02. Unleashing the Power of Python Strings: From Basics to Advanced Manipulation (2024)


Strings are fundamental data types in Python, used for representing and manipulating text data.In Python, strings are sequences of characters enclosed in either single or double quotes.They are immutable, meaning their contents cannot be changed after creation. However, new strings can be generated through operations like concatenation and slicing. Python provides a rich set of string manipulation functions and methods, including upper(), lower(), and title() for changing character case, replace() for modifying substrings, find() for searching for substrings, and count() for counting occurrences of specific characters or substrings.

String formatting in Python is facilitated by the format() method and f-strings (formatted string literals). The format() method allows us to create strings with placeholders that are filled with values. We can use both positional and keyword arguments and apply formatting to control the display of values. F-strings, introduced in Python 3.6, offer a concise and readable way to embed expressions and variables within string literals. They are widely used in Python for dynamic string formatting, improving code readability, and enhancing string manipulation capabilities.

Understanding string manipulation and formatting is essential for working with text data in Python, enabling the creation of user-friendly output, text templating, and various data processing tasks.


In Python programming language, a string is a sequence of characters.It is used to represent textual data such as words, sentences, and paragraphs.

In Python, a string is created by enclosing a sequence of characters within quotes.The quotes can be single quotes (‘…’) or double quotes (“…”).

Strings in Python are immutable, which means that once a string is created, its contents cannot be changed.However, we can create a new string by concatenating or slicing existing strings.

Python provides a wide range of string manipulation functions and methods that we can use to perform various operations on strings, such as concatenation, splitting, stripping, formatting, and more.

Hello World!

In Python, both double quotation marks (") and single quotation marks (') can be used to create string literals. The choice of using one over the other is mainly a matter of style and personal preference. Both forms are equivalent, and Python treats them the same way.

For example, both of the following lines create a string containing the text “Hello World!”:

string1 = "Hello World!"string2 = 'Hello World!' 

We can use either double or single quotation marks to define string literals because Python allows both, and they serve the same purpose.This flexibility provides convenience when we need to include one type of quotation mark within a string that is defined with the other type.

For example, if we want to include a single quotation mark within a string, we can define the string using double quotation marks:

message = "She said, 'Hello World!'" 

Conversely, if we need to include double quotation marks within a string, we can define the string using single quotation marks:

message = 'He exclaimed, "Hello World!"' 

String with Digits, Spaces and Specific Characters

The following code snippets are examples of string literals in Python, and they demonstrate two different types of strings: one with digits and spaces and another with specific characters. Let’s break down each string:

'3 6 9 2 6 8' 

This string contains a sequence of digits (3, 6, 9, 2, 6, and 8) separated by space characters. It’s a simple representation of numbers and spaces as text. We can use this string to store and manipulate numeric data as text, or we can split it to extract individual numbers as needed.

For example, to split this string into a list of numbers, we can use the split method:

string_with_digits_and_spaces = '3 6 9 2 6 8'numbers = string_with_digits_and_spaces.split()print(numbers) # Output: ['3', '6', '9', '2', '6', '8'] 

This following string contains a mix of specific characters, including symbols, digits, and special characters. It’s a representation of non-alphanumeric characters and can be used for various purposes, such as storing or processing text data that includes symbols.


We can iterate through the characters in this string and classify them based on their properties. For example, we can determine whether each character is alphanumeric, alphabetic, or a special character:

string_with_specific_characters = '@#5_]*$%^&'for char in string_with_specific_characters: if char.isalnum(): print(f"Alphanumeric character: {char}") elif char.isalpha(): print(f"Alphabetic character: {char}") else: print(f"Special character: {char}") 

The code above classifies each character based on whether it’s alphanumeric (letters or digits), alphabetic (letters), or a special character and output of the above code is as follows:

Output:Special character: @Special character: #Alphanumeric character: 5Special character: _Special character: ]Special character: *Special character: $Special character: %Special character: ^Special character: & 

These code snippets demonstrate the flexibility of Python strings, which can store various types of text data, including numbers, symbols, and special characters, and can be manipulated and analyzed as needed in our Python code.

In the following code snippet, we are assigning the string 'Hello World!' to a variable named message.

message = 'Hello World!'message # 'Hello World!' 

Here’s a breakdown of what this code does:

message = 'Hello World!': This line of code creates a variable named message and assigns it the value 'Hello World!'.In Python, single or double quotation marks can be used to define string literals.

message: When we reference the message variable, it contains the string 'Hello World!'.

So, after executing this code, the variable message holds the string 'Hello World!', and we can use this variable in our code to work with the stored text, print it, manipulate it, or perform any other operations we need with strings. For example, we can print the message using print(message) to display "Hello World!" as output.

Indexing of a string

The following code assigns the string "Hello World!" to the variable message, and then it attempts to access characters at two different indices within the string.

message = "Hello World!"message[0] # 'H'message[8] # 'r' 

Here’s a breakdown of what each line does:

message = "Hello World!": This line assigns the string "Hello World!" to the variable message.

message[0]: This line attempts to access and retrieve the character at index 0 in the string "Hello World!". In Python, strings are zero-indexed, so the character at index 0 is the first character in the string, which is 'H'.

If we print message[0], it will output the first character, which is 'H':

message[8]: This line attempts to access and retrieve the character at index 8 in the string. In Python, this corresponds to 9th character of the string "Hello World!".If we print message[8], it will output the 'r' character:

So, the code first accesses and prints the character at index 0, which is 'H', and then accesses and prints the character at index 8, which is 'r'.

The len(message) code calculates and returns the length of the string stored in the variable message.


In the context of our previous code where message is assigned the string "Hello World!", the length of the string is the number of characters in the string, including spaces and punctuation. In this case, the length of the string is 12 characters.

If we execute len(message), it will return the value 12, which is the length of the string "Hello World!".This is a common operation in Python when we need to determine the number of characters in a string.

The following expression message[11] attempts to access and retrieve the character at index 11 within the string stored in the variable message.

message[11] # '!' 

In Python, strings are zero-indexed, meaning the first character has an index of 0, the second character has an index of 1, and so on. Therefore, when we access index 11 in the string "Hello World!", it corresponds to the exclamation mark character ('!') at the end of the string.

Negative indexing of a string

The following expression message[-1] attempts to access and retrieve the last character of the string stored in the variable message.


In Python, negative indices are used to count from the end of the string. -1 corresponds to the last character, -2 to the second-to-last character, and so on. Therefore, when we access -1 in the string "Hello World!", it refers to the exclamation mark character ('!') at the end of the string.

The following expression message[-12] attempts to access and retrieve the character at index -12 within the string stored in the variable message.

message[-12] # 'H' 

When we use an index like -12, we are trying to access the first character that is equal to the length of the string. In the string "Hello World!", there are only 12 characters, so there is a character at index -12, which is 'H'.

Slicing of a string

The following code uses Python’s string slicing to extract substrings from the message string, which is set to "Hello World!".String slicing is a way to extract a portion of a string by specifying the start and end indices.


Let’s break down the two lines of code:

message[0:5]: This slice extracts the characters starting from index 0 (inclusive) up to, but not including, index 5. In other words, it includes the characters at indices 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

message[0:5] returns the substring 'Hello'.

message[6:12]: This slice extracts the characters starting from index 6 (inclusive) up to, but not including, index 12. It includes the characters at indices 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.

message[6:12] returns the substring 'World!'.

So, when we execute these lines of code, we will get two substrings: 'Hello' and 'World!', which are parts of the original string "Hello World!".

Striding in a string

The following code uses Python’s string slicing with extended slicing options to extract substrings from the message string, which is set to "Hello World!". String slicing with :: allows we to specify a step value, which determines how many characters are skipped in each step.


Here’s how it works for the given code:

message[::2]: This slice starts at the beginning (index 0), ends at the end of the string, and takes every second character along the way.

message[::2] returns the string 'HloWrd'.

message[0:6:2]: This slice starts at index 0, ends at index 6, and takes every second character in that range.

message[0:6:2] returns the string 'Hlo'.

In both cases, the step value of 2 causes every second character to be included in the resulting substring.

Concatenate of strings

The following code concatenates two strings, message and question, using the + operator to create a new string named statement.

Here’s how the code works:

message = 'Hello World!': This line assigns the string 'Hello World!' to the variable message.

question = ' How many people are living on the earth?': This line assigns the string ' How many people are living on the earth?' to the variable question.

statement = message + question: This line concatenates the strings stored in the variables message and question using the + operator. This operation results in a new string, and that string is assigned to the variable statement.

The result of this concatenation is that the two strings are joined together to form a single string:

statement contains the value 'Hello World! How many people are living on the earth?'.

So, statement is a new string that combines the contents of message and question, and it contains the complete message: "Hello World! How many people are living on the earth?"

The following expression 4 * " Hello World!" uses the * operator to repeat the string " Hello World!" four times. This operation results in a new string created by repeating the original string four times.

4 * " Hello World!" 

So, 4 * " Hello World!" evaluates to the string:

' Hello World! Hello World! Hello World! Hello World!' 

It concatenates four copies of the string " Hello World!" together, and each copy is separated by a space.

Escape sequences

The following codes demonstrate the use of escape sequences in Python strings.Escape sequences are special character combinations used to represent non-printable or special characters within a string.Here’s an explanation of each of the escape sequences and examples from our code:

New Line Escape Sequence (\n)

\n represents a new line. When we include \n in a string, it creates a line break.


print('Hello World! \nHow many people are living on the earth?')Output:Hello World!How many people are living on the earth? 

Tab Escape Sequence (\t)

\t represents a tab character. When we include \t in a string, it creates a horizontal tab or indentation.


print('Hello World! \tHow many people are living on the earth?')Output:Hello World! How many people are living on the earth? 

Backslash in a String (\\)

To include a literal backslash in a string, we need to escape it with another backslash.


print('Hello World! \\ How many people are living on the earth?')Output:Hello World! \ How many people are living on the earth? 

Raw String (r Prefix)

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When we prefix a string with r, it creates a raw string, meaning that escape sequences are treated as literal characters.


print(r'Hello World! \ How many people are living on the earth?')Output:Hello World! \ How many people are living on the earth? 

In Python, escape sequences are commonly used to represent characters that can’t be directly typed as-is in a string or to format text in specific ways (e.g., with newlines or tabs). The r prefix is often used for regular expressions and file paths to prevent escape sequences from being interpreted.

String operations

upper(), lower() and title() methods

The following codes demonstrate how to manipulate the case of characters in a string using various string methods in Python.

message = 'hello python!'message_upper = message.upper()message_lower = message.lower()message_title = message.title() 
print('Before uppercase: ', message)print('After uppercase: ', message_upper)print('Again lowercase: ', message_lower)print('The first element of the string is uppercase: ', message_title) 

Here’s an explanation of each part of the code:

message = 'hello python!': This line assigns the string 'hello python!' to the variable message.

message.upper(): It converts all the characters in the message string to uppercase using the upper() method and stores the result in a new string message_upper.

message.lower(): It converts all the characters in the message string to lowercase using the lower() method and stores the result in a new string message_lower.

message.title(): It converts the message string into title case, where the first letter of each word is capitalized and the rest are in lowercase, using the title() method. The result is stored in a new string message_title.

The print statements display the original string and the modified strings to the console to illustrate the different case transformations.

When we run this code, we will see the following output:

Before uppercase: hello python!After uppercase: HELLO PYTHON!Again lowercase: hello python!The first element of the string is uppercase: Hello Python! 

replace() method

The following code uses the replace() method to modify a string by replacing specific substrings with other substrings.

message = 'Hello Python!'message_hi = message.replace('Hello', 'Hi')message_python = message.replace('Python', 'World')message_himessage_python 

Here’s a breakdown of what the code does:

message = 'Hello Python!': This line assigns the string 'Hello Python!' to the variable message.

message.replace('Hello', 'Hi'): The replace() method is called on the message string to replace all occurrences of the substring 'Hello' with 'Hi'. This creates a new string, which is assigned to the variable message_hi. After this operation, message_hi contains 'Hi Python!'.

message.replace('Python', 'World'): The replace() method is called on the message string to replace all occurrences of the substring 'Python' with 'World'. This creates another new string, which is assigned to the variable message_python. After this operation, message_python contains 'Hello World!'.

message_hi and message_python are variables that now hold the modified versions of the original string.

When we print message_hi and message_python, we will see the following output:

'Hi Python!''Hello World!' 

find() method

The find() method in Python is used to locate the index (position) of a substring within a given string.

message = 'Hello World!'message.find('Wo')message.find('World!')message.find('cndsjnd') 

Here’s how it works for the above code:

message = 'Hello World!': This line assigns the string 'Hello World!' to the variable message.

message.find('Wo'): The find() method is called on the message string to search for the substring 'Wo'. If the substring is found, it returns the index (position) of the first occurrence of the substring. If it's not found, it returns -1. The substring 'Wo' is found in the string, starting at index 6 (remember, Python uses 0-based indexing). Therefore, message.find('Wo') returns 6.

message.find('World!'): The find() method is called to search for the substring 'World!'. In this case, the substring is found in the string starting at index 6. message.find('World!') returns 6.

message.find('cndsjnd'): The find() method is called to search for the substring 'cndsjnd'. This substring is not present in the message string. Since 'cndsjnd' is not found in the string, message.find('cndsjnd') returns -1.

find(), replace(), lower(), capitalize() and casefold() methods

The following codes shows the use of various string methods in Python on the string 'Hello AI Era'.

text = 'Hello AI Era'text.find('Era')text.replace('Era', 'World')text.lower()text.capitalize()text.casefold() 

Let’s break down what each method does:

text.find('Era'): The find() method is used to search for the first occurrence of the substring 'Era' in the string text. If found, it returns the index (position) of the first character of that substring. In this case, the substring 'Era' is found in 'Hello AI Era', so text.find('Era') returns 9. The result is not stored in a variable.

text.replace('Era', 'World'): The replace() method is used to replace all occurrences of the substring 'Era' with 'World' in the text string. This method doesn't modify the original string and creates a new string with the replacements. After this operation, it returns 'Hello AI World'. The result is not stored in a variable.

text.lower(): The lower() method is used to convert all characters in the text string to lowercase. This method doesn't modify the original string and creates a new string with all lowercase characters ('hello ai era'). The result is not stored in a variable.

text.capitalize(): The capitalize() method is used to capitalize the first letter of the text string, making the rest of the string lowercase. This method doesn't modify the original string and creates a new string with the capitalization applied ('Hello ai era'). The result is not stored in a variable. The result is not stored in a variable.

text.casefold(): The casefold() method is used to convert all characters in the text string to lowercase and performs additional aggressive lowercase conversion for special characters. This method is primarily used for case-insensitive string comparisons. This method doesn't modify the original string but creates a new string with all lowercase characters ('hello ai era'). The result is not stored in a variable.

In summary, the code demonstrates how these string methods work on the text string, but the results of these operations are not stored in variables, so they are not accessible for further use.

center() method

The following code uses the center() method to create a new string that is centered within a specified width and padded with a specified character (in this case, the character '-').

message = 'Hallo Leute!'message.center(50, '-') 

Here’s a breakdown of the code:

message = 'Hallo Leute!': This line assigns the string 'Hallo Leute!' to the variable message.

message.center(50, '-'): The center() method is called on the message string. It takes two arguments: The first argument is the width of the new string, which is set to 50 in this case. The second argument is the character to use for padding, which is '-'.

The center() method creates a new string by centering the original string within the specified width and padding it with the specified character. In this case, the result is a new string that is centered within a width of 50 characters and padded with dashes ('-') on both sides.

The result of message.center(50, '-') is:

'-------------------Hallo Leute!-------------------' 

The original string, 'Hallo Leute!', is centered within a width of 50 characters, and dashes are used for padding on both sides to fill the remaining space.

count() method

The following code uses the count() method to count the number of times a specific character or substring appears in a string.


Here, the code counts the number of times the character 'l' appears in the string text.

text.count('l'): This line uses the count() method to count the occurrences of the character 'l' in the string text. The method returns the count of how many times the specified character appears in the string.

If the original string text is 'Hallo Leute!', and we execute text.count('l'), it will return the count of how many times the character 'l' appears in the string, which is 2: In this case, the character 'l' appears 2 times in the string 'Hallo Leute!'.

format() method

The format() method in Python is used for string formatting and allows us to create strings with placeholders that can be filled with values. This method is particularly useful for constructing dynamic strings, including formatted output and text templating.

Here’s an overview of how the format() method works:

Basic Usage

The format() method is called on a string and takes one or more arguments (values) as placeholders. These placeholders are represented by curly braces {} within the string. The format() method replaces the placeholders with the values provided as arguments.

# Basic usagetemplate = "Hello, {}!"name = "Alice"formatted_string = template.format(name) 

In this example, the {} placeholder in the template string is replaced with the value of the name variable.

Positional and Keyword Arguments

We can use positional arguments to specify the order in which values are inserted into the string, or we can use keyword arguments to specify which placeholder should be filled with each value.

# Positional and keyword argumentstemplate = "My name is {0} and I am {1} years old."formatted_string = template.format("Mustafa", 33)# Using keyword argumentstemplate = "My name is {name} and I am {age} years old."formatted_string = template.format(name="Ali", age=25) 

Formatting Values

We can apply formatting options to the placeholders to control how the values are displayed. For example, we can specify the number of decimal places for a floating-point number or format a date.

# Formatting valuestemplate = "Pi value is approximately: {:.2f}"pi = 3.14159265359formatted_string = template.format(pi) 

Accessing Dictionary Values

We can access values from a dictionary by using the dictionary keys as placeholders within the string.

# Accessing dictionary valuesdata = {"name": "Mustafa", "age": 33}template = "My name is {name} and I am {age} years old."formatted_string = template.format(**data) 

Named Placeholders

We can use named placeholders to make the code more readable and self-explanatory.

# Named placeholderstemplate = "Hello, {name}! Your favorite color is {color}."values = {"name": "Mustafa", "color": "green"}formatted_string = template.format(**values) 

The format() method is a versatile and powerful tool for creating structured, dynamic strings in Python. It's widely used in various contexts, including generating reports, formatting messages, and producing user-friendly output.


In Python, f-strings (formatted string literals) are a way to embed expressions inside string literals, using curly braces {} to enclose the expressions. These expressions are evaluated at runtime and their values are inserted into the string. F-strings were introduced in Python 3.6 and provide a more concise and readable way to format strings compared to older methods like % formatting or the str.format() method.

Here’s how we can use f-strings in Python:

Basic Usage

We can create an f-string by prefixing a string literal with the letter ‘f’ or ‘F’. Inside the f-string, we can include expressions enclosed in curly braces {}:

name = "Mustafa"age = 33print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.")Output: My name is Mustafa and I am 33 years old. 

Expressions inside f-strings:

F-strings can contain variables, expressions, and even function calls:

x = 5y = 10result = f"The sum of {x} and {y} is {x + y}."print(result)Output: The sum of 5 and 10 is 15. 

Formatting with f-strings

We can also apply formatting to values inside f-strings. For example, we can specify the number of decimal places for a float using f-strings:

price = 45.99print(f"The price is ${price:.2f}")Output: The price is $45.99 

Escaping curly braces

To include literal curly braces in an f-string, we can double them up:

text = f"{{This is in braces}}"print(text)Output: {This is in braces} 

F-strings are a powerful and convenient way to format strings in Python, making our code more readable and expressive. They are widely used for creating dynamic strings in various contexts, including formatting output, SQL queries, and more.


In conclusion, this text provides a comprehensive overview of Python strings and various string manipulation techniques. It starts by explaining the fundamental concept of strings, their creation using single or double quotes, and their immutability. The text also highlights the wide range of string manipulation functions and methods available in Python, such as concatenation, splitting, and formatting.

It then discusses the flexibility in choosing between single and double quotation marks for string creation and how both are equivalent in Python. This flexibility allows for ease in handling strings that contain quotation marks of the opposite type.

The text also explores different types of strings, including those containing digits and spaces, and those with specific characters. Examples are provided to demonstrate splitting and character classification.

The subsequent sections delve into string indexing, both positive and negative, showcasing how to access characters at specific positions. Slicing is also covered, explaining how to extract substrings from the original string. Additionally, striding, which allows the extraction of substrings at regular intervals, is demonstrated.

The discussion of string concatenation shows how to join multiple strings together and create new strings. Escape sequences are introduced, demonstrating how to represent special characters and control formatting, including new lines and tabs.

Finally, various string operations are showcased, such as changing the case of characters using upper(), lower(), and title() methods, as well as advanced case conversion with casefold(). Additionally, the replace() method is used to modify strings, the find() method is employed to search for substrings, and the count() method counts occurrences of specific characters. The text concludes by explaining how to use the format() method and f-strings to format strings dynamically, enhancing readability and expressiveness.

Overall, this text provides a comprehensive understanding of Python strings and equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to manipulate and work with strings effectively in Python.


02. Unleashing the Power of Python Strings: From Basics to Advanced Manipulation (2024)


What is Python string manipulation? ›

In conclusion, string manipulation in Python involves various operations to modify and process strings, including altering case, concatenating, slicing, searching, and formatting. These operations are essential for text processing, data manipulation, and generating dynamic content in Python programs.

What is basic about string manipulation? ›

String Manipulation is a class of problems where a user is asked to process a given string and use/change its data. An example question would be a great way to understand the problems that are usually classified under this category.

How to do the power of something in Python? ›

Python offers multiple ways to calculate exponents: **: The double asterisk operator (**) is the simplest and basic option for exponentiation. For example, x ** y computes x raised to the power of y .

Which Python function is used to manipulate strings: sum() len() max() split()? ›

The string manipulation function in Python used to break down a bigger string into several smaller strings is called the split() function in Python. The split() function returns the strings as a list.

Why is Python good for data manipulation? ›

An Easy Learning Curve

Python is known for its simple syntax and readability, which is a major benefit. It cuts down the time data analysts otherwise spend familiarising themselves with a programming language.

How do Python strings work? ›

String literals inside triple quotes, """ or ''', can span multiple lines of text. Python strings are "immutable" which means they cannot be changed after they are created (Java strings also use this immutable style). Since strings can't be changed, we construct *new* strings as we go to represent computed values.

Why do we need string manipulation? ›

Here's why: Efficient Data Processing: String manipulation skills enable programmers to process and manipulate text data efficiently. In a data-driven world, the ability to work with strings effectively allows for smoother data handling and analysis.

What are the five string manipulation functions? ›

Work of Function

strlen() computes string's length strcpy() copies a string to another strcat() concatenates(joins) two strings strcmp() compares two strings strlwr() converts string to lowercase strupr() converts string to uppercase Strings handling functions are defined under "string.

What is the basics of string? ›

A string is generally considered as a data type and is often implemented as an array data structure of bytes (or words) that stores a sequence of elements, typically characters, using some character encoding. String may also denote more general arrays or other sequence (or list) data types and structures.

What is the power of Python language? ›

Ease of Learning and Readability

Python's syntax is designed to be intuitive and mirrors the English language, which significantly eases the learning curve for new programmers. Its clear syntax allows developers to read and write code more efficiently, which is particularly beneficial for beginners.

What is the power rule in Python? ›

Power rule: The power rule states that if f(x) = x^n, where n is a constant, then the derivative f'(x) is given by f'(x) = n * x^(n-1).

What is the power method in Python? ›

pow() method returns the value of x raised to power y. If x is negative and y is not an integer, it returns a ValueError. This method converts both arguments into a float. Tip: If we use math.

How to manipulate strings in Python? ›

We use the join() method on the delimiter variable, passing in the my_list list as an argument. The join() method joins the strings in the my_list list together with the delimiter between them and returns a new string called result. Finally, we print out the result string using the print() function.

What are the basic string operations in Python? ›

Let us consider the basic String operations one by one.
  • Accessing characters by index in a string.
  • Inserting Character/String into an String.
  • Modifying character in String.
  • Deletion of character in String.
  • Concatenating strings (combining multiple strings into one).
  • Finding the length/size of a string.
May 8, 2024

Does Len () work on strings Python? ›

Python len() function also works with strings. It returns the count i.e. number of characters of that string. If there exists any space between 2 words in a string of characters, then the len() function will also include it in the count.

What is string manipulation instruction? ›

A series of data byte or word available in memory at consecutive locations, to be referred as Byte String or Word String. A String of characters may be located in consecutive memory locations, where each character may be represented by its ASCII equivalent.

What are manipulators in Python? ›

manipulator mainly exposes three functions, get, update, and set. get retrieves data, update transforms it based on its form, and set transforms it by simply resetting. Transformations can be applied in place or on a copy. The default is in place, because copying is expensive.

What is string manipulation in computing? ›

A string. These characters can include numbers, letters and symbols. is a variable. that holds a sequence of one or more alphanumeric characters. It is usually possible to manipulate a string to provide information or to alter the contents of a string.

What is manipulating files in Python? ›

File system manipulation in Python refers to the ability to perform various operations on files, such as creating, reading, writing, appending, renaming, and deleting. Python provides several built-in modules and functions that allow you to perform various file system operations.

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Article information

Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 6146

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.