force. In 2025, this language takes the lead, and others follow. The PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language chart reveals Python's impressive performance. A commanding 29.6% market share, with a +1.7% one-year trend.

    What is the easiest and hardest programming language? ›

    What are the most difficult and easiest programming languages to learn for you? Based on my experience, I find JavaScript, Java, and C++ the hardest languages to learn and master. So far the easiest one to understand is Python due to its syntax but I cannot truly say that I find it as one of the 'easiest'.

    What is the fastest growing coding language? ›

    Fastest-Growing Languages on GitHub
    • TypeScript. 37.8%
    • Lua. 34.2%
    • Go. 28.3%
    • Shell. 27.7%
    • Makefile. 23.7%
    • C. 23.5%
    • Kotlin. 22.9%
    • Python. 22.5%
    Nov 15, 2022

    Which programming language will survive in future? ›

    Future Programming Languages 2030
    Programming LanguagePrimary Use
    SQLDominant language for database management and manipulation
    PHPPrimarily used for server-side scripting in web development. Powers dynamic websites and applications.
    TypeScriptWeb Development, Enhancing JavaScript
    3 more rows
    Sep 4, 2024

    Is coding worth learning in 2024? ›

    2024 could be a big year in the tech world while all the AI, ML, Web3, and similar evolving faster than ever. If you're getting into coding, one of the first choices will be to learn a future-proof programming language that can bring you income over the next years.

    What is the best backend language for 2024? ›

    JavaScript is the most popular backend language in 2024. It is used by over 97% of websites, and it is also the language of choice for many popular frameworks, such as Node. js and Express. js.

    What is the most useful coding language to learn? ›

    Best programming languages to learn: JavaScript, Python, SQL, and Java top the list | Fortune Education.

    What is the most future proof programming language? ›

    Here's a rundown of the top 5 programming languages you should consider learning this year:
    • Python — The Unrivaled Leader. ...
    • JavaScript — The Web's Backbone. ...
    • Java — The Enterprise Mainstay. ...
    • Kotlin — The Modern Twist on Java. ...
    • Rust — The Rising Star for System Programming.
    Jan 20, 2024

    Which programming language will be most useful in 2030? ›

    Predictions for 2030
    • Python will continue to dominate, especially in research, data science, and AI, due to its vast ecosystem and ongoing development to improve performance.
    • JavaScript/TypeScript will remain essential for web development but will see competition from languages like Rust in WebAssembly contexts.
    Apr 11, 2024

    Which programming language should I learn for the next 10 years? ›

    Top 10 Programming Languages of the Future : An Overview
    Programming LanguagesKey Highlights
    HTML/CSSFundamental for web development, with continued relevance
    PythonVersatile, user-friendly, and popular for both development and data science.
    SQLCrucial for database management, with high usage among professional developers.
    7 more rows
    Feb 27, 2024

    What is the easiest programming language to learn in 2024? ›

    HTML, JavaScript, Python, PHP, and Ruby are considered the easiest programming languages to learn. They have relatively simple syntax and have readymade functions or libraries. This makes it pretty beginner-friendly and one of the most popular programming languages.

    What is the hardest programming language to master? ›

    What Is the Hardest Programming Language to Learn?
    • C++ The C++ programming language is one of the fastest and most powerful languages. ...
    • Haskell. Haskell is one of the hardest programming languages to learn as it is built on a mathematical logic system called lambda calculus. ...
    • LISP. ...
    • Malbolge. ...
    • HTML. ...
    • JavaScript.
    May 26, 2023

    What is the easiest and most used coding language? ›

    However, if you're an absolute beginner who's never written a line of code before, we think the best programming languages to learn right now are Python and JavaScript. They're the most popular as well as two of the simplest coding languages for total newbies.

    Is coding still worth it in 2024? ›

    The programming field in 2024 extends beyond mere coding. There's a burgeoning demand for professionals in areas such as DevOps, cybersecurity, data science, and AI ethics. These roles necessitate human expertise to interpret, strategize, and ensure the ethical deployment of technology.

    Is C still relevant in 2024? ›

    You might not need to ever use C for C programming, but its such an influential language that its worth learning for its cultural impact alone. Eg, any discussion about pointers, compilers, memory management, string handling, or systems programming is going to take place in the intellectual framework grounded by C.

    Will coding still be relevant in 2025? ›

    Is Coding Still Relevant in 2025? Yes, coding is still relevant; this will be no different in the next three years. However, programming assignment help and language syntax will continue to get more superficial. Initially, it consisted of simply punching holes in the cardboard.

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