10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (2024)

We are all busy people, right?

Not all of us are inclined to spend our free time finding coupons,clipping coupons, organizing coupons and carrying them around with us at all times.

It just isn’t praticall to commit tothat kind of time & dedication for many people.

So how can you save money on groceries if you don’t coupon?

There are several things you can do to save money on what you spend on food each week.
You probably use a lot of these strategies already, but maybe you might find one new idea to use!

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (2)

1. Don’t Shop This Week.

That’s right! Don’t shop this week. I bet if you take a look around your kitchen and freezer, you will find that you have more than enough to create a week’s worth of meals without going to the grocery store this week. Challenge yourself to use what you already have to menu plan for the week. Or at the very least, just shop for fresh fruit and veggies and other perishables you might run out of. I find we use our groceries better with very little waste when I shop every 2 weeks instead of every week.

2. Menu Plan.

As I mentioned yesterday, menu planning makes the best use of your grocery dollars by giving you a plan to follow that help you avoid quick runs to the grocery store at the last minute to grab things for meals or a trip to the drive-thru. You can read more about how I menu planhere.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (3)

3. Read the Flyers.

I know so many people who don’t check the flyers! The weekly sales flyers are delivered to my doorstep each week and I always make a list of the best deals that week so I can make my grocery dollars go further. Take some time to read the flyers. The best deals are always on the front pages, so even if you do a quick scan of the front page, you may seea deal that works for you.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (4)

4. Shop TheSales.

Shop the sales and stock up! When I say stock up, I don’t mean stock up with an extra can or two. I mean really stock up….like for 6 months to a year


If it’s something that can last fora long time…stock up if you have the room and the budget for it. For instance, I make soup a lot, sowhen I recently saw a great sale on chicken and beef broth, I purchased 20 cartons of each. { I typically use 3-4 cartons per soup.} Buy cases of things when they are on sale. February is National Canned Food Month, so some of the grocery stores are offering great prices on cases during this time.

5. Stock Your Pantry.

This goes along with reading the weekly sales flyers and stocking up on sales. Stock up your pantry with things you use all the time, so you are cooking from your pantry with things that were purchased on sale and at the best price. I have a pantry in my kitchen, but I also have a large shelf in my basem*nt to store overflow from my pantry. My pantry is so well stocked now that there are severalweeks that I don’t need to buy any pantry items. And if you live a distance from a grocery store….this will save you on gas and time as well!

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (5)

6. Discover the Discount Bin.

I shop at a grocery store that marks down perishables about to expire on a daily basis .In fact, it’s one of the reasons I shop there. One day in August, I shopped there after I dropped the kids off at school and here are the deals I came home with:

**Please note all the bright pink stickers say 50% off**

{except for the meat, which is 30% off}

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (6)

What did I do with everything?

The tortellini went into the freezer for meals and soups.

The green beans went into the freezer for meals and soups.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (7)

The red peppers {Canadian} were diced and put into the freezer for soups, casseroles, pizzas and stir frys.

I also do the same thing with green and yellow peppers, mushrooms and onions.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (8)

The blueberries were the best deal…. less than a $1 a pound and they were Canadian blueberries.

Do you know what you pay for a small little bag of blueberries from the freezer section of the grocery store… a lot more!

To prepare the berries, I picked out the bad ones, washed them, scooped them into freezer bagsand then filled my freezer with these yummy berries.

I also do this with raspberries,strawberries and cranberrieswhen they are marked down.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (9)

I used some of the blueberries to make a delicious blueberry and peach cobbler for dessert that night too!

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (10)

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (11)

I used the pork, some of the red peppers and the green beans to make a delicious stir fry for dinner that night.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (12)

And I don’t like cutting up cantaloupe and honeydew….even though I knowthat buying the whole fruit and cutting it up yourself saves money.

So when I see these ready to eat fruit trays marked down, I scoop them up for desserts and school lunches.

$4.99 for this cut up fruit….yes please!

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (13)

This brings me to another way to save money on groceries.

7. Make Friends with Your Freezer.

Your freezer can be so useful! Not just for buying frozen foods, but for also taking fresh foods and preparing them for the freezer yourself. And often it takes so little time!

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (14)

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (15)

8. Buy in bulk.

Recently it was Chinese New Year, soa lotof Asian foods were on sale. So I picked up an 8 kg of thai jasmine rice for a great price…it’s one of our favourites. This saves so much instead of buying little bags of rice over and over again at a higher price.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (16)

9. Do ‘Big Cooks’ or “Batch Cooking’.

Use your freezer to create your own convenience foods. Make double batches of soup so you have some to freezer for another time. When you cook rice, cook double the amount you need and put the extra in the freezer for another meal. There are a ton of blogs and websites that have terrific ideas and recipes for freezer meals. Take some time and find some recipes that your family likes.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (17)

10. Plant a fruit tree or join a “Fruit Rescue”.

The previous owner of our home planted an appletree and we get so many yummy apples from that one littletree. They aren’t very big, but they sure are good and the perfect size for the kids lunches.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (18)

And again, I make good use of my freezer and use our fresh apples to make ‘apple pie kits’.

I just add cinnamon and sugar with the sliced apples and freeze in freezer bags, and I have a ‘kit’ readyto go into the pie or apple crisp.

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (19)

My city also has a ‘fruit rescue’ organization that I belong to.

Residents of the city who have fruit trees or bushes and are not able to harvest the fruit call the ‘fruit rescue’ who thenorganizesvolunteers to harvest the fruit. A third of the fruit goes to the homeowner, a third to the food bank, and a third goes to the harvesters.

This isa great way to do a good service to your community and take home free fruit.


How about you?

What are some strategies that you use to save money on groceries without couponing?

Make sure you come back tomorrow when I share some helpful ideas for revolutionizing your laundry!

Don’t forget to check out these otherhelpful posts:

CreatingA Family Documents Binder

Revolutionize Your Laundry Routine

5 Easy Steps To Meal Planning

5 Easy Steps to Packing School Lunches

Organizing A Kitchen Into Zones

And have a peek at these boards on Pinterest:

10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (20)


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10 Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries Without Couponing - Echoes of Laughter (2024)


What is a good strategy to spend less on groceries? ›

Make a meal plan.

Make a meal plan and a grocery list before you ever leave the house. Look to see what you already have in the fridge, pantry and freezer while you plan. Use the sales ad and any coupons you have when you make your plan—so you know you're getting the best deals all around.

How can people save more money on groceries? ›

Buy items on sale

Supermarkets are always running various promotions that can help you save on everything from staples, like milk and eggs, to sweets, like ice cream and cookies. Consider buying items on sale whenever possible, especially if the cost is normally high.

How can I spend the least amount of money on groceries? ›

17 ways to save money on groceries
  1. Make a meal plan.
  2. Shop alone if you can.
  3. Shop during the quietest days of the week.
  4. Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
  5. Buy generic products.
  6. Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
  7. Stick to the store's perimeter.
  8. Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

How do people save so much money couponing? ›

Extreme couponers don't buy an item when they need it -- they buy it when they can get it at the lowest price. These savvy shoppers then stock up when the going's good (and cheap), so they save money in the long run.

How to live off $150 a month for food? ›

How can I make the most of my grocery budget when eating on $150 a month? To make the most of your grocery budget, focus on buying staple items like rice, beans, pasta, and frozen vegetables. These items are affordable and versatile, allowing you to create a variety of meals.

How can I spend less than 20 a week on groceries? ›

Your Shopping List
  1. 1 bag of dried beans: $1.49.
  2. 2 pounds of chicken breast: $3.76.
  3. 1 jar of peanut butter: $1.98.
  4. 1 jar of jelly: $1.79.
  5. 1 loaf of whole wheat bread: $1.63.
  6. 1 dozen eggs: $1.26.
  7. 1 container of oatmeal: $1.35.
  8. 1 bag of dried lentils: $1.39.

What is the 6 to 1 grocery method? ›

The 6-to-1 Grocery Method is a basic calculation (we're talking elementary-level math, basically counting), to plan your weekly grocery shop. Here's the system: Fill your grocery cart with six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one "fun" item for yourself.

How to save 200 a month on groceries? ›

How To Save $200 on Your Grocery Bill Every Month
  1. Plan Your Meals Around Savings. ...
  2. Join a Loyalty Rewards Program. ...
  3. Always Buy Generic. ...
  4. Swap Meat for Plant-Based Protein a Few Times a Week. ...
  5. Use a Cash-Back App.
Aug 1, 2023

How to keep food costs down? ›

Avoid convenience foods: Pre-packaged convenience foods like frozen meals or individually wrapped snacks tend to be more expensive. Opt for fresh ingredients and prepare your meals from scratch whenever possible. Reduce food waste: Be mindful of food waste by properly storing and using leftovers.

What groceries to buy for a month? ›

Here's what we're stocking up on right now:
  • Pasta! All shapes—linguine, fettuccine, spaghetti, penne, and rigatoni are our faves. ...
  • Other grains. ...
  • Canned goods. ...
  • Dry goods! ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Dairy! ...
  • Fresh vegetables that last: cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes and sweet potatoes last and last, so we're loading up. ...
  • Frozen veggies.

Is Aldi cheaper than Walmart? ›

Regardless, the prices don't lie. Aldi is considerably cheaper than Walmart in almost every instance (or they were about the same).

What is illegal couponing? ›

Coupon fraud is the use of fake coupons, or the misuse of actual coupons, to derive more value from a promotion than someone would usually be entitled to. This can include using a coupon multiple times, changing its value or expiration date, or redeeming it for the wrong (or even no) product.

How to coupon for free? ›

How can I get free coupons online?
  1. 1.) Sign up for Kellogg's Family Rewards.
  2. 2.) Sign up for Vocalpoint.
  3. 3.) Email companies directly.
  4. 4.) Get printable coupons mailed to your home.
  5. 5.) ' Like' your favorite brands on Facebook.
  6. 6.) Sign up for Birthday Freebies.
Mar 28, 2024

Do extreme couponers really save money? ›

Extreme couponing involves combining multiple coupons and store sales. You may be able to get some items for free or for pennies on the dollar. Extreme couponing isn't always worth it, because it takes time to find deals and visit multiple stores -- plus, you have to find space to keep the items you buy.

How do I stop overspending at the grocery store? ›

Overspending on Groceries? Here's How to Change That.
  1. Shop your pantry first.
  2. Befriend your butcher.
  3. Freeze, pickle or ferment.
  4. Switch to store-branded products.
  5. Store food in portions.
  6. Pay with a cash back credit card.
Feb 2, 2024

How do you simplify grocery shopping? ›

In Chef Will Coleman's 6 to 1 grocery shopping method, shoppers purchase six vegetables, five fruits, four protein sources, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one item just for fun. This system simplifies shopping, reduces waste, and saves money.

How to cut grocery bill by 90 percent? ›

What's Ahead:
  1. Shop at discount grocery stores like Aldi or Trader Joes.
  2. Compare prices between stores — even if it means driving to a few different ones at first.
  3. Plan your meals for the week based on what's on sale.
  4. Clip coupons and look for discount codes.
  5. Always, always, always eat your leftovers.
Sep 11, 2023

How do you beat inflation and save on groceries? ›

14 Savvy Ways to Fight Price Inflation
  1. Comparison Shop Before You Head to the Grocery Store. ...
  2. Do Meal Prep. ...
  3. Minimize Food Waste. ...
  4. Shop Your Pantry. ...
  5. Choose Store Brands Over Name Brands. ...
  6. Buy in Bulk. ...
  7. Cut Back on Meat. ...
  8. Save Money on Produce.
Feb 7, 2024

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.